  • Periarthritis: symptoms and treatment, exercises, exercise therapy

    What is it? Periarthritis is a disease caused by inflammatory and destructive processes that led to pathological changes in synovial bags, periarticular tissues, chromosomal changes( insertion) in the connective parts of the muscles.

    Actually, periarthritis is a consequence of destructive changes, since, in inflammatory processes, such changes in entesis are classified as chronic rheumatoid arthritis.

    The main satellites of periarthritis are processes caused by:

    1. 1) Bursitis - inflammation of the walls and mucous synovial bags.
    2. 2) Capsulitis - inflammation of the joint capsule.
    3. 3) Tendinitis - an inflammation of the tendons.
    4. 4) Fascitum - local inflammation of muscle tissue.
    From the point of view of clinical manifestations, frequent lesions are noted in the short and broad connective parts of the muscles( tendons) that assume the greatest burden - in the humerus and elbow joints, in the articulations of the wrist and hand.

    As a result, any external or internal factors in the tendons there is systemic disorganization of the connective tissue:
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    • swelling;
    • fusion of collagen fibers;
    • non-structural homogeneous formations( crystalline deposits);
    • accumulation in the tissues of an infiltrate with blood and lymph;
    • formation of sclerosis sites.
    When the periarticular bag( reactive bursitis) is affected, it is noted:

    • redness and edema of synovial bag tissues;
    • formation of serous infiltrate;
    • changes the walls of the bag - their fibrous fusion, the deposition of calcium salts.
    All this leads to functional disorders of the joints.

    Causes of periarthritis

    The cause of the onset of the disease is mainly an individual character associated directly with the professional activity. The smith develops a humeripathy periarthritis, a mason's wrist, a spear thrower, an ulnar shape of the periarthritis, etc.

    But, the development of degenerative processes is facilitated by:

    • disturbances in metabolic processes;
    • endocrine, neuroreflex and vascular pathology;
    • long-term effect of cold and damp;
    • age factor;
    • complications caused by advanced infectious diseases;
    • background, chronic diseases, in the form of spondylosis and arthrosis;
    • congenital locomotor disorders;
    • consequence of injuries and microtrauma of muscles and tendons.
    Under the influence of large loads or injuries in poorly vascularized tissues, which include cartilage tissues, bones and ligaments with poor perfusion( poor blood flow), development of necrosis can occur with the appearance of sclerosing, calcification and reactive inflammation, including the synovial bag, and cause a reactionin the form of acute or chronic inflammation of the periosteum - periostitis.

    Symptoms of periarthritis

    Periarthritis and its symptoms, to a greater or lesser extent, all joints are susceptible.

    Periarthritis has a primary or secondary( developing against a background of another pathology) form. With acute course or chronic. The type of periarthritis depends on the affected joint.

    The main symptoms of periarthritis are manifested:

    • with aching pains during movements;
    • strain of muscle tissue;
    • edema and limited mobility;
    • formation of painful nodules or seals

    Symptoms of humeroparous periarthritis

    The most common is the humeroscapular form of periarthritis. It is characterized by a pathology in the muscle tendon( supraspinatus) located in the supraspinum of the scapula. Symptoms expressed by:

    • with acute or chronic tendevitis;
    • inflammation of the joint bag with edema formation. Sharp pains arising when the arms are raised up or winding them behind the back;
    • aching pains irradiating in the neck and arms, tenderness, usually manifests at night;
    • muscle atrophy is expressed by "crawling" and tingling;
    • loss of scapula, shoulder and hand sensitivity - "frozen shoulder syndrome";
    • sometimes show signs of disruption in the coordination of movement.
    In the acute course of the disease, acute inflammation of the walls and mucous synovial bags is possible. In chronic course, the development of an adhesive capsulitis, which results in soreness and limited limb movements.

    Symptoms of the periarthritis of the elbow joint

    The ulnar periarthritis is characterized by inflammatory processes with degenerative changes of tendons in the places of extensors of the hand and fingers, muscles of the forearm( supinator).Symptoms are characterized by:

    • muscle soreness with varying tension.
    • elbow bursitis
    Inflammatory processes, expressed by stenosing tendosynovitis, are characteristic.

    • with the movements of the thumbs there are severe pains;
    • swelling or swelling in the area of ​​the groove at the base of the thumb.
    • manifestation of pain, swelling and flushing of the skin in proximal interphalangeal joints.

    Symptoms of periarthritis of the hip joint

    Manifestations of the periarthritis of the hip joint are expressed by pathology in the articular tissues of the large trochanter as a result of their calcification. Is manifested by such symptoms:

    • pain lying on its side, from the side of defeat;
    • manifestation of short-term pain at the beginning of walking;
    • tenderness during palpation of the large trochanter.

