
Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids at home. Folk Remedies for Hemorrhoids

  • Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids at home. Folk Remedies for Hemorrhoids

    Judging by the statistics, approximately 80% of people sooner or later face hemorrhoids. Once even the famous Napoleon was treated for hemorrhoids, but many embellish this information and say that it was because of aggression and terrible pain from hemorrhoids that he was such an insistent emperor, and was able to win many victories. But you do not need to compare yourself with it, if veins in the anus have become inflamed and increase in size, you need to immediately start treatment. Perhaps, the article will let you know that you need treatment, and that the most important thing is to cure the disease without any terrible and painful procedures.

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    Symptoms of hemorrhoids

    At first, a person feels that in the anus area there is a strange pain that does not go away with time. It intensifies during sports and even with ordinary walking. All this is associated with an increase in cavernous veins, as they are heavily filled with blood. Pain can increase if a person does not follow a diet and has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Any constipation or loose stools provoke pain, it threatens that a person will have itching, bleeding, chronic pain and so on.
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    Bleeding is the first symptom that attracts the most attention, since it appears after and before defecation. Since blood accumulates in the hemorrhoids, there is a lack of oxygen, so the walls of the veins become thinner, easily stretch and crack. After a while, veins are severely torn, wound opening opens, bleeding increases. There is arterial and intensive bleeding, in the first case the blood flows out long and slowly, and in the second - instantly, with long streams. As a rule, the feces are covered with blood during defecation, so it is impossible to detect blood in it. But bleeding can also talk about colon cancer, because any malignant formation provokes a blood outbreak.

    Pain sensations appear after and before defecation, also a person can not sit and walk because of pain. But it does not indicate the presence of the disease, it speaks only of a strong inflammation. For example, if there was a thrombosis, and the hemorrhoidal nodes were hurt - there will be terrible pain. If cracks develop on the tissues of the anus, pain also appears. The most unpleasant thing is that the pain binds the movement of a person, it is almost impossible to walk or sit. The speed of breathing also aggravates the pain, if you breathe too quickly and deeply, it will intensify. Condensation and swelling of hemorrhoids causes severe pain, but outwardly they become larger by 2 centimeters and change color to dark blue. Similar symptoms are observed in weightlifters and people leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Next, a person can feel an itch, which speaks of irritation of the skin surrounding the anal opening. It appears due to excretions of mucus from the large intestine, as well as during hemorrhoidal hemorrhage. All this can become complicated and go to eczema.

    The main symptom of hemorrhoids is the prolapse of hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that gradually the hemorrhoidal nodes move toward the anal opening, because the person strains more strongly during defecation, and it takes much more time. But it all depends on the stage of the disease.

    1. The first stage is characterized by prolapsed nodes during defecation. After a while they return to their usual position.

    2. The second stage is characterized by loss of knots during sports, for example, powerlifting. It is necessary to adjust the nodes with the help of a doctor, since they alone will not be able to take the usual position.

    3. The third stage is characterized by a lack of control over the hemorrhoids, they can fall out even when walking, and you can not fix them yourself.

    At once it is necessary to tell, that many signs testify and about presence of other diseases. For example, with the prolapse of the mucous coating of the large intestine or malignant tumors in the large intestine. Do not detect hemorrhoids due to a single symptom, you should find a minimum of 2-3 symptoms to begin treatment. Still, it is better to see a doctor and undergo a medical examination to calm down and make sure you need treatment.

    Causes of hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids can appear for many reasons, so you need to read them to prevent the development of the disease. What exactly causes the appearance of the disease, we will write below.

    • Lack of exercise, daily pastime for the monitor and so on. You have to go in for sports, run more often, lift dumbbells, pull yourself up, practice martial arts. If you constantly drive a car, sit in the office, throwing your feet on the table, lying on the couch and watching TV - will appear hemorrhoids, sooner or later.

    • Too loose or hard stools, stool problems, both in women and men, can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids. Because of the negative work of the intestines, which has developed due to the lack of an active lifestyle, stool lag in the intestine occurs. All this causes pressure on the vessels and intestines, which reduces blood flow and causes the development of the disease. Further, a person can experience discomfort during defecation, as hard feces strongly irritate the mucous that provokes the appearance of cracks in the large intestine. If a person additionally strains to squeeze out feces from themselves - hemorrhoids may suddenly appear.

    • If you eat chips and Coca-Cola, sooner or later you will face hemorrhoids. You need to drink fresh water daily and get minerals and vitamins from natural foods, otherwise the number of positive bacteria in the intestines will decrease. You need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, in which there is a lot of fiber. You can not drink shop juices, black tea, strong coffee and so on, you need pure water. Remember that water makes the feces softer and provokes their increase precisely due to this, therefore it is recommended for prolonged constipation. Refuse alcohol, spicy, pickled, smoked and spicy food, as the strength of the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases and stool in the intestines stays worse.

