
The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages: when are they manifested and how?

  • The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages: when are they manifested and how?

    1. Feeling of causeless fatigue , constant drowsiness even after a full and prolonged night's sleep. Due to this, the overall activity during the day may decrease. The decline of strength is most often due to a drop in blood sugar, which is why it is important to eat properly and adequately during pregnancy in order to avoid the severe form of this condition.
    2. Dizziness, headache , the appearance of a protracted migraine .
    3. A characteristic symptom that often accompanies future mothers not only in the first week of pregnancy, but also until the end of the first trimester, is nausea .In some cases, vomiting may occur. This is especially true for the morning hours and in situations where a woman is forced to stay in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room. Nausea and vomiting are the first signs of an early toxicosis.
    4. Intolerance to harsh odors, as well as specific flavors that previously did not cause unpleasant sensations. These include: the smell of gasoline, chlorine, medicines, household chemicals, harsh aromas of perfume or toilet waters, tobacco smoke, scented candles and sticks with pungent smells, hair dye, nail polish and nail polish remover. Even the aroma of some flowers or products that emit a certain smell can cause unpleasant sensations.
    5. Appearance of edema of the of the extremities. This is due to the weakened withdrawal of water from the body.
    6. Frequent urges to visit the toilet , a symptom like this is often initially taken for inflammation, a viral disease. Changing, the uterus gradually begins to put pressure on the bladder, which is why it becomes necessary to constantly run to the toilet. Changes in the work of the digestive tract .There may be constipation or diarrhea due to the fact that certain hormones in the body of a woman provoke a relaxation of the intestine and slow digestion. It also provokes flatulence, bubbling in the abdomen, heaviness and an unjust swelling.
    7. After conception, after 2-3 days some girls have a pain in the chest .Nipples and areoles around them darken, the chest becomes bigger and more sensitive. Part of expectant mothers already in the first weeks of pregnancy note the allocation of colostrum.
    8. Pigmentation of the is intensified, spots of an unknown origin may appear on the skin.
    9. Blood pressure changes .Most often in pregnant women in the early stages of the pressure can be very low, due to which there is a risk of fainting.
    10. The slightly elevated temperature of the body in the first week of pregnancy, due to the activation of antibodies from the immune system. Also, during pregnancy, always increases the basal temperature of the to 37-37.5 degrees.
    11. Drawing, cutting, stitching pains in the lower abdomen, near the waist.
    12. A characteristic symptom before the delay of the monthly is implantation bleeding .After about 6-7 days, light vaginal discharge appears, which is not menstruation, but occurs after the fertilized egg enters the uterus. It is noted similar in 1/3 of pregnant women and is not a pathology.
    13. In addition to a slight discharge of blood, the nature and of the vaginal discharge of may change. Visually, they often resemble thrush, becoming viscous, curdled, white and forcing the girl to devote more time to personal hygiene.
    14. Increased sexual desire for , which is again associated with hormonal reorganization. At the same time, in the first weeks, a woman can detect an increased sensitivity in intimate places, longer in time and stronger orgasms.
    15. Changing the taste preferences of is also characteristic of pregnant women, and can become one of the very first signs of an "interesting situation".A woman in this period can pull and salty or sour, and sweet or spicy. At the same time there is a rejection of fatty and meat dishes. In some cases, when the body lacks a vitamin or trace element, "taste perversions" can arise, for example, the desire to eat land, chalk.
    16. Possible sleep disorders ( insomnia, difficulty in falling asleep, brief sleep or sleep snatches), and also some problems with memory, for example, uncharacteristic forgetfulness.
    17. may occur with increased salivation of , not associated with ingestion. This is especially evident in times of severe nausea.
    catarrhal conditions as another symptom of pregnancy.

    An additional reason for the appearance of signs of pregnancy is a restructuring in the hormonal background of a woman. This is reflected in the physiology of the body, and on emotional soil.

    The manifestations related to the state of health are most often drawn immediately. The main features of the first weeks include the following points.

    Emotional manifestations of

    The transformation of the hormonal background during pregnancy can provoke all sorts of emotional reactions in the girl at the initial terms. They are similar to premenstrual syndrome, but they are stronger. Often a girl simply can not control her mood, even noting that she reacts to small stimuli and insignificant situations are too inadequate.

    What are the emotional manifestations in the first weeks of pregnancy?

    • Too fast mood swings that can occur for no apparent reason.
    • Increased irritability.
    • Outbreaks of aggression, which can be too difficult to control.
    • Sentimental response to minor irritants, proximity to tears.
    • General psycho-emotional tension, nervousness, anxiety, increased anxiety, suspiciousness.
    • Panic attacks in mild form, which can be reflected in the physical state( lack of oxygen, a feeling of heavy pressure on the chest, tinnitus, etc.).
    • The state of apathy, spleen and symptoms, characteristic of a sluggish background depression.
    • Increase of creative activity on the basis of emotional state.

