
Candidiasis in men: symptoms, treatment, photos, causes

  • Candidiasis in men: symptoms, treatment, photos, causes

    Candidiasis( synonyms: candidamycosis, thrush) is a fungal disease that occurs in both women and men.

    This disease can not be attributed to a group of sexually transmitted diseases, but it requires careful differential diagnosis with similar pathologies.

    Candidamycosis affects the urogenital tract and indicates a decrease in immunity.

    In most cases, fungi affect the skin of the external genitalia - this form is easily amenable to therapy. However, a deeper and more massive infection is possible, when the lung, urethra, skin and mucous membranes of the digestive system( oral cavity, esophagus, intestine) can participate in the pathological process.

    Causes of candidiasis in men

    The causative agent of this pathological process is the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans, which is conditionally pathogenic and is found in a healthy human body( in the oral cavity and intestines, urethra, in the vagina of women, on the surface of the skin).

    Candida breeds well in a slightly alkaline environment at a stable temperature of 36-37 ° C.
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    During sexual contact with a woman with thrush, the risk of developing this disease in a man is significantly increased even in conditions of his relative health and sufficient immunorequency.

    Candidiasis can occur only when the reproduction of fungi is out of control, and they begin to replace the normal microflora. Active reproduction of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida is possible only if there is a certain pathology or malfunction in the functioning of any of the body systems.

    The main factors that can cause the development of candidiasis in men include:

    • a decrease in the immunorefection of the organism in the presence of infectious diseases;
    • long-term use of antibacterial drugs( especially a broad spectrum of action) without the prophylactic intake of antifungal agents;
    • symptoms of diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of the endocrine system;
    • HIV infection;
    • dysbiosis;
    • trauma and other damage to the urethral mucosa;
    • frequent changes in climatic zones;
    • regular stressful situations;
    • long-term and massive use of drugs containing glucocorticosteroids;
    • uncontrolled consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates.

    Symptoms of candidiasis in men

    Symptoms of candidiasis in men should be differentiated with signs of other diseases of the urogenital tract, including of the venereal nature.

    The main clinical signs are noted on the skin of the glans penis, as well as on the inner surface of the prepuce. The clinical manifestations of candidymycosis in men are based on the following manifestations:

    • itching;
    • burning sensation;
    • swelling of the glans penis;
    • highlight the white color curdled, formed on the hyperemia affected areas of the skin. Pathological discharge in the form of membranes can be quite abundant, under them red eroded colors and even sores can be detected;
    • , a rash of erythematous nature may occur, which indicates a greater depth of lesion;
    • eroded papules are bright red, which are often small in size;
    • unpleasant odor( more often xylitol);
    • formation of cracks and maceration areas on the surface of the foreskin;
    • regional increase in adjacent( inguinal) lymph nodes;
    • in urethral lesions, there is burning sensation when urinating, soreness and discomfort, discharge of white mucus from the urethra during urination;
    • hyperemia of the external opening of the urethra;
    • soreness in the process of sexual intercourse;
    • with the vertical spread of infection on the bladder, there are symptoms of cystitis: frequent painful urination, often with an admixture of blood;
    • decreased elasticity of the foreskin, which subsequently leads to scarring and narrowing in the absence of adequate timely therapy.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    In order to accurately diagnose candidiasis, sometimes a single visual examination is not enough, because a large number of sexually transmitted diseases can have a clinical picture.

    To establish and confirm the correct diagnosis, a number of laboratory and instrumental survey methods are necessary, among which the following are considered to be the main ones:

    • microscopic examination of the material taken from the site of injury;
    • culture test;
    • PIF - direct immunofluorescence;
    • ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - allows to identify the body's body parts developed for the antigens of the pathogen;
    • PCR - polymerase chain reaction - most often this technique is used to diagnose a deep or disseminated lesion;
    • RCC - complement binding reaction;
    • RP - precipitation reaction;
    • RPHA - a reaction of passive hemagglutination;
    • RAG - agglutination reaction.

    Treatment of candidiasis in men

    The basis for the treatment of candidiasis in men with a predominant localization on the glans penis and foreskin is the local application of antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Twice a day, creams, ointments or gels with antifungal activity are applied to the affected areas: Clotrimazole, Natamycin, Pimafucin, Nystatin.

    The minimum duration of a full course of treatment is a week. A good anti-inflammatory effect is provided by baths from decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

    With a more extensive spread of the pathological process or to achieve the desired recovery more quickly, a single application of Fluconazole or its analogs( Medoflucone, Forcan, Flucostat) at a dosage of 150 mg is indicated. Nystatin may be used for two weeks.

    What happens if I do not heal?

    Candidamycosis in men in the absence of adequate timely treatment can lead to a number of undesirable consequences.

    Among the main complications of this disease in men, it is customary to allocate the following: the transition of the pathological process to the chronic form, prostatitis, narrowing of the foreskin and / or urethra, orchitis, gangrene of the penis( with secondary infection and the absence of drug therapy).


    The main measure of prevention of candidamycosis is the maintenance of immunity at the proper level.

    Proper balanced nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals, treatment of chronic diseases and sex with a regular partner will help to avoid the emergence of candidiasis.

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