  • Contusion of soft tissues: symptoms and first aid for bruises

    Every person ever struck his foot on the corner in his life, or did not fall very successfully on slippery ice.

    The resulting damage to any part of the body is called a bruise.

    There are bruises of the joints, shin, knee, neck, spine, head, periosteum, internal organs, etc. Damage that occurs during the impact, most often internal, that is, the integuments remain intact.

    But this does not cancel the painfulness of the trauma, as the blood vessels, muscles, and sometimes bones suffer from stroke. Bruises are a fairly common injury that can happen to every person. Usually the consequences of strokes go away on their own for a few days or a week, but there are such injuries that it is better to consult a doctor.

    That's why it's worth knowing the signs and degrees of bruises to be able to evaluate your own condition.

    Symptoms and degrees of bruises

    A painful sensation is a sure sign of a bruise. Sometimes the damaged area can swell, a bruise appears as a result of rupture of blood vessels. A fresh bruise will have a blue-purple hue, but after a few days it will start to turn yellow until it completely disappears. In this case, swelling can persist for a long time.
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    The first thing that occurs with a bruise is pain, which at first may have a weak character, but later it will start to intensify. After a while, usually within an hour, edema develops and a bruise appears.

    If the injury was severe and the bones or joints are affected, then the motor function may be weakened to the point of impossibility without a tangible pain and resistance to move the limb.

    Sometimes there is confusion. A person, realizing that he can not move a damaged arm or leg, begins to think about a fracture. The main difference between a bruise and a fracture is that with a fracture, the motor function becomes impossible immediately and does not recover over time.

    There are four degrees of bruising:

    1. 1) First degree. It is characterized by a slight injury with mild pain, which occurs after several hours. The bruise itself does not swell, the hematoma does not appear, the motor functions are preserved. Such trauma completely passes in 1-2 days, not delivering to the person special inconveniences.
    2. 2) The second degree. It has a pronounced pain syndrome, which lasts for at least 24 hours. There is swelling and bruising. The motor function of the joint may be slightly weakened. At the second degree of injury a person may need medical help.
    3. 3) Third degree. At the third degree, the consequences of injury are more significant, muscles and tendons are injured. The motor function of the joint can be severely compromised. There is swelling and bruising. A person needs help, since pain is acute, often of a pulsating nature, which affects the general state of the body in a negative way. Such bruises heal for a long time and require constant therapy.
    4. 4) The fourth degree. The most dangerous condition in which a person's life as a result of a bruise may be in jeopardy. Trauma adversely affects the body's functions. Many internal organs as a result of impact, fall, collision, can refuse or be severely damaged. Such injuries are often caused by accidents. In such cases, a person needs immediate hospitalization.
    You can injure almost any part of the body. With a head injury, a cone appears, which passes on its own in a few days. But if after a stroke a person feels dizzy, nauseous, tinnitus, then with a similar condition it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

    A damaged joint may in some cases temporarily lose its function. The leg or arm will thus be difficult to bend or straighten, and each movement will be marked by painful sensations.

    Neck injury can be accompanied not only by pain and swelling, but also by a violation of blood flow, which will lead to an inadequate supply of brain cells with oxygen. The bruise of the abdomen is especially dangerous. In severe trauma, the risk of internal organ damage and extensive bleeding is high. This condition is a serious reason for hospitalization. It is very important to have first aid in such a situation.

    First aid with bruises

    The first thing to do with a bruise is to provide a person with peace. The injured place should not be subjected to any loads.

    To reduce pain, swelling and bruising, it is recommended to apply ice through the tissue to the damaged area. Cold will help ease the condition. The procedure should be done approximately 4 times, applying ice for 10 minutes with interruptions to half an hour. You can make a cold compress and tightly re-bandage the place of injury, if possible.

    If there are scratches at the injury site, they should immediately be treated with an antiseptic. With injured muscles and a general unsatisfactory condition of the injured area, the risk of infection is high.

    With a slight bruise, the pain lasts for several hours. In other cases, unpleasant sensations can last for a day or more. The next day, to reduce swelling and bruising, it is recommended to warm up the damaged area and use special ointments.

    If, over time, a person does not feel relieved, then it is necessary to turn to traumatology of any hospital or polyclinic. Usually the reception is conducted around the clock, so help will be done immediately.

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