  • Bursitis of the knee joint: symptoms, causes and treatment

    In the knee joint, as in other joints, there are articular bags, the inflammation of which is called bursitis and is accompanied by the accumulation of fluid.

    Often, it can become inflamed and lead to the development of a purulent process, then the disease will have to be treated in a hospital.

    The process can go into a chronic course, due to permanent injuries and the lack of adequate treatment.

    Causes of

    The causes of the onset of the disease are simple - trauma and infection, and along with ulnar, knee joint bursitis can be a professional disease.

    Often doctors detect illness in athletes of professionals or persons whose profession is associated with loads on their knees. Violation of salt metabolism in the body can cause stone or calcareous bursitis. Possible cause may be an allergic reaction or intoxication of the body.

    Infrathotely bursitis is considered a visiting card of hockey goalkeepers, they often get injured, especially when the puck is struck. The tumor in such cases can be up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
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    There is also a third bursa( it is called goose, since it is located near the anatomical formation - goose paw), it is located on the inner surface, below the knee joint. This bag most often inflames in ladies( they are in order to show the beauty of their feet, put them one on one, which then leads to bursitis).

    Also this option is observed in people who are overweight. A characteristic complaint with this is pain in the knee when climbing or descending the stairs.

    Symptoms of bursitis of the knee joint

    The most commonly inflamed bag is located on top of the patella, this is pre-patellar bursitis, it is found most often.

    There is also the infra-patellar( the bag is at the bottom of the kneecap), it is also called the "knee of a nun" and often develops in people who are often forced to kneel. As a rule, the doctor of a polyclinic is engaged in treatment of prepatellar bursitis.

    At the initial stage of the development of bursitis symptoms, the knee joint increases significantly, but strangely enough, there is no pain, and you can walk without any discomfort. Then redness appears on the skin surface. Locally, the temperature rises above the affected joint. In case of concomitant infection, the body temperature also increases significantly.

    Movement becomes limited with the appearance of pain, this circumstance causes the person to consult a doctor. In addition to chills, it also develops intoxication of the body, and the symptoms of bursitis, meanwhile, intensify.

    If adequate treatment has not yet occurred, bursitis of the knee joint may become purulent. In this case, the doctor should hurry immediately or there is a big chance to become an invalid.

    See also, bursitis of the shoulder joint and bursitis of the elbow joint.

    Treatment of bursitis of the knee joint

    It's not for nothing that specialists call the infratellular bursitis "the knee of the jumper" or "the knee of the nun."And the first thing with which the treatment of bursitis of the knee joint begins, this application of ice to the knee( reduce edema and reduce inflammation), it is necessary to provide the joint with complete rest, along with these methods, anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

    In difficult cases, a puncture of hormones is indicated in the joint( usually a corticosteroid drug).And the process of treatment itself needs to be done in a polyclinic.

    With a large accumulation of fluid, a puncture( puncture) of the bursa and rinsing of its cavity with solutions of antiseptics is used. In the case of purulent bursitis treatment is unequivocally timely, in this version, the puncture may not be enough, then the process will have to be opened. A pressure bandage is applied to the puncture site.

    Without the lack of adequate treatment for knee bursitis, which can only be prescribed by a doctor, the process can become chronic, then the treatment will be longer.

    In addition to painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, in case of infection, antibiotics are used. Most often antibacterial drugs are used after the puncture of the synovial bag for rinsing the cavity, but they can also be applied either inside or in the form of injections.

    Locally used anti-inflammatory gels and ointments in the form of compresses. Also, the positive effect on the joint is provided by a massage, it allows the excess fluid to flow out better from the synovial bag. Physiotherapeutic treatment, in particular UVS or sollyx( light treatment) has a good effect.

    The radical method of treatment still remains an operation, when using a scalpel the doctor completely removes the inflamed synovial bag. It is removed comprehensively and sometimes it should not be opened and the operation is called a bursectomy and performed by a physician as a traumatologist.

    Prevention of bursitis is of paramount importance

    In order for the knees to be attractive for years to come and not cause problems in the form of bursitis, they should be protected.

    Knee pads will help minimize injury to the joint and bag, and prevent damage to the skin. It is the wounds and abrasions that often become the gateway to infection, which leads to the development of purulent bursitis.

    Also, when there is swelling in the area of ​​the knee joint, you should not tolerate and wait that everything will pass. Coping with bursitis at an early stage is much easier than treating it in a neglected state.

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