
How to cure a common cold? Advice for adults and children

  • How to cure a common cold? Advice for adults and children

  • When the runny nose is the result of an allergy, then limit your stay near the allergen and take anti-allergic drugs.

    Treatment of the common cold should include a set of measures for both the recovery of the body as a whole and for the treatment of a particular runny nose, so after the actions taken to eliminate the cause of the rhinitis, it is necessary to deal with the elimination of the common cold.

    Home treatment of the common cold

    How to cure a cold on your own In order to ease the breathing of the nose and get rid of the common cold, apply drops and sprays, preferably based on herbs. These drugs will remove irritation of the mucosa, facilitate breathing, have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Herbal preparations do not dry the nose and do not narrow the vessels. We recommend the use of such drugs, based on herbs, like Delufen spray or Pinosol drops.

    Separately want to note vasoconstrictive drugs, such as Nazol, Naphthyzin and others. The components that make up such drugs constrict the vessels rather than remove the edema in the nasal mucosa, this helps to make breathing more free. Preparations of this series act instantly and retain their effect for several hours, but it is not recommended to use them for more than 5-7 days. A negative factor in the use of such drugs in some cases, threatens to bleed from the nose.

    It is almost impossible to quickly overcome the common cold, but to help breathe easier and get rid of the snot for a while, the sea water will help, with which it is necessary to wash the nose. This product will have an antiseptic effect, as well as reduce edema and inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

    Popular methods of treatment

    How to cure a cold with folk remedies Despite the fact that medicine has a wide range of drugs for treating a common cold, many still prefer folk methods of treatment - and that's right. What folk remedies should be used to defeat the common cold?

    Decoction of herbs. Old good folk remedy for the treatment of the common cold are herbal decoctions. Recipes of broths can be found a large number, for our part, we recommend using the next decoction of herbs, which includes such herbs as:

    • St. John's wort;
    • Camomile;
    • Calendula.

    Treatment with phytotrasms To prepare the broth, it is necessary: ​​add 1 teaspoon of each kind of herbs to 1 glass of water, then pour boiling water and let it brew. This broth should be dig in the nose every 20 minutes, using a pipette 2-3 drops in each nostril.

    Phyto drops. Perfectly clean nasal passages with drops of calanchoe or aloe. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the leaves of plants and dilute in a proportion of 1 to 1 with warm boiled water. Drops must be instilled 3 times a day. You can use another option - soak cotton pads in this substance and put them into each of the nostrils for 15 minutes, repeating this procedure 2-3 times a day.

    Soar your hands. Of folk remedies for the treatment of a common cold, we can not help mentioning the boyfriend procedure, familiar to us from childhood. To do this, heat the kettle with water, then pour it into a small bowl in such quantity that it is enough to completely cover the hands. In the water you can add a pinch of soda. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

    Heating. You can perform warming up, both the nose bridge and the maxillary sinuses. For this, boil one medium-sized potato in the peel, cut it in half and wrap both halves in different rags. Apply them, to the maxillary sinuses, and then to the bridge of the nose, on both sides. This procedure should be done 3 times a day, but keep in mind that within an hour after the procedure you can not go out in the cold season.

    In addition to potatoes, it is possible to warm up with the help of table salt. To do this is as simple as in the previous case: to do this, it is necessary to burn the salt well, then pour it into a pouch made of natural linen and warm it with the areas of the nasal sinuses.

    How to cure a runny nose folk remedies Inhalation. One of the most effective folk remedies for combating the common cold is inhalation. Very good if you have a special home inhaler. For this, pour the necessary amount of water into a special compartment and then turn on the inhaler itself. If you do not have an inhaler, then for inhalation it is enough to take a convenient container, in which you need to pour 1 liter of very hot water, bend over the container and cover with a towel.

    Naturally, for the inhalation in the water it is necessary to add medicinal extracts, these can be herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, eucalyptus, sage, etc. Also you can add special oils for inhalation based on herbs, for our part we recommend adding a coupleDrops of Pinosol, which will be very useful when inhaled.

