
Change of bed and underwear when taking care of a sick person

  • Change of bed and underwear when taking care of a sick person

    Bed and underwear is changed regularly, at least once a week, after a hygienic bath( if the patient's condition allows.)Under certain conditions, bed linens are changed as needed.

    If the patient is allowed to walk, he himself can change the underwear. If the severity of the disease prescribes a strict bed rest, the linen is replaced by a nurse assisted by a nurse. There are several ways to change bed linen in seriously ill patients.

    With the first method, a dirty sheet from under the head and feet rolls down and is removed. A clean sheet, rolled on two sides by rollers, is gently brought under the patient's sacrum and then spread in the direction to the head and legs. On the sheet there should be no scars, patches, folds.

    You can change the sheet in another way: the patient is moved to the edge of the bed in the position on the side, the dirty sheet is rolled down, but the length is in the form of a platen, in its place put a clean one, on which the patient is rolled. On the other side of the bed remove the dirty sheet and straighten the clean one.

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    Bed linen must be changed necessarily two people, so that the patient should have a minimum expenditure of physical strength. It should be remembered that the change of bed linen seriously ill patients, who are prohibited from moving, should be done with great care.

    If the patient is allowed to sit, for the change of bed linen the nurse transplant him from bed to the chair, and the nurse restores the bed. The sheet should be of such size that the mattress was closed by it not only from above and on each side, but also from the ends. The edges of the sheets should not hang, they should be bent under the mattress on all sides. To prevent the sheet from getting lost and creasing, it can be attached to the edges of the mattress.

    Dirty linen is collected in oilcloth bags and taken out of the room. Prior to shipment to the laundry, the laundry should be stored in a specially designated room( dirty linen) in tanks or containers. The sister-hostess of the department makes sure that the nurse of the department always has several sets of clean linen in stock. The nurse, in turn, is obliged to exercise control, so that every morning the nurse picks up the dirty laundry and receives a clean one.

    When changing underwear, the nurse must bring her hands under the sacrum of the patient, grab the edge of the shirt and gently pull it to the head. After this, it is necessary to raise both hands of the patient, roll the shirt rolled over his neck and release his hands.

    Put on the shirt in reverse order. If the patient has a damaged arm, first remove the shirt from a healthy arm, and then with the patient. Dressing is carried out in the reverse order.