  • How the Normal Eye Works

    Many people have good eyesight, but their eyes do not work properly. Such a mode of operation will lead them to weakened vision, no matter how good it was originally. I once had a student who had a severe cataract. He considered her to be the result of a hereditary factor, since his whole family on the part of his father had this disease. Additional conversation showed that the same story happened to all relatives. All of them were extremely far-sighted and had telescopic vision in the distance. They have brilliant intellect and, when it was time to go to school, where hard studying became a necessity, each of them seriously studied to maintain a high level of education of the family. Because of the intense work at close range and inability to remove the tension produced by long-sightedness, each of them developed cataract due to this stress. Through relaxation, we managed to help two members of their family who turned to us for help in order to clear their eyesight.


    The normal eye moves at a rate of 70 or more times per second. It is established that Lord Macaulay's eyes moved 10,000 times per second, which allowed him to read, correct and memorize 500 words per second. This means that, turning over pages, he managed to read every word on them with the same speed. One of my students doubted this statement, but literally a second later remembered that one of his friends, a prominent statesman, could do the same things. Another person remembered that in his class at school a girl studied, who so quickly remembered the 12 stanzas of the poem, that the teacher suspected that she had known them before. The girl denied it and, in order to prove it, literally in a few moments remembered them in the reverse order.

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    These phenomenal results are achieved through such a development of vision that allows the eyes to move without any obstacles with the greatest possible speed. This so-called "displacement" is not a rotation of the eyeball, but represents the vibration of the retinal nerve deep inside the eye, especially the nerves of the center of view, along with a group of its nerves, which provide the person with the most acute vision( this area is called fovea( fovea, or pit)) These nerves can not be consciously vibrated, they vibrate on their own, when( and if) they are relaxed, so learn to keep your eyes relaxed both during rest and during visual work. E

    A normal eye blinks often to evenly distribute the tear fluid released by the lacrimal gland over the surface of the eyeball. The tear not only constantly moistens the cornea, but also disinfects the eye, protecting it from germs and other rubbish worn in the air.instant periods of rest constantly working in the nerves of the retina, stimulating them through it, as rest strengthens the nerves. Blinking also helps to relax the tense muscles, thus helping the eyes to better focus and improve their alignment( coaxiality).If normal eyes blink often, then there is no need to rub them with their hands and squeeze out of the orbit, bringing microbes from the dirty fingers. The consequence of strong rubbing is often the loss of eyelashes.


    A normal eye loves the sun and bright light, literally blooming under them, becoming strong, healthy and relaxed when perceiving the brightness of light without resistance to it.


    A normal eye likes to work and is greedy to vision. After a full-blooded working day, it would be desirable to go to the exhibition of paintings in the evening, play cards, enjoy reading books or watching TV.The lack of work for the eyes would be stress, exhausting them.


    When the eye is normal, vision is such a natural unconscious process that the rest of the body muscles relax, despite the fact that the eye is working. This also applies to the pectoral muscles, which provides deep natural breathing. When the eyes are straining, as a rule, curbing of good breathing occurs, it becomes cramped due to excessive contraction of the pectoral muscles, thus reducing the supply of oxygen that is so necessary to the whole body.


    A normal eye is never in the pure state of a close look, but always remains ready for movement and is in such motion. No owner of good eyes, moreover, does not try to see anything sideways from himself, straining his eyes, and keeping his head and neck immovable. Instead of turning his eyes and straining to see anything away from himself, a person with good eyes turns his nose toward the object of interest to him. This prevents the appearance of tension and tension of the muscles of the eye. Eyes, therefore, move, but using their own free vibrations, which are for them a rest.

    In all of this you can see for yourself. Keep your head still, try to see something to the extreme right of yourself. Do you feel the tension? Now point your nose at this object. The eyes obediently come into motion, but without any effort and in their own rhythm of work. Our rule is this: turn your nose in the direction you want to look at. This gives the eyes the ability to naturally use their vision.


    People with normal eyes, apparently, should be more relaxed, so as to speak, take it easy to treat all sorts of events, and not worry about every disturbance, real or imaginary. Get rid of the "virus" of anxiety and unrest that you are experiencing. Do most of them do not lead to eye strain?

    Promote the movement of the eye through relaxation. This will expand the blood vessels and ensure unimpeded circulation of the eye, thereby stimulating the optic nerve and nerves of the retina. Relaxation also stimulates mental activity, because the visual centers of the brain will have to interpret the images perceived by the eyes.

    With relaxation, deep breathing, much needed for vision, also normalizes.