
Balanoposthitis in men: symptoms, treatment, reasons, photo

  • Balanoposthitis in men: symptoms, treatment, reasons, photo

    When an infection occurs through sexual contact, the surface of the penis head often becomes inflamed in men, which is called balanitis.

    Inflammation extends to the foreskin( inner leaf), which is called postitis.

    These both simultaneous inflammatory processes are diagnosed as balanoposthitis.

    Forms of balanoposthitis

    Balanoposthitis is acute and chronic. In connection with the acute nature of the inflammatory process, balanoposthitis is divided into three forms: simple, erosive and gangrenous( pustular-ulcerative).

    Chronic balanoposthitis is often inducible: with inflammation the head and foreskin begin to wrinkle. Ulcerative hypertrophic balanoposthitis lasts for a long time without special clinical symptoms.

    1. Simple form - characterized by the appearance of redness, swelling and wet softening( maceration) of the skin of the head and in the foreskin of the inner leaf and the subsequent formation of different amounts of erosion and purulent discharge with contours accompanied by burning and itching.
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    3. Erosive form - at the stage of development of erosions, swollen white areas of dead epithelium appear. Further they pass into painful bright red erosions, having a bezel of maceration( outlines) along the edge. The process is complicated by phimosis and painful inguinal lymphadenitis or regional lymphangitis.
    4. Gangrenous form - characterized by the formation of deep and varying amounts of purulent-necrotic ulcers and the development of phimosis( narrowing the foreskin).Ulcers cause pain and slowly heal. Against the background of the ulcerative process, the patient develops fever and weakness.

    How can I get a balanoposthitis?

    The causes of balanoposthitis are related to the presence of:

    1) Favorable conditions in the preputial sac for the propagation of anaerobic and aerobic viruses and microorganisms through moisture and high temperature and alkaline pH, which is caused by decomposing smegma and excretion of the skin glands. Against the backdrop of a developed network of blood and lymphatic vessels, a pronounced exudative response to the inflamed head and skin of the penis is formed. For this reason, there are complications of balanoposthitis: phimosis and paraphimosis.

    2) Infectious agents: fungi, bacteria and viruses, staphylococci, streptococci and yeast fungi, mycoplasmas and HPV.Pathogens of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and syphilis: primary or secondary. A xerotic balanoposthitis develops when spirochaetes enter the tissue.

    3) Urinary tract infections( urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis), hydronephrosis and urolithiasis.

    4) Local factors of the disease: chronic urination of the skin, