  • Inhalation

    Inhalation is a method of administering drugs through the respiratory tract by inhalation. Inhalation of gases( oxygen, carbon dioxide), volatile substances( ether, chloroform), as well as finely dispersed substances( aerosols) can be carried out by means of special apparatuses arranged on the principle of an atomizer( compressed air or oxygen atomizes solutions that are inhaled by patients) or steam inhalers. During inhalation, should be breathed calmly and deeply. For patients suffering from bronchial asthma, there are home-made inhalers.

    The medicinal substance is in a plastic tube, on which a rubber canister is put. The patient presses on him, and a stream of air pushes the medicine into the respiratory tract. In addition, aerosol inhalers manufactured in industry are manufactured: the drug substance is enclosed in a metallic aerosol container. Often, drugs are injected in the vapor state, for which they use a special device - a steam inhaler.

    1. Steam inhalation .Before inhalation, the patient's chest is covered with oilcloth to prevent contamination from washing. The patient is seated in front of the unit at such a distance that the escaping vapor does not cause a burn. For steam inhalation, a simple inhaler is used in which a metal water tank is heated on a flame of an alcohol lamp, or an electric spiral is mounted in the inhaler for this purpose. On the way of steam coming out of the inhaler in the boil of water, there is a glass with medicinal solution. The steam is sucked into the steam and sprayed. The temperature of the vapor with the solution dispersed in it is 50-60 ° C.From medicines for steam inhalations apply eucalyptus, menthol, soda, thymol, etc. Steam is inhaled through the mouth. Aerosols give good effect, expanding the bronchi, diluting sputum, etc.

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    Inhalation can be used for preventive purposes to protect the respiratory tract from harmful effects on the mucous membrane.

    Infectious lesions of the nasopharynx are well assisted by inhalation of antibiotics with the addition of eucalyptus oil. If this causes hyperemia and dryness of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to cancel antibiotics. Sometimes alkaline inhalations combine with oil. In these cases, the patient first breathes alkali, and then, after a 15-minute interval, - with oil, since oil inhalation does not interfere with the ingestion of drugs on the mucous membrane.

    It is recommended to apply steam and thermal inhalations with the active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, larynx, exudative pleurisy, in the acute phase of pneumonia, with a tendency to bleeding. People with increased sensitization may develop asthmatic attacks. Young infants usually do not prescribe steam inhalations. The duration of steam inhalation is 10 minutes.

    2. heat-sinking inhalations are carried out with the help of a compressor, from which the compressed air sucks and sprays the drug solution. Before the beginning of inhalation, the solution is heated to a temperature of 38-40 ° C.At home, a pocket inhaler is used for this procedure, in which a jet of air is supplied with a pear. To ensure that the solution does not cool quickly during the procedure, a glass of stationary inhaler is placed in a glass with water, the temperature of which is slightly higher than the temperature of the solution. The medicinal solution is prepared from a 1-2% solution of soda with the addition of ethazole or other sulfonamide preparations. Desensitizing agents can be added, etc. When the inhaler system is set up, the patient, inhaling the mask or mouthpiece of the nebulizer to the mouth or nose area, inhales deeply the prepared mixture. After inhalation, the mouthpiece is washed and boiled. Before the new inhalation, the end of the mouthpiece is wiped with alcohol. The duration of aerosol inhalation is 5-8 minutes.

    The most commonly used for acute pneumonia are mixtures:

    • 0.5% solution of sodium bicarbonate and 0.9% sodium chloride solution in a ratio of 1: 2, 1: 3( isotonic mixtures) 2-3 times a day -only 10-12 times with abundant liquid sputum;

    • 2.5% solution of sodium bicarbonate and 2% solution of sodium chloride in a ratio of 2: 1( hypertonic mixture) 2-3 times a day - only 10-12 times with sparse, viscous sputum;

    • infusions of chamomile, eucalyptus, mint and others with a stubborn, dry, painful cough;

    • proteolytic enzymes: 0.1% solution of trypsin, 0.1% solution of chymotrypsin, 0.3% solution of autemiociteline pancreatin 1 time per day - up to 10 inhalations per course( with very viscous, abundant sputum).

    3. Oil inhalation .Assign 1 hour after the steam or te-povlazhno11 inhalation. Self-oil inhalation is rarely used, and it can not be used before the steam or heat-water inhalation. The main task that is put in the appointment of oil inhalation is to cover the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract with a gentle layer of oil, thereby protecting them from unfavorable external influences of a mechanical and chemical nature. This creates, as it were, temporary rest mucous membranes, which helps to reduce the inflammatory process and normalize the function of the ciliated epithelium. For oil inhalation, apparatus with a special nebulizer is used. In the flask of such a device, the oil heated to 36-38 ° C is poured and sprayed with air compressed by the compressor. For inhalation use eucalyptus, camphor, peach, mint oil. Up to 10 procedures are prescribed for the course.