  • Eye care

    When the psyche is able to perfectly recall any of the manifestations of the senses, it is always perfectly relaxed. In this case, when the eyes are open! , the vision is normal, and when they are closed and covered with the palms to completely eliminate the light, a completely black field is visible, i.e.nothing is visible at all. If you can clearly recall the hours humming, any smell or taste, your psyche will come to an ideal state of rest. Then, if you close your eyes and cover them with your hands, you will see absolute blackness. If your memory for a sense of touch can be compared to reality, you will not see anything other than blackness, if you completely exclude light. The same thing would happen if you clearly remembered some musical tact.

    But in any of these cases it's not so easy to check the correctness of the memory. The same can be said for colors different from black. All other colors, including white, depend on the amount of light falling on them and they rarely look as clear as normal eyes can see them. However, black color, when sight is normal, is also black in dim light, as well as bright. In the distance, it is also black, as near. In this small area is also black, as well as large, although in reality it seems blacker.(Black color, in addition, is easier to get at your disposal than other colors, because there is nothing blacker than printing ink, but it can be found everywhere.) Therefore, through the memory of black, you can accurately measure the degree of your own relaxation. If this color is remembered in perfection, then the person is completely relaxed. If blackness is remembered almost perfectly, then the relaxation is almost perfect. If the color is not remembered at all, then the person is either small or not at all relaxed.

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    These facts are easily confirmed by retinoscopy. Absolutely ideal recollection is very rare, so rare that it hardly needs to be taken into account. Almost the same ideal memory, which can be called normal, can be achieved under certain conditions by almost any person. With this memory, a black retinoscope shows that all refraction anomalies have been corrected. The reverse is observed if the memory is worse than normal. If it oscillates, then the shadow of the retinoscope will also fluctuate.

    The testimony of the retinoscope is more reliable in practice than the patient's claims. Patients often believe and argue that they ideally( or normally) recall black, while a retinoscope shows the presence of an abnormality of refraction. In such cases, by bringing the test table to the point where the black letters on it are best seen, it is easy to show that the recall is not equal to what you saw. The reader can easily see that this color can not be perfectly recalled if the eyes and the psyche are in tension. To do this, it is enough to try to remember it during a conscious effort to see, for example, gazing intently, screwing up one's eyes, frowning, etc., or trying to see all the letters of the line equally well at the same time. In this case it will be found out that black color under such conditions either is not remembered at all, or is remembered very badly.

    When both eyes of a person differ in their eyesight, you can find out that this difference is accurately measured by the length of time during which you can remember the black point by looking at the checklist first with both eyes and then closing the best eye. One patient with normal vision of the right eye and a half normal vision of the left eye could, looking at the checklist with both eyes, recall the point for 20 seconds in a row. With a closed best eye, the point managed to remember only 10 seconds. Another person with a half normal vision of the right eye and a quarter normal vision in the left eye could recall the point for 12 seconds with both eyes open and only 6 seconds with the closed best eye. A third person with a normal vision of the right eye and with a vision in the 0.1 left eye could remember the point for 20 seconds with both eyes open and only 2 seconds when the best eye was closed. In other words, if the vision of the right eye is better than the left one, the memory, when the right eye is open, is better than when only the left eye is open. This difference in the duration of the memory is directly proportional to the difference in the vision of both eyes.

    In the treatment of functional vision disorders, this relationship between relaxation and memory is of great practical importance. The sensations of the eyes and psyche give us very little information about the strain to which they are both exposed. Often, those who experience the greatest stress feel the least discomfort. But having checked his ability to remember black, a person can always determine whether he is straining or not. Consequently, in this way he is able to eliminate the conditions leading to stress. Whichever method of vision improvement a person applies, it is recommended that he constantly remember some small black area, for example, a point, so that he can identify and eliminate the conditions creating tension. In some cases, people in a very short time were cured by this method alone. One of the advantages of this method is that it does not require a test table. A person at any time of the day or night, no matter what he does, can always find conditions favorable for an ideal point remembrance.

    The state of the psyche that promotes the recollection of the black point can not be achieved by any kind of effort. Not remembrance is the cause of relaxation, but on the contrary, it must precede it. Recollection is achieved only at the moment of relaxation and lasts as long as the causes of stress are eliminated. However, explaining in an exhaustive manner how this happens is difficult, just as difficult as giving a full explanation and.many other psychological phenomena. We only know that under certain conditions that can be called favorable, it becomes possible to achieve a degree of relaxation sufficient for the memory of the black point, and that by persistent search for such conditions a person can increase the degree of this relaxation and its duration, eventually becoming capable of preservinghim and in adverse conditions.

