  • DiaDinamotherapy

    The diadynamic therapy of is the therapeutic effect on various organs of the body of the patient with diadynamic currents. Such currents represent two currents with a half-sinusoidal pulse shape - the first of them is a single-cycle continuous pulse with a frequency of 50 pulses per second, and the second is a two-stroke continuous pulse with a frequency of 100 pulses per second. When performing the procedures of diadynamic therapy, both currents are used to treat the corresponding diseases when they alternate between themselves or when interrupted by pauses.

    Several types of devices are used in the practice of diadynamic therapy:

    • domestic: SNIM-1( sinusoidal low-frequency pulse simulated);portable - model 717, "Tonus-2";

    • imported: Binulsator( Bulgaria), Diadaminik( Poland) of Redan, Diadaminik( France).

    The inclusion of any device into the network when performing the procedures of diadynamic therapy is performed by turning the toggle switch. After the signal warning light on the panel of the device lights up, a special switch in the apparatus "Bipulsator"( Bulgaria), "Diadynamic"( France) and SNIM-1;pressing a key in the device "Diadynamic"( Poland) and pressing buttons in domestic portable( model 717 and "Tonus-2") set a certain form of current. After this, by turning the regulator knob, a current is applied to the electrodes located on the patient's body. The indication of the average value of the current to be directed to the electrodes is recorded by a milliammeter. On the indicated apparatuses of the last issues, screens of an oscillograph tube with a lens are installed, which serve to observe the shape of the current. In addition, each device has a switch of the instrument scale of 5-10 and 50 mA and a polarity switch( + or -) of the voltage at the terminals to which the wires of the electrodes mounted on the patient's body in certain places are connected.

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    In diadynamic therapy, currents with different characteristics are used, such as:

    • single-ended continuous( single-phase fixed) half-sine wave with a frequency of 50 Hz. This current has an irritating, exciting effect on the patient's body;

    • two-stroke continuous semi-sine wave with a frequency of 100 Hz. Under the influence of this current, the electrical conductivity of the patient's skin increases, the threshold of sensitivity increases, and an analgesic effect occurs. The two-stroke current in medical medical practice is used to relieve pain, spasms and as a preliminary effect in order to increase the electrical conductivity of the tissues of the body of a sick person;

    • modulated( modulation - change in amplitude, frequency of oscillations caused by superposition of oscillations of lower frequency) in short periods( briefly indicated on devices - "short period"), is a combination of single-cycle and two-cycle currents, which alternate with an interval of 1 s. This current during the procedure against the background of increased electrical conductivity of tissues causes increased blood circulation, vasodilatation, acceleration of blood flow, increased temperature at the site of action, activation of metabolism in tissues, etc. The above phenomena are caused by rhythmic contraction of muscles, a kind of vibration and muscle massage under the influence of modulated current;

    • modulated by long periods( abbreviated as "long period" on devices), is formed in the apparatus in the form of a combination of a single-cycle current, the impact of which lasts 3.5 s during the procedure, and a two-stroke current operating for 6.5 s. The total duration of modulations of the IOC "long period" is no more than 12 s( 3.5 + 6.5 + 2 s for switching currents using the buttons on the remote control).

    When the current "long period" during the procedures for 3.5 seconds of the single-cycle current flow, the patient feels a strong, relatively long contraction of muscles, which is replaced by their soft vibration for 6.5 seconds during the passage of a two-stroke current. Eventually, in connection with the relatively elongated action of each of the current, the effect of excitation and contraction of muscles decreases, and the inhibitory, analgesic effect, on the contrary, predominates;

    • intermittent rhythmic current( rhythm of syncope) is used for diadynamic procedures aimed at electrical muscle stimulation. This current is single-ended with a frequency of 50 Hz, its impact on a specific area of ​​the patient's body through the electrodes lasts 1 s and is interrupted by a second pause. In domestic devices in a number of cases are also used such currents as single-cycle wave and push-pull wave. The first of them is a single-cycle continuous pulse current at a frequency of 50 Hz, which during the procedure of diadynamic therapy gradually increases over a period of 1 s to the maximum value, lasts for 3 seconds, then decreases for 0.5 s, while the pulse periodis only 8 seconds. The other current is a two-stroke continuous pulsed current of 100 Hz;for it is characterized by a gradual increase to a maximum value for 1.5 s, on which it holds for 2 s, and then also gradually decreases in 1.5 s, with a pulse period of 7 s.

    Indications for the procedures for diadynamic therapy are as follows:

    • Pain syndromes that are caused by peripheral nerves( neuritis, neuromyositis, plexitis, plexalgia, radiculoneuritis, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.);

    • pain syndromes that have arisen after traumatic injuries( sprains, bruises of ligaments, joints, muscles);

    • pain syndromes caused by degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine( humeropathy periarthritis, epicondylitis, styloiditis, deforming osteoarthritis, spondylosis);

    • Pain syndromes, provoked by neurovascular autonomic disorders( migraine, angiospasm, Raynaud's disease, etc.);

    • dyskinesia of the stomach, gall bladder, intestine( atonic, spastic constipation).


    • individual intolerance to currents used in diadynamic therapy;

    • Presence of a purulent infection;

    • Pain syndromes caused by fracture or dislocation of bones, joints, hemorrhage;

    • thrombophlebitis;

    • renal and cholelithiasis;

    • severe degree of circulatory disorders;

    • Able to bleed.

    When performing diadynamic procedures for the administration of certain currents( their form is set by the physician after a medical examination), the electrodes used in the body of the patient are of different shapes and sizes( similar to galvanization procedures), but some of them are distinguished by the presence of a cavity filled with a soft spongetissue. After switching on the apparatus and applying current to the electrodes, a slow increase in the current is produced with the help of the regulator, and the patient experiences a tingling and burning sensation of the skin. After a while, depending on the kind( they are listed above) of the current, the patient feels weak vibrations in the depth of the skin. And they are most pronounced under the cathode. Before starting the procedure, the patient must be informed of these feelings, so that it is not a surprise for him. The strength of the current( or currents) is selected taking into account individual tolerance to the patients, and during the procedure of the diadynamic therapy the patient is asked about the sensations, and when there are painful sensations of tingling and contraction that increase with increasing current strength, the procedure is not performed( or reduce the current immediately).Usually the current is increased gradually, from procedure to procedure, while controlling the patient's condition, but at the same time the current strength should not exceed the established limit. After the termination of the procedure, electrodes on the skin of the patient are marked with hyperemia at the sites of electrocution, and it is clearly expressed under the negative( -) pole of the electrode.

    In each specific case, the types of diadynamic currents, their combinations, intensity, duration of exposure and the number of procedures for the entire course of treatment are determined taking into account the initial exposure. If a patient develops a painful sensation, an appropriate correction is made( until the procedures are abolished altogether).

    The correct definition of painful lesions or relatively large areas of pain distribution is very important for the choice of developed and approved methods( for example, in practice, so-called shingles are widespread - extensive).At the heart of the pain-relieving effect of diadynamic currents are the neuro-reflex complex reactions. Clinical studies have established that the analgesic effect of currents is accompanied by a decrease in the excitability of nerve receptors, which in turn is associated with a change in the important physiological parameter - the functional lability of the nerve processes in the direction of their decrease. In the treatment of pain syndromes, as a rule, they begin with exposure to foci by push-pull current for 15-30 seconds in the region of the head and neck and from 1 to 3 minutes for other localizations. After that, the current is influenced by the "short period" current for 0.5-2 minutes. And in conclusion of the begun procedure pass to influence by a current "the long period" within 1-3 minutes. Thus, one procedure lasts from 1 minute 45 seconds to 8 minutes.

    Existing instructions established that in vegetative-vascular disorders, the effect on pain points in the zone of sympathetic nodes should be performed by a two-cycle continuous current for 2-3 minutes. In the same instructions it is stated that:

    • In the area of ​​pain, the effects of currents should be carried out from the cathode;

    • when the two electrodes are immediately placed on the focus of pain, the polarity( "+" to "-" or vice versa) should be changed when the currents "short period" and "long period" are applied;

    • the effect of diadynamic currents on the foci of pain should not exceed 6-10 minutes, because a longer duration does not lead to a better effect due to the development of the phenomenon of habituation;

    • for the entire course of treatment, no more than 4-10 procedures should be prescribed;

    • repeated treatment with diadynamic currents can be carried out only after a two-week break.

    In some cases, in order to obtain a more effective treatment with diadynamic currents, experienced specialists suggest carrying out any thermal procedures in the form of mud, paraffin, ozocerite, and baths, but they are prescribed only after the stifling of sharp pains. In addition, to stimulate the processes of anesthesia, massage and physiotherapy combined with diadynamothermy procedures are used.

    1. Pain after stretching of the ligaments of the ankle joint. The electrodes are fixed with a transverse arrangement and diadynamic currents are fed through them, while they are acted upon by a two-cycle continuous current for 1 minute, then with a current of "short period" of 1 minute + 1 minute( with polarity switching from "+" to "-" or vice versa), then the current "long period" for 2 minutes + 2 minutes( with polarity switching from "+" to "-" or vice versa) daily. The strength of the current is set taking into account the individual tolerability until the patient experiences a pronounced vibration. For the entire course of treatment, 4 to 6 procedures are prescribed.

    2. Migraine. The electrodes to which diadynamic currents are fed are placed on the region of the upper cervical sympathetic nodes and on the region of the main temporal artery trunk. During the procedure, a two-stroke continuous current is applied to the region of the upper cervical sympathetic nodes for 3 minutes to the right and left, the current strength is selected in each case by the individual case, taking into account the patient's individual tolerance to sensation of pleasant vibration. On the main trunk of the temporal artery, the electrode is held for 2 minutes, performed daily, 4 to 6 procedures are prescribed for the entire course of treatment.

    3. Periarthritis of the shoulder joint with pronounced pain syndrome. The electrodes are fixed transversely to the region of the shoulder joint, diadynamic currents are applied to them - first by the action of a two-cycle continuous current for 2 minutes, then by the current "short period" for 1-2 minutes, then by the current "long period" of 2-3 minutes daily. For the entire course of treatment, 8 to 12 procedures are prescribed( taking into account the patient's individual tolerability of currents).