    Symptoms of the periarthritis of the knee

    Periarthritis in the knee joint is a consequence of the pathology of the inner medial condyle of the femur and the tendon of its quadriceps muscle.

    Not applicable to all knees, but localized on the inside, just below the fold. Symptoms clearly expressed:

    • painful during flexion and extension;
    • during the turn of the shin and palpation
    • with acute pain while walking the stairs;

    Symptoms of ankle arthritis

    Manifestation of an ankle joint is a common problem for athletes who are sprinters and obese people. Dystrophic changes in the foot occur as a result of reactive muscle inflammation.

    The formation of osteophytes, in the form of heel spurs, located on the heel bones, on the upper and outer surfaces. The following symptoms are noted:

    • severe pain while walking;
    • changes gait;
    • thickening and swelling in the site of the largest human tendon - Achilles' connecting part of the muscle.

    Diagnosis of periarthritis

    The first step in establishing a diagnosis is a physical examination method, involving a thorough examination of the history and examination of the affected joints. For more accurate diagnostics apply:

    • radiography;
    • CT, ultrasound and MRI studies;
    • arthrogram.
    The difficulty in determining the diagnosis is the similarity of symptoms with completely different pathologies. Differently diagnosed for the elimination of diseases with similar manifestations:

    • of synovitis of various character;
    • exclusion of chronic arthritis;
    • of cartilaginous exostoses;
    • of chondromatosis synovial bags;
    • arthropathy;
    • exclusion of post-traumatic changes;
    • tendonosis and myofascial pain syndrome.

    Treatment of periarthritis

    Treatment of any kind of this disease should be complex and requires a lot of endurance and patience. The tactics of treatment of periarthritis is directed to:

    • elimination of the development of the symptoms of tendonitis;
    • prevention of pain symptoms;
    • restoration of joint mobility;
    • preventing the processes of destructive changes;
    • prevention of the symptoms of background diseases.
    Medication therapy includes the prescription of such drugs:

    • complex of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs;
    • administration of corticosteroids and chondroprotectors.
    In case of mild course of the disease, joint joint immobilization with supporting bandage, wire or wooden tires is recommended to limit the activity of physical activity on the joint.

    Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment of periarthritis are widely used:

    1. 1) Pharmacopuncture method is used to treat inflammatory processes, for the precise administration of medicines
    2. 2) To remove muscle tension and as an anesthetic procedure, the method of acupuncture is applied.
    3. 3) The best method, improvement of motor activity, blood supply and nutrition of periarticular tissues and elimination of muscle spasm is acupressure, acupressure.
    4. 4) Magneto and laser therapy procedures are appointed to stimulate blood supply and tissue nutrition, to mobilize the protective forces of immunity, to prevent inflammatory, painful and edematous symptoms.
    5. 5) Electro and vibromassages are used to eliminate muscle hypertonia, and renewal of damaged tissues.
    6. 6) Shock wave therapy is used to purify tissues from toxins and toxins, improve lymph flow.
    7. 7) Leeches-hirudotherapy - an effective way to eliminate the symptoms of tendonitis.
    8. 8) Therapeutic mud applications promote the increase of immunity, eliminate pain and inflammatory foci.
    9. 9) Electrophoresis in conjunction with the necessary drugs is used to directly inject the drug through the skin into the lesion.

    LFK with periarthritis

    For any types of periarthritis, individually selected exercises of exercise therapy are prescribed, which help the patient:

    • to relieve bouts of pain;
    • relax the muscles;
    • restore the normal volume of movements of the
    • to restore muscle tone and muscle strength.
    I give a few examples, but before you begin the exercises, discuss them with your doctor.

    Exercises sitting on a chair - repeat ten times.

    1. 1) Put your hands on your knees, turn your palms to the inside of your thigh. We step over the palms to the armpits and back strictly on the side of the trunk.
    2. 2) Extend your arms to the castle. We bend our hands first to the left, then to the right shoulder.
    3. 3) The palms to the shoulders, the circular rotation of the shoulders, the elbows up, at shoulder level, squeeze to the sides.
    4. 4) The position of the hands, as in the first exercise. We perform inclinations to the knees.
    5. 5) Sitting on a chair, take any wand. Take the wand horizontally wider than the shoulders.
    6. 6) We perform lifting in this order - up, to the shoulders, to the chest, up, to the knees.
    7. 7) While holding the wand in the center, perform alternate rotation with the right and left hand.
    8. 8) Raise the arm around the jamb of the cabinet.
    9. 9) And many other exercises, such as, throwing the ball from hand to hand or rolling it around the belt.
    The key to success in the treatment of the disease is the timeliness of the treatment. Good luck.

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