    Probabilistic and absolute signs of pregnancy

    Subjective manifestations of pregnancy can not be a reliable indicator of this condition, but can cause suspicion. Of course, girls usually turn to a gynecologist or an express test during a period of menstruation that exceeds 7 days. But in some cases it is possible to determine pregnancy in the first weeks clinically, especially when the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned or as part of a routine examination.

    What are the symptoms of the doctor's attention?

    1. Changes in the uterus, characteristic discharge from the vagina.
    2. Changes in the hormonal background, determined by means of analyzes. In particular, the diagnosis of the hormone hCG, which also affects the appearance of a second strip in the pregnancy test.

    Also, using ultrasound, if done by a competent specialist and the latest technology, you can diagnose pregnancy at the earliest possible time.

    The combination of the majority of subjective signs can serve as an occasion for visiting a women's consultation. In addition, some women intuitively feel the development of a new life within themselves.

    Folk ways and signs of early pregnancy determination

    Folk signs are not the most proven source of information, however, for people superstitious by nature they play a significant role in life. And also it is noted that girls who are in an "interesting position" often become suspicious and prone to such a belief. In addition, there are also popular ways to determine pregnancy in the early stages.

    The following two assumptions relate to the basic folk signs, which allow one to suspect before the delay of the months that the girl's stomach is developing a new life. The first is connected with the usual onion , the second - with dreams .

    1. A girl who admits the possibility of pregnancy, should put two bulbs in jars with water. On one guess the result is positive, on the other - negative. And after waiting a while. The bulb that first releases green feathers will give an answer whether it is worth waiting for an addition to the family in the near future or not.
    2. Practically in every dream book there is an interpretation: if a woman suddenly dreams of a fish or how she is fishing, it signals about the existing pregnancy. In some transcripts, the presence of water in a dream, especially if a woman is bathing, also means a pregnancy.

    There is still a number of popular assumptions, on the basis of which a conclusion can be drawn about pregnancy in the first weeks:

    • the onset of a vascular reticulum on the legs for no apparent reason;
    • cramps calf muscles that occur most often at night;from a medical point of view, they are associated with the fact that the body of a pregnant woman is rapidly deprived of calcium, which causes painful spasms;
    • frequent sneezing, nasal congestion and an uncaused rhinitis;
    • the appearance of snoring;
    • veins on the shoulders, in the décolleté zone and on the chest become more noticeable, similar to the spider's paws;This is due to the fact that the blood flow becomes stronger and more voluminous, causing a significant burden on the vascular system;
    • if a woman often feels a metallic taste in her mouth, not caused by anemia or bleeding gums, stomach diseases, mucosal trauma, then in the people it is also treated as one of the earliest signs of pregnancy at an early age.

    One way to diagnose pregnancy is to conduct a home procedure with urine and iodine. In the collected urine, you need to drop a little iodine. If it does not dissolve and spread, this is considered a positive result. Another option: on a urine-soaked cloth also drip with iodine. If the color turns blue, it means no pregnancy, purple - the child will be in the family soon.

    Trust all the signs and people's ways still not worth it. If it is too early to carry out an express test, and the delay has not been observed yet, then you should listen to your body. To recognize a possible pregnancy in the first weeks, you need to remember all the basic and very early signs of this state.

    What doctors say( video)

    It should be understood that only clinical research can accurately diagnose the onset of pregnancy!

    It is extremely difficult to reliably determine pregnancy at its earliest. However, there are many signs as subjective, detected personally, and absolute, diagnosed by a doctor, which help determine pregnancy in the first weeks.

    When the first signs of pregnancy and diagnostic options appear

    For the appearance of the first signs of an "interesting position" a girl needs to have a certain amount of time after conception. Usually the interval varies from 5 to 10 days. This is due to the need for a fertilized egg to overcome the path through the fallopian tubes, so that the embryo subsequently attached to the uterine wall and began its normal development.

    In the early stages of pregnancy, there are symptoms that completely indicate the condition. But often they are so insignificant that the future Mom of attention to them can not immediately turn. There is one more nuance: the body of each woman is unique, due to this, some pregnant women can not at all note any subjective signs of an "interesting situation".Therefore, it is important to take into account other manifestations in the first weeks of pregnancy.

    The first signs of pregnancy can be divided into three main categories:

    • conditional or subjective, which relate primarily to the general condition of a woman, manifested by various changes and revealed without recourse to a women's consultation;
    • probabilistic signs - they are usually diagnosed by a physician, but the accuracy of such a diagnosis is not absolute and has its own errors, therefore it is important to support similar clinical research methods;
    • absolute or reliable - these include the results obtained with the analysis of urine and blood, ultrasound.

    Physiological symptoms of pregnancy

    Initial symptoms of an "interesting situation" can cause suspicion, not related to pregnancy at all. At the very beginning, the immune system perceives a fertilized egg as an alien body, so the body's defense is activated, antibodies are produced. Hence a number of specific manifestations arise. With the passage of time, immunity weakens, because of what can occur