  • Secrets of staff motivation. How to motivate to work?

    Motivation of employees is one of the main tasks of any manager, regardless of whether he manages a small firm or a large holding. It is very difficult to do this, however, it is quite possible to master some simple rules. In this article, we will not be trivial, giving the standard advice, but we will touch this topic somewhat in a different direction.

    Errors and harmful tips that will not allow to motivate employees of

    There are a number of mistakes that are regularly allowed by managers.

    1. Mercantile is far the nicest human trait. Many people think that the person in the job is only interested in the level of salary, and the rest does not matter. Nevertheless, as a motivating or vice versa demotivating factor, the team, the situation in the office, corporate rules can speak. If the new employee can not establish relations with his new colleagues, it can become a powerful demotivating factor. Recruiters should bear this in mind.

    2. We find pets and reward them.
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      This demotivating factor most often refers to those workers who are not part of the main staff of the organization, since they perform the assignment on the contract on a temporary basis. If you forget about these employees, it will seem to them that the leadership that hired them, perceives them as people of a lower grade. That is, they do not work on a common idea, but only for the purpose of making money. Therefore, such people and bring very little useful to the company.

    3. The routine disciplines. In most cases, the work of each of the employees of the organization has such a not so pleasant feature: it is simply impossible to achieve some heights in its development or along the path of the career ladder. Routine work, repeating day by day, the same movements, with the passage of time begins to demotivate employees. And even those of them who are indifferent to diversity. The feeling of monotony causes in the employee the feeling that, apart from the regularly paid salary, he has nothing else in this company. It is especially difficult for creative people without "sparkling" work.

    4. It is impossible to allow the fact that the personnel do the work that is best for them. It is highly recommended not to entrust such work, in which the employee could use his professionalism and many years of experience, and then the work can be very much like him, and also cope with the task faster than the allotted time. Want examples? Easily! Entrust your highly skilled designer with the "talent of genius", purchase a batch of supernova processors for the accounting department, and at the same time let them reinstall the operating systems, and repair non-working computers. And new and fresh ideas on the account of registration of advertising actions and a logo, in general forbid it to express to you or to anybody from a management. Moreover, he irritates absolutely everyone with his "inventions", so do not even listen to him when organizing an advertisement or opening a new client department. Do not worry, a month or two will pass and he will cease to show initiative and will work slowly, performing all sorts of assignments!

    5. If the company has managed to achieve something, it is not because of the employees of the company! The employee does not even dare to think that he too was the reason for achieving such high results. And bonuses, letters of commendation and words of gratitude from the chief are completely excluded. He needs to learn that he should be infinitely happy already that he works at this enterprise and receives a salary. His task: to work with papers, people or technology, but no more. All the achievements were realized only thanks to top managers, and only they became that key to the success of the whole company.

    6. Every employee in the organization is not a person, it's faster a robot! Remember that employees should be treated as if it is a mechanism that was created solely to fulfill a number of instructions regularly received from managers. An employee can not have a family, a personal life, ordinary hobbies, bad moods and poor health. The force-majeure situation in life is generally excluded from the employee. Accordingly, if something went wrong, immediately dismiss a person as if it was out of order equipment and being repairable and do not pay attention to the fact that such a specialist will have to search for several months. The robot does not have any rights, but only duties.

    Now about how to motivate employees to work. ..

    Previous - although anti-Soviet, but gave a lot of food for thought, we just have to add a few simple recommendations on the correct motivation of the

    • «Percentage of sales». The most elementary way to get an employee to work even better is to determine for him not a fixed payment, but a so-called percentage of sales. With this method, the employee will show not only assiduity and responsibility, but also connect wit, a special approach to solving the problem and healthy logic.

    • Different types of rewarding. If the rewarding option as a "board of honor" does not suit you. Although, by the way, a very good option, then introduce other systems to encourage good employees. In addition to cash bonuses, you can give them other bonuses: for example extra weekend, gifts, etc., but the main thing here is not to dilute a good employee.

    • Implementation of new types of control. There are works that are very difficult to fit into the "Percentage of sales" method, in such cases it is better to take advantage of such motivation as placing great responsibility. For example, before you did not control this part of the production, but now you will. And you need to find that section of statistics that can not be wrapped. When such responsibility is imposed, workers begin to strive even better and faster to carry out the assigned tasks.

    • Cohesive team. In any organization the collective is important, if it is cohesive, so to speak on the same wave, then it will be better to work. Here, at times, you should give a little more freedom to employees, so that during work they can talk, distract, but at the same time fulfill the allotted norm, controlling discipline. This motivation works where everything up to this point has been banned. Sometimes you organize corporate parties, go out with the team to nature, etc. This will defuse the situation, but at the same time there should not be a subordination, albeit weakened( at times of non-working rest).

    • Create all conditions. As it was said above - for the employee the main thing is not only salary, but also the possibility of career growth. After all, working in the same place, realizing that it is possible to work this way up to retirement, does not make sense to try and achieve something. The employee may be in a "working depression", or else seek another job in parallel. Therefore, think about the system of increasing diligent workers in the service.

    • Love for work. Also awaken the employees as it is fashionable to say "corporate patriotism", for example, participate with various other firms in competitions, for example, in sports, etc. Give your employees gifts with corporate symbols - it will not only raise the corporate spirit, but also additional advertising your business.

    • To each employee their own approach. Finally, assimilate such a simple fact: every employee has his own motivation and it would be ideal if you, as a leader, could pay attention to each of the employees to find out what is motivation for him( this is done using tests inside the company).After that, it would be necessary to develop a universal kind of motivation that would increase the desire to work for the majority of workers in the organization.

    That's all the advice. Good luck!