    For most people, palming provides the most favorable conditions for the memory of black. When the effort to see is reduced by the exclusion of light, a person can usually recall a black object for a few seconds or longer. This period of relaxation can be increased in one of two ways. A person can open his eyes and look at some black object by the method of central fixation from the distance on which he is seen best and on which, therefore, the eyes are most relaxed. Or he can mentally move from one black object to another or from one part of a black object to another. Thanks to such methods, and perhaps under the influence of a number of other reasons that are difficult to understand, most people will sooner or later be able to close their eyes with their hands closed, remembering black for an indefinite period of time.

    A person can recall a black point by opening his eyes and looking at a clean( empty) surface without making a conscious effort to see anything. At the same time unconscious tension decreases, and all refractive anomalies, as the retinoscope shows, are corrected. Such a result has been found to be unchanged, and as long as the surface remains clean( empty), and the person does not begin to recall or mentally represent things that are not clearly visible, the memory and vision are preserved. But if with the improved vision on the surface different details begin to appear or if a person starts to think about the check table, which he saw not clearly, the effort will again return and the point will be lost.

    When looking at a surface on which there is nothing that could be seen, the distance ceases to play any role for the memory, because a person can always look at such a surface, independent of where it is, without the effort to see it. However, when looking at letters or any other details, memory is best performed at a point where the sight of a person is also better than from a distance where vision is not so good. This is due to the fact that in the first case, the eyes and the psyche of a person are more relaxed than in the second. Therefore, applying central fixation at the most convenient distances and using any other method of improving the vision that will be found effective, it is possible to improve the memory of the point, and in some cases very quickly.

    If relaxation, achieved under such favorable conditions, is ideal, then a person can preserve it and when the psyche is subjected to visual impressions at unfavorable distances. Such cases, however, are very rare. Usually the achieved degree of relaxation is noticeably low and, thus, is lost to a greater or lesser degree when the conditions are unfavorable, such as when examining a letter or some object from an uncomfortable distance. Such visual impressions in unfavorable circumstances are so disturbing that before the details are revealed at distances from which they were not previously visible, the patient usually loses his relaxation, and with it the memory of the point. In practice, the effort to see can return even earlier than a person has time to realize the image on the retina. The following case perfectly illustrates what has been said.

    A woman of 55 years had a myopia of 15 diopters complicated by other visual impairments, which made it impossible for her to see the big C letter from a distance of more than 1 foot, or walk near the house and along the street without an escort. She learned by looking at the green wall without the effort to see it, clearly remembering the black point and seeing a small piece of wallpaper from afar as well as near. When she came closer to the wall, she was asked to take hold of the door handle, which she did quite confidently."However, I do not see the handle," she hastened to remark. The fact that she saw the handle long enough to take on her, but as soon as she realized the idea that she sees her, she lost the memory of the point, and with it improved vision. When she again tried to find a pen, she could no longer do it.

    When, during the examination of a letter on the check table, you can perfectly remember the point, the vision of that letter improves with awareness or without realizing it. It is impossible to tense and relax at the same time. Therefore, if a person is relaxed enough to remember the point, then he should be relaxed enough to consciously or unconsciously see the letter. Vision of letters on either side of the letter in question or on lines above and below it also improves. When a person realizes that he sees letters, it greatly distracts him and usually at first causes him to forget the point. To some people, as already noted, the effort to see can return even earlier, than it is possible to recognize the letter consciously.

    Thus, people face a dilemma. Relaxation, as evidenced by the recollection of the point, improves their vision, and what they see with this improved vision makes them lose this relaxation and remembrance. I was always amazed how people manage to overcome this difficulty. Nevertheless, there were people who could do it in 5-30 minutes. For others, this process is long and tiring.

    There are various ways out of this situation. One way is to remember the point, looking slightly away from the check table, say, a foot or more. Then we need to look a little closer to it and, finally, look at the space between the lines. In this way, a person may be able to see letters in the peripheral field of view without losing a point. When he learns to do this, he may be able to do the next step - look straight at the letter without losing control of his memory. If he can not do this, he can only look at one part of the letter( usually the bottom), or see or represent the point as part of the letter, while noting that the remainder of the letter is less black and less distinct than the one considered directlypart. Learning to do this, he will be able to remember the point better than when this letter was seen all equally well. If the letter is seen all the same, then the perfect memory of the point is always lost.

    The next step is to notice whether the bottom of the letter is straight, curved or open without losing a point on this bottom part. When the patient learns this, he can try to do the same with the upper and lateral parts of the letter, still holding the point at the bottom. Usually, when one manages to see each of the parts of a letter individually, one can see the whole letter as well, without losing the point memories. But sometimes it happens that it can not be done. Then you need to practice before you can realize all sides of the letter simultaneously without losing the point. This can take minutes, hours, days and months. In one case, the goal was achieved by the following method.

