  • Hygroma: photos, causes and treatment of hygroma

    What is it - the hygroma is characterized by a fibrous tumor-like formation, in the tendon sites of the long muscles of the bony projections or in the region of the joints. Most often occurs on the finger of the hand, or on the wrist( see photo).

    Fibrous sac is filled with insoluble protein( fibrin), which serves as the structural basis of blood clots( the result of the process of blood coagulation) and the accumulation of serous fluid( mucus).

    The tumor is benign in nature, has a rounded shape of different sizes, a slightly mobile elastic consistency. It can have a wandering character - disappear, emerging from the synovial bag in the joint cavity, and after a while, manifesting again.

    The growth of the neoplasm proceeds slowly and in the initial stage of development does not cause any special troubles and pain. As the increase appears dull pain of a constant nature, increasing with the movement of localization sites.

    Exposure to external factors - bruises, friction with clothing, can cause a rupture of the hydroma, which easily infects. In the areas of rupture, new tumors are possible.
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    Periods of exacerbation are characterized by manifestations of reddening of the whole body skin and mucous membranes - hyperemia. The triggered disease is fraught with purulent chronic or acute inflammatory processes of the tendons surrounding the connective tissue envelopes - tendovaginitis.

    Clinical manifestations and photos of hygroma

    Hygroma can be of two types:

    1. 1) Single-chambered formation - the initial, mild disease, characterized by the formation of one capsule( bladder), does not cause any problems and disappears after the massage sessions.
    2. 2) Multi-chambered formation - several coalesced capsules, a consequence of inflammatory processes as a result of permanent traumatic effects that lead to the formation of bridges due to thrombosis by fibrin and accumulation of blood.
    Most likely localization:

    • wrist joint;
    • brush, wrist and fingers;
    • in popliteal fossa and foot;
    • on the neck.

    Causes of the emergence of the hygroma

    There are a lot of disagreements in the definition of clear reasons for the occurrence of the hygroma, but the common opinion to which the physicians came is violations in the metabolic processes of the connective tissue that cause a change in the cellular structure. The collagen structure of the tissue fibers degenerates into an amyloid-jelly amorphous mass.

    Two types of cells participate in this process:

    • spindle-shaped cells responsible for capsule formation;
    • spherical cells, the cavity of which is filled with liquid.
    It is the "cellular fluid" that determines the stage of the disease. A number of reasons can serve as a provoking factor:

    • damage to joints and surface layers of the epithelium;
    • hereditary factor;
    • periodicity of limb injuries;
    • post-traumatic relapse;
    • constant tension in the tendons and joints;
    • friction about the different surfaces of unprotected areas of the body.

    Symptoms of hygroma

    Different types of hygromas have their own distinctive symptoms and signs, but common is pain, burning and itching.

    1. 1) When the tumor is localized in the region of the transverse ligament of the wrist joint located on the back of the ligament, it is rather well visible through the skin. With localization below the ligament, the cyst is found only with strong flexion - extensor movements, causing only minor pain and discomfort.
    2. 2) In the wrist care classification, gigrom also refers to neoplasms with localization in the center of the palmar surface, having a soft or dense, elastic consistency. They do not give pain and only after a strong pressure in the process of professional activity.
    3. 3) Hygromes arising at the base of the nail( distal) phalanx from the back of the fingers and interphalangeal joints are painless, have small dimensions and dense consistency. Soreness is felt directly as a result of bruises.
    4. 4) Hygromes on the fingers of the palms are larger and can occupy just two phalanges. It differs by neuralgic strong pains, as it grows, pressure on the nerve fibers. The internal cavity can be filled with liquid or pus.

    1. 5) Hygromes located on the arc connecting the fingers to the palm, have small dimensions, not more than a rice seed, are painful only when pressure is applied to them.
    2. 6) The hygroma of the foot can develop directly above the ligament and form long before the onset of pain. Constant squeezing of vessels during walking provokes inflammatory processes and tumor growth.
    3. 7) The formation of a circular compaction in the patella is the main symptom of the hygroma of the knee joint. Dimensions can be different, soreness manifests only when the physical load on the knees.
    4. 8) Hygroma, in the form of several cystic lesions on the lateral part of the neck, can be congenital due to the developmental defect of the lymphatic system. It manifests rather serious symptoms - acute respiratory failure, temporary stop of breathing.

    Diagnostic methods

    Diagnosis of the disease is quite simple - if the tumor is subcutaneous, no special studies are required.

    When diagnosing deep seals, a radiography method is used to help differentiate the hygroma from abscesses, vascular aneurysms or the character of the tumor. When resolving the use of radical treatment, general clinical studies are conducted to exclude contraindications.

    Treatment of hygroma

    Treatment of hygroma in the initial period of development does not provide for radical intervention. A good therapeutic effect is given by the procedures from:

    • paraffin baths and warming;
    • ultraviolet sessions and electrophoresis procedures with iodine.
    The method of puncturing the cystic sac and extracting the contents from its cavity is practiced with the subsequent introduction into the cavity of hormonal, anti-inflammatory drugs, or antibiotics( with inflammatory processes) with the obligatory fixation of the joint.

    Or is provided for opening the cavity and removing its contents. But since the cystic sac remains unchanged, such methods of treatment do not provide a guarantee of cure. Neoplasms can reappear at any time.

    A radical method of solving the problem is surgical intervention. The indicator is:

    • unaesthetic appearance;
    • continuous pain;
    • intensive tumor growth;
    Bursectomy - one of the ways to remove articular tumors, is based on the removal of the cystic bag. Such an operation is performed using laser burning or a radio wave scalpel, which significantly reduces the time of operation, prevents bleeding and the formation of coarse keloid scars.

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