
Atrophy of frontal-temporal areas, features of manifestation and treatment

  • Atrophy of frontal-temporal areas, features of manifestation and treatment

    The atrophy of the fronto-temporal areas is a degenerative disease that occurs mainly in older people and leads to the development of dementia. According to statistical data, this kind of degeneration makes up 10 to 20% of the total number of diagnosed dementias.

    One of the variants of this disease is the Pick syndrome. The disease is confirmed by the presence of certain histological markers. In contrast to Alzheimer's disease, it proceeds more quickly and ends with death after 6 years from the onset of the first signs.

    Causes of

    In the development of such a disease, an important role is played by hereditary predisposition. More than 50% of the cases have confirmed data on the autosomal dominant type of inheritance. Experts believe that in the absence of detection of heredity in the development of such a disease as atrophy of the temporal lobes, the reason lies in its late development and the impossibility of an objective assessment of hereditary factors.

    The main reasons may also be:

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    • Disturbance of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain;
    • Chronic oxygen deficiency;
    • Traumatic injuries and surgical intervention;
    • Poisoning by toxic substances and alcohol;
    • Physiological regression of all processes in the body.

    It becomes clear that those who abuse harmful habits( smoking, use of drugs, alcohol), people of advanced age, persons who for one reason or another are forced to stay in places with low oxygen content for a long time are becoming at risk of this disease..

    The most dangerous condition for the brain is hypoxia. Even a very short time of oxygen starvation for the brain turns into irreversible changes.

    Clinical signs

    The development of the disease in such a pathology as atrophy of the temporal lobes develops gradually. At the first stage of the disease, severe symptoms are usually not found. But this period lasts a short time and its transition is marked by the fact that the patient begins a change in character for the worse. He goes to conflicts, with difficulty catching the gist is said in conversation, does not tolerate criticism in his address.

    Often, such a patient observes inadequacy of behavior and propensity to steal. In the past, good and sympathetic people with this disease become stale and soulless in relation to someone else's grief.

    At the third stage of the pathological process, a person suffers from unmotivated mood changes, he can fall into depression or rage without reason.

    Progression of atrophy subsequently leads to its complete loss from participation in current events. He does not understand the significance of what is happening around him, and does not react to the appeal to him. At the fourth stage, there is a loss of emotional sensitivity.

    In such patients, sometimes the dystrophic processes of the frontal-temporal region of the brain are combined with such phenomena as atrophy of the temporal muscle. Part of the patients from the very beginning of the disease are joined by the symptoms of parkinsonism.

    Treatment and therapy

    Therapy of the disease is aimed at correcting the psychoemotional background of the patient and inhibiting further progression of the atrophy process.

    In case of behavioral disorders neuroleptics and tranquilizers are used, the expressed depression is stopped with the help of antidepressants.

    Vitamin complexes, nootropics for improving trophism of brain cells, vascular preparations are also used. Unfortunately, at present there are no means and methods for complete cure. But within 8-10 years there is a complete loss of the patient's control over himself, and the addition of other somatic diseases leads to his death. The maximum life expectancy is up to 15 years.

    For such a patient, hospitalization is not necessary. On the contrary, in conditions familiar to himself, he feels much better, and atrophic processes develop much more slowly.

    Indication for placing a patient in a hospital is uncontrolled behavior that is dangerous to others, or the absence of close relatives who are able to care for such a person.

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