    • After pregnancy, hemorrhoids may appear because the woman exerts a lot of effort during labor. After a while, the uterus creates a load on the walls of the small pelvis, as well as the vessels that are in it. All this provokes an increase in stagnant blood and the development of hemorrhoidal disease. Do all this weak work of the intestine, because during pregnancy the work of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, constipation and other problems appear. During childbirth, there is an increase in stagnant blood, because the woman strains with all her strength and increases intra-abdominal pressure. So if you're lucky and you did not encounter hemorrhoids during pregnancy, keep in mind that if you are predisposed to a disease, it may appear immediately after birth.

    • Men often face hemorrhoids after hard work, where it is necessary to carry weights. But young men can face a similar problem even before work, as they regularly go to the gym and chase large weights. But few people remember that in everything you need to do everything gradually and not to hurry. After a while, the blood flow in the pelvic organs increases too much, so the hemorrhoidal nodes appear and swell.

    • Women who have read the recommendations of self-taught people - risk getting hemorrhoids in the gym. Recently, female bodybuilding is very popular, but it is extremely dangerous for health, you need to be extremely careful. If you raise a lot of weight - the hemorrhoids will appear sooner or later.

    • Very often the directors of large companies face hemorrhoids, but all because they are very nervous and experience emotional upheavals, almost every day. Anyone who is constantly nervous and experiencing a lot of emotions - has problems with a stool that can go to hemorrhoids because of pressure on the walls of the intestine.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies at home

    • Preparation of suppositories for hemorrhoids

    The pharmacy sells peppermint tincture and zinc-based ointment, buy them and prepare candles. Mix 5 drops of tincture, 10 grams of butter and zinc ointment, mix everything thoroughly and leave in the freezer. Every day before going to bed cut the pieces of frozen mass and enter into the anus, this method heals the internal types of hemorrhoids.

    • Mixture of beeswax and pine resin

    You will need a wax and pine resin. Stir 25 grams of gum with 100 grams of wax, then put on a water bath and wait until the ingredients dissolve. Remove everything from the fire and pour 40 milliliters of propolis tincture on alcohol, as well as a tablespoon of rose hips and sea buckthorn. Mix everything and wait until the mixture cools down. Next, blind a few candles and put them in the freezer. Duration of treatment - 30 days, you need to insert one candle in the anus every day before going to bed. If the treatment did not work, repeat it after a two-week break. Treatment promotes resorption of inflammation, the disappearance of pain and bleeding.

    • Candles made of potatoes

    Cut out a candle of a suitable size from potatoes, then slowly shove into the anus. To enhance the effect, the candle is dipped in honey. The duration of treatment is any, until you feel relief.

    • Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with rowan juice

    Collect the ashberry and squeeze out the juice, then consume 100 grams of juice before meals every day, at least three times. Add sugar with honey in the juice, so as not to experience problems during eating( the juice is very bitter).You can drink juice with cool pure water, it acts as a laxative, and water only enhances the effect. Juice promotes recovery from external and internal hemorrhoids.

    • Treatment charge against disease

    Take the gentian, shamrock and wormwood, and then mix in equal proportions. Thoroughly grind everything, and then brew 5 grams of the mixture to 20 milliliters of boiling water. After half an hour, use infusion, you can drink the medicine twice a day. After three weeks of treatment, you will not even notice the residual effects of hemorrhoids.

    • Mixture of oils for the treatment of hemorrhoids

    You can prepare healing candles from cocoa butter, tinctures of propolis, pumpkin oil, chamomile and mint. The first thing to do is to melt the cocoa butter on the fire, then pour in the other oils. Approximate proportions: 20 grams of cocoa butter, 2 drops of propolis tincture, 4 drops of pumpkin oil, 1 drop of mint and chamomile. Then pour the resulting mass into the foil tubes and close them on both sides, otherwise the oil may leak out. Remove the tubes into the refrigerator, then use the healing candles rectally before going to bed. It is advisable to make an enema before using a candle, but only if the chair was not during the day. Continue treatment for a month, then take a break for a month and repeat the course. It is possible that the disease will recede after the first course of treatment, but someone will need 3 courses.

    • Treatment of hemorrhoids with natural ointments

    You can prepare an ointment based on propolis, simply mix the ground propolis with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 10, then melt in a water bath, after an hour the medicine will be ready. Stir everything and refrigerate before use. You can prepare an ointment from linseed oil in exactly the same way.

    It is more difficult to prepare an ointment based on calendula, first a tincture in the proportions of 1 to 5 with marigold on vodka is prepared, it will be ready only in a week. Then add butter in a ratio of 1 to 5, carefully warm everything up in a water bath, and then cool. Ointment is applied externally 3 times a day.

    But you can not use the ointment without prior preparation, you need to warm up the anus in a steam bathtub. Just pour a hot broth into the bucket, and then cover it with a lid, first making a hole in it. It can be done about half an hour, if it takes more time - increase it. Decoction can be prepared from the root of Mullein, a bug, garlic or onion, sage, leaves of strawberries, celandine, prickly throat and so on. Take about 3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water.

    • Bow candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids

    When hemorrhoids with acute painful feelings, you need to use candles based on onions. Buy a medium-sized bulb, make a cut to the middle, remove the core, and remove it into a separate container, then add boiling water. Pour out the water and scald the onion three times with boiling water. Wait until the candle cools down, and then slowly enter into the anus, remember that the temperature should be comfortable. The course of treatment is 10 days.

    • Mixture of chamomile and blackberry for chronic hemorrhoids

    You can make an enema based on black wormwood and get rid of pain once and for all, besides you can mix wormwood with chamomile and cure chronic hemorrhoids. The enema temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, you will need a mixture of chamomile and a 10 gram gramophobia. Add 100 milliliters of boiling water and wait 20 minutes, after filtering, make an enema.

    • A medicine created by Rudolf Braus

    A mixture of honey and yogurt can relieve you of chronic and acute pain. Take a gauze napkin and moisten it with light honey and yogurt, then attach it to the most painful place. Honey has the property of disinfecting wounds, so the cracks quickly drag out and recover. After a while, there will be nothing left of the cones, your body will be completely cured of hemorrhoids.

    • The initial stage of hemorrhoids is cured by the olive oil

    You can take advantage of the olives if the hemorrhoids are not in a chronic stage. You need to eat about 10-15 olives daily before eating. But the treatment should be comprehensive, be sure to take a sedentary bath about 20 minutes before bedtime. Add a gold mustache leaf to the water, but first grind it and add 100 grams to boiling water to make the leaves brew. Water should be at room temperature, otherwise complications will appear.

    Preparations for hemorrhoids

    In any pharmacy you will find a huge number of medicines against this disease, but you need to be guided by the classification of drugs. For example, drugs are distinguished by the spectrum of action and form of release, and there are also different forms of drugs. What is the spectrum of action of such drugs?

    • Toning - improve the condition of veins, make them durable and elastic.

    • Protective - reduce the permeability of veins, restore micro-circulation of blood, protect against inflammation and swelling, which can cause deterioration of the veins. Preparations that have this action are as follows: Ginkgo biloba extract, troxerutin, heptaminol, troxevasin, hesperidin, gliwenol, diosmin. The drugs have the following properties: anti-inflammatory, angioprotective, decongestant and venotonic. Thanks to them, the state of the capillaries improves, the density of the walls of the vessels is increased, the chances for the migration of plasma through the walls of the vessels decrease.

    • Venosclerosis - drugs with propylene glycol content, restore the endothelium of veins, which have been damaged. Due to this, the obliteration is improved.

    • Anticoagulants - contain in the composition of heparin, which does not allow blood clots to form in the vessels, and has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Due to it, the connective tissue is quickly regenerated, but it is not necessary to choose a means with heparin, the same action has heparinoids. Because of them, the hemorrhoids are not exposed to blood clots. It is very important to choose the means that quickly stop bleeding, especially if there are cracks in the large intestine.

    • Hemostatics - have reparative and anti-inflammatory properties, so they are used even during chronic hemorrhoids, when the blood does not stop for a long time. The most famous product of this group is nathalside, which is made from seaweed.

    • Spasmolytics - relieve pain during hemorrhoids. Since it is impossible to choose an anesthetic, having an effect on the whole organism and including hemorrhoids, one should choose rectal suppositories with the effect of anesthesia. As part of spazolitikov can find the extract of belladonna, which helps get rid of pain.

    • Anti-inflammatory drugs - reduce inflammation of the veins, relieve itching and swelling. The following drugs have a similar effect: fluocinolone, prednisolone, bifexamak, hydrocortisone and so on.

    • Anesthetics - relieve itching and pain. The action has the following drugs: benzocaine, lidocaine, trimecaine.

    • Immunostimulants - promote the resorption of the pathogenic microflora of the intestine, as it is formed during hemorrhoids. Thanks to stimulants of immunity, leukocyte metabolism improves, new antibodies appear, and the microflora is restored.

    • Antiseptic and antimicrobial agents - eliminate any infections during hemorrhoids, use them locally on the affected area. The most famous drugs in this group are sodium etazol and triclosan, but potassium permanganate can be used immediately after defecation.

    • Other groups of drugs - used to dry, heal and reduce inflammation in the affected area. For example, preparations based on plant seeds and essential oils.

    Be Healthy!