    Doing inhalation, can not be limited to one kind of herbs. In addition to herbs for the treatment of the common cold, use other components that will help to strengthen the immune system, which will promote a speedy recovery.

    Acceleration of treatment

    During an illness to cure a runny nose, be sure to ventilate the room, the air in the room should not be dry. To kill the bacteria that are inside and around you, cut the finely garlic and onions, then pour the contents onto a plate and put it next to you. The positive effect will not take long.

    More likely to recover and get rid of the common cold will help special aroma lamps, especially for which special therapeutic oils for strengthening immunity are on sale.

    Nasal warming with a special infrared lamp affects the cells of the nasal mucosa, so that immediately after the warming up procedure you will feel relief in the area of ​​the nasopharynx. Before using an infrared lamp, you need to lubricate your face with a thick cream so that you do not dry out the skin during the procedure. On how to properly guide the lamp on the nose area, you will read the instructions. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes per session.

    During the runny nose, you can only flaunt with disposable handkerchiefs. It is necessary to refuse categorically from the usual rag-scarves, because they vomarkivayvayas in them, along with the mucus get the microbes, which when you repeat vysmarkovanii will be in your body again. If there is a cold, pre-pack with disposable shawls.

    How to cure a common cold in a child

    How to cure a common cold in a nursing baby To get rid of a cold to a child, use the seawater of the firm Akvalor. This drug is safe and promotes the rapid elimination of a cold in a child. In parallel, you can use all listed folk methods that are safe and include natural ingredients.

    Another very important issue that we would like to raise in this article is the treatment of a runny nose in an infant. This should be approached seriously enough. The procedure for flushing the baby's nose requires diligent action.

    First, using a small pipette, it is necessary to rinse the baby with a spout, then using a syringe to suck the mucus from the spout. We can recommend Aqualor Baby, Otrivin Baby or a decoction of herbs( for example, chamomile) from medical equipment for spouting the spout. To choose the right remedy for the baby, consult a pediatrician. In no case should you use vasoconstrictive drugs for infants!

    During pregnancy, before using any medications to treat the common cold, their use should be checked with your doctor. Most likely your doctor will advise you to do inhalation and warming up with an infrared lamp and bury your nose with aloe juice.

    That's basically all the possible methods of treating a common cold that are used today. If, as a result of using the complex of the above procedures, you do not get rid of the cold for 4 days, then always consult a doctor. If this is not done in time, the consequences can be very serious, up to hospitalization.

  • How to cure a common cold
  • General information
  • Home treatment of the common cold
  • Traditional therapies
  • Acceleration of treatment
  • Remove the common cold from the child

    General information

    In order to start treating a runny nose you need to imagine what it is.

    Rhinitis is a reaction of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity to a particular irritation. Such irritation may be associated with a viral infection or an allergic reaction to allergens.

    Cells contained in the nose have villi, which during the oscillations remove all the contents from the nasal cavity. At occurrence of any boring, they start to deduce a liquid( slime) to "wash up" a nose. It follows that the runny nose is the consequence of the defensive reaction of the body.

    Runny nose should be treated not only because of the discomfort experienced, but also to avoid negative consequences, such as sinusitis or meningitis. In addition, if you do not begin treatment of the common cold in time, it may take several weeks, and the longer you have a cold, the harder it will be to get rid of it.

    If the runny nose is a consequence of irritation, then first of all it is necessary to start treating the stimulant:

  • If a runny nose occurs as a result of a viral infection, take immuno-boosting and antiviral drugs. During a severe illness accompanied by fever, it is necessary to use antibiotics;
  • During the runny nose, we use a huge sense of discomfort: it's hard for us to breathe, our eyes are watering, sniffing at the nose due to blowing out, it's hard for us to talk, the sense of smell is reduced, and this is not the whole list of negative consequences. Our only desire is to get rid of the common cold, and we will help you in this.

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