
Gonorrhea in women: symptoms, treatment, signs, photos

  • Gonorrhea in women: symptoms, treatment, signs, photos

    Gonorrhea refers to sexually transmitted diseases, which are mainly sexually transmitted.

    As a rule, this disease affects the organs of the urinary system. Lesions of other localization are extremely rare. These include pathological processes of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, rectum and conjunctiva.

    Disease under this name was first described by Galen. The term gonorrhea in translation means "flow of the seed," which characterizes one of its main symptoms. The causative agent was discovered much later. This discovery belongs to Albert Neisser, which is why gonococcus is called by his name.

    Causes of gonorrhea in women

    The main cause of gonorrhea in women is infection with gonococci, which in the microscope are in the form of coffee beans. Most often this happens during sexual intercourse. The household way of infection is extremely rare, therefore it does not have a significant effect on the epidemiology of the disease.

    Gonococci quickly die in the external environment. However, within the human body, they are very stable. Therefore, infection occurs immediately after they are released into the environment. Otherwise, they die and do not pose a danger.
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    The stability of the gonococcal in the body is explained by the presence of a capsule. It is formed by immunoglobulins that are unable to cause the death of this microbe, protecting it from the immune system.

    Another feature of the gonococcus is its ability to synthesize betta-lactamase. It reduces the effectiveness of the antibiotics used, leading to the progression of the pathological process.

    The main ways of infection with this infection are:

    1. 1) Sexual is the most important( even if there was no introduction of the penis into the vagina, but the sexual organs of the partners had contact)
    2. 2) Intrauterine
    3. 3) Domestic( extremely rare).

    Symptoms of gonorrhea in women

    The clinical picture of gonorrhea is determined solely by the localization of the infectious process. Most often, women have symptoms of urethral damage with the development of urethritis.

    It manifests itself with such signs as:

    • appearance of soreness during urination
    • rezi and burning sensation that accompany this process
    • itching in the urethra and genital area
    • increase in the frequency of acts of urination
    • urine is excreted in small portions
    • at the end of the act of urination there is a feeling of incomplete emptyingof the bladder
    • appears detachable from the urethra of a purulent nature.
    See the symptoms and treatment of urethritis in women.

    Thus, gonorrheic urethritis is characterized by the appearance of dysuric phenomena. They can not exist for a long time, after which they are self-contained. This complicates the diagnosis of this disease and causes late treatment of patients to the doctor.

    The second most frequent pathological process caused by gonococcus is cervicitis, that is, an inflammatory lesion of the cervix. The insidiousness of this disease lies in its painlessness.

    Women may note that increased bleeding from the genital tract, which rarely become purulent. However, it should be borne in mind that during the transition of the inflammatory process to the chronic stage, their extremely scarce amount is observed.

    Gonorrheal proctitis is not common, but it can still be. It manifests itself with such clinical signs as:

    1. 1) Feeling of burning and itching in the anus area
    2. 2) Local increase in temperature in this area, which is perceived as a feeling of heat
    3. 3) The desire for frequent visits to the toilet, which in most cases is futile.
    Gonococci can also lead to the defeat of the large gland of the vagina( Bartholin gland).Bartholinitis manifests itself following symptoms:

    • the appearance of swelling on the left or right side in the genital area of ​​
    • reddening, which arises here as
    • intense pain, intensifying at night.
    The attachment of the secondary bacterial flora, which permanently lives in the vagina, leads to the development of the abscess of the Bartholin gland. It is characterized by the formation of a limited purulent cavity.

    This condition leads to the appearance of a bright clinical symptom:

    1. 1) Strengthening of the pains that acquire the pulling and pulsating nature of
    2. 2) Fluctuation zone - softening
    3. 3) Spontaneous dissection of the abscess with discharge of pus from its cavity can be observed. However, most often you have to resort to surgical treatment, that is, to open an abscess in the hospital.
    Gonorrhea is not only acute, but it can also go into chronic. This is accompanied by ubiquitous parasitization of the gonococci by the urogenital system. However, most often they are found in the glandular structures of the cervical canal.

    Clinical manifestations at this stage of the disease, as a rule, are absent. It can be diagnosed only on the basis of additional research methods.

    See also: clinical manifestations of gonorrhea in men.

    Diagnostics of

    Diagnostic tests that detect the causative agent of the disease are as follows:

    1. 1) Microscopic examination of swabs from the urethra, cervix and vagina, which are Gram-colored( the informativeness of the method is quite high and is about 90% along with low material costs)
    2. 2) Conducting culture studies is justified only in the chronic course of the disease( they are more expensive and time-consuming)
    3. 3) Polymerase chain paction in this disease is rarely used as yet little scientific research on the subject.
    Timely diagnosed will help to quickly cure gonorrhea, saving the woman from unpleasant consequences.

    Possible consequences of

    Complications of gonorrhea in women develop with late diagnosis of the pathological process, and in the absence of targeted treatment that would lead to the effective elimination of gonococci.

    The main complications are the following:

    • Bartholin gland abscess
    • endometritis
    • salpingoophoritis
    • purulent inflammation of the fallopian tube( pioalpinx)
    • purulent ovarian inflammation( piovar)
    • forming a tubo-ovarian tumor that is a purulent melting of the ovary, the fallopian tube and the underlying fiber.
    Obstruction of the fallopian tubes against the background of the inflammatory process and the violation of their peristalsis are risk factors for ectopic pregnancy and tubal peritoneal infertility.

    In general, it should be noted that gonorrhea in women, unlike men, is virtually asymptomatic. Therefore, for its timely diagnosis, it is necessary to use laboratory methods for detecting gonococci in high-risk groups for this disease. This is a measure aimed at reducing the incidence of complications of gonorrhea.

    Treatment of gonorrhea in women

    Treatment of gonorrhea is based on the use of antibacterial drugs, which are sensitive to gonococci.

    How to treat gonorrhea? The main means are cephalosporins, which are prescribed to women only once. That is, gonorrhea can be cured quickly enough if you contact your doctor in time for help. Also, a single dose is sufficient in the case of Azithromycin and Ofloxacion. However, these regimens are effective only in the uncomplicated form of the disease.

    Doxycycline is also used in the treatment of gonorrhea in women. He is appointed for longer - one week. However, its main advantage is low cost, which is combined with high efficiency.

    Both sex partners are subject to treatment for gonorrhea, and not just a woman. Otherwise, it will promote re-infection, since the disease is sexually transmitted. In this regard, each sexual partner is a priori infected, so it is treated without even conducting an additional study.it will be required at the end of therapy to assess its effectiveness.


    Preventive measures against gonorrhea are as follows:

    1. 1) Sex culture is one sexual partner, as even condoms can not completely protect against infection with this infection
    2. 2) Genital hygiene with soap and chlorhexidine after casual sexual contact
    3. 3) Use of Chlorhexidine-based suppositories( hexicon) in the same situation
    4. 4) If a woman has 2 or more partners for a sexual life, then an annual examinatione at a gynecologist for the early detection of a possible disease
    For this purpose, smears are taken, which in almost 100% of cases reveal the causative agent of the disease.

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