
Diet for pancreatitis: an approximate menu for a week

  • Diet for pancreatitis: an approximate menu for a week

    Have you encountered such a disease as pancreatitis? In this case, it is necessary to take measures to preserve their health. You need to know what foods are right for you, and which ones are best excluded from your diet.

    The pancreas helps digest fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Thanks to the digestive process that takes place in this part of the digestive tract, simple compounds are formed from food, which then enter the bloodstream.

    Useful components of the body - amino acids, glucose, vitamins, etc., help to build tissues, reach all systems and organs of man. With problems in the functioning of this organ, inflammation of the pancreas, pancreatitis occurs. The disease is provoked, it can be various causes, ranging from malnutrition, trauma and ending with serious liver disease.

    Most often pancreatitis appears due to excessive consumption of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. But no matter what kind of pancreatitis you suffer - acute or chronic, in any case it is necessary to adhere to dietary nutrition.
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    Nutrition rules for pancreatitis

    Remember that this pancreatic disease primarily needs a diet. Dietary nutrition will help to recover and exclude relapses. Patients are recommended:

    1. 1) Eat food cooked for a couple. It is useful and brings to the body more components.
    2. 2) Eat about 5 times a day. Portions should not be voluminous.
    3. 3) Use products in semi-liquid and frayed form.
    4. 4) The temperature of cooked dishes should not be high or low. Only warm foods will benefit.
    5. 5) Kashi - semolina, oats, buckwheat should be prepared on water, and then grind.
    In addition, prohibited products such as:

    • smoked meat.
    • sweets.
    • sausage products.
    • confectionery and chocolate.
    • alcoholic beverages.
    • juices from sour fruits.
    • fatty foods.
    • salt - in small quantities.
    • pepper and other condiments.

    diet in acute pancreatitis: a rough menu

    If there was acute pancreatitis, which manifests itself acutely, the first two days is recommended to starve. You can drink a broth of dogrose, mineral water to 5-6 glasses a day. On day 3, you can cook low-calorie meals.

    You can not eat salt, foods that increase the secretion of the stomach. In addition, the food is excluded from fats, as well as food, leading to excessive gassing of the intestine. In the liquid form, you can consume carbohydrates, food should be prepared without salt.

    When admission with an attack of pancreatitis in a hospital, the patient will be prescribed individual dietary food, developed by a dietitian.

    Approximately on the fifth day the calorie content of food can rise to 800-900 calories. It is also unacceptable to eat fats, you can eat proteins and dairy products. After 6 days you can consume more food. Its caloricity can be increased to 1000-1100 calories. It is recommended to eat up to 250 gr.carbohydrates, 50 g.protein and 10 gr.fats. For breakfast, a patient can eat rice or semolina porridge( it is better fried), there you can add fruit.

    For the second breakfast - a little fish boiled and mashed potatoes or carrots. For lunch it is permissible to use vegetable soup, some fish, fried fruit. At midday a patient can eat a little cottage cheese, and before going to bed, drink curdled milk.

    Ten to eleven days after the acute phase of the disease, it is recommended to increase proteins to 70-100 grams, carbohydrates to 450 grams, fats to 40 grams. Food is prepared in the same way, it is not recommended to add salt to it.

    When the main symptoms of the disease go away, the patient is advised to switch to vegetarian soups. You can eat cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat and fish. From sweet dishes are allowed honey, jam, fruit juices, as well as dairy products - kefir and yogurt. It is necessary to abandon 100% biscuits, sour cream, fried meat and fish, smoked products, pickles, garlic, onions, alcohol.

    Such a diet should be in the patient's diet for up to a year. Let's note, that almost completely state of health and health will depend on conformity to prescriptions of the doctor. It is worth remembering that any deviations from proper nutrition immediately affect the condition of the pancreas.

    Diet for chronic pancreatitis: approximate menu

    Chronic pancreatitis often appears due to acute form. However, the disease can appear immediately in the chronic phase if the patient has such ailments as cholelithiasis, cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, allergy, hepatitis, etc.

    In the treatment of pancreatitis, the diet is the main factor of recovery. It is thanks to harmonious nutrition that you can prevent exacerbations. Caloric content of dishes should correspond to physical loads of the patient. The food should be divided, approximately 6 times a day. Do not forget about laxatives for the purification of the stomach and intestines.

    It is recommended to follow the consumption of protein products. They need to eat up to 120 grams.per day, about 70% of all proteins should be of animal origin. The protein helps the tissues and organs of the body to recover.

    A patient with this disease should eat a low-fat chicken, rabbit meat, beef, turkey. Fatty varieties of meat - lamb, duck, pork and goose are prohibited. Cooking meat and fish is best for a couple, do not fry and stew them.

    Fish and meat with a low fat content will help the patient to exclude later fatty liver degeneration. And this, in turn, is of considerable importance in chronic pancreatitis. Cottage cheese also restores the liver, it should be homemade and fresh, fat content up to 5%.

    Prohibited sharp, as well as salty cheese. If the patient normally tolerates it, you can use a small amount of low-fat varieties. Milk should not drink more than half a glass a day in a warm form in small sips. But it is best to eat fresh sour-milk products.

    Remove the hard-boiled eggs from the diet. It is better to eat omelets of protein for a couple. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, crackers, pasta will fill the lack of vegetable proteins. Concerning legumes, they must be abandoned. Vegetable oil is recommended in a small amount, you can not eat margarine, cooking fats. Fat in the diet should not be more than 60-70 gr. Butter should be placed directly on the plate before eating.

    Listen to yourself and your body which foods are digested better. It is better to eat vegetables in a boiled form - potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, blue. Non-acid fruits are allowed. Apples, especially ripe, should be baked and grinded. Very useful in pancreatitis compote of dried fruits. Salts in food should be a minimum amount.

    Sample menu for pancreatitis

    1. 1) Breakfast. Boiled croup - oatmeal or rice. A little boiled meat.
    2. 2) The second breakfast. Omelette from two eggs. Any vegetables are baked.
    3. 3) Lunch. Soup-puree, squash, a slice of dry bread, compote.
    4. 4) Snack. Cottage cheese or casserole with milk or tea.
    5. 5) Dinner. Potato or carrot puree, fish.
    6. 6) Before going to bed, you can drink kefir or a glass of curdled milk.
    Remember that, despite the limitations, your food should be rational, useful, fortified, high-calorie. In addition, you can take enzyme preparations and vitamins. Proper nutrition will also help to reduce weight and improve metabolism.

    It's better to forget about fried, sharp, salty, especially finished dishes. Is it true that proper nutrition and certain limitations are better than exacerbation of the disease?

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