    One patient with 15 diopters of myopia, what he saw when his vision was improved by the recollection of the point, caused such great excitement that he had to advise him to look away from the check table or any other considered object. He found that letters and other details of the object in question were beginning to appear. About a week he walked around, persistently avoiding his improved vision. As memories improved, the points to make it became harder and harder and by the end of the week it became absolutely impossible. When he looked at the bottom row of the table from a distance of 20 feet, he perfectly recalled the point, and when asked if he could see the letters, he replied: "I can not help anything with their vision."

    Some people restrained their recovery by "decorating" the environment during the day with dots, rather than just remembering the point in the mind. It does not lead to anything good, but on the contrary, it causes tension. The point can be represented ideally and with advantage for itself as an integral part of any black letter on the check table, since this means only a mental representation of the fact that one part of this black letter is seen best. But the point can not be ideally represented on a surface that is not black. Any attempt to do this puts an end to the vision.

    The smaller the area of ​​black is able to remember a person, the higher the degree of relaxation. Some people, however, find it easier at first to recall a larger area of ​​the type of one of the letters of the check table, while presenting one part of the letter is blacker than all the other parts. They can start with a capital "C", then go to smaller letters and, finally, get to the point. Often it is then discovered that a small area is easier to remember than a large one, and that its blackness is more intense. Instead of a point, it is easier for some people to recall a colon with one point blacker than the other, a set of points with one point blacker than the others or a dot above the lowercase letters "i" or "j".Other points are preferred by a comma.

    At first, most people are helped by conscious movement from one of the black zones to the other or from one part of such a zone to another and imagining the swaying or pulsation produced by such movement. But when the memory becomes perfect, it will be possible to continuously keep one object without conscious movement, while the swaying is carried out only when attention is directed to it.

    Although black is usually the best color for memories, some people get bored or he starts to oppress them. Such people prefer to remember white or some other color. It is often easier to recall a familiar object or one of the pleasant associations, rather than a memory of what does not constitute any special interest. The vision of one woman was corrected by the memory of the yellow buttercup. Another, unable to remember the point, was able to recall the opal in her ring. All that people find easiest to remember is the best object for this, since remembrance will never be ideal if it is given with difficulty.

    When the recollection of the point becomes familiar, it will not only not be burdensome, but will also bring great benefit to other mental processes. When one thing is remembered better than all the others, the psyche takes possession of the central fixation. Its effectiveness is thereby increased in the same way as central fixation contributes to the growth of the effectiveness of the eye. In other words, the work of the brain is most effective when the mind is at rest. In turn, the psyche is never at rest, if one thing is not remembered better than anything else. When the psyche is in a state in which the point is remembered perfectly, the recollection of other things also improves.

    One student told me that when she could not remember the answer to the exam question, she remembered the point. And then the answer popped up in her memory. When I forget the patient's name, I remember the point-and that's the name in my hands! The musician, who had a beautiful vision and had the ability to perfectly remember the point, had a great memory for music. Another musician with poor eyesight, who could not remember the point, could not play anything without his notes. This was achieved only when his vision and visual memory became normal. In a number of exceptional cases, the effort to see the letters on the checklist is so great that people have said that when they looked at them, they could not remember a point or their own names.

    The accuracy of the memory of the point can be checked not only by comparing the recalled with the seen, but also by the following tests:

    When the memory point is perfect, it happens instantly. If it takes a few seconds or more to reach a memory, then it is never perfect.

    Perfect memories not only occur immediately, but also lasts continuously.

    When the point is remembered perfectly, normal vision is achieved immediately. But if good vision is acquired only after 1-2 seconds, one can always prove that the recollection of the point is not perfect, as well as the vision itself is imperfect.

    Memorizing a point is a sign of relaxation, a testimony by which a person learns that his eyes and psyche are at rest. It can be compared to a steam locomotive gauge that does not affect the car in any way, but is important in getting information about the machine's readiness for operation. By the fact that the point is black, a person learns that the mechanism of the eye is in working order. When the point fades or is lost, the person understands that this mechanism is not in order and will remain in this state until the treatment is performed. After the end of treatment, a person will no longer need a point or any other help to eyesight, just as a machinist does not need a manometer when the machine is working properly.

    One person who reached telescopic and microscopic levels of vision through methods, said in response to a question from one of the persons interested in investigating methods for treating refractive error without glasses, that he not only does nothing to prevent relapse, but even forgot how he was treated. The answer did not satisfy the questioner, but he is given here only to illustrate the fact that when the vision of a person is corrected, he does not need to consciously do anything to keep it that way, although the treatment can always be successfully continued, because even supernormal vision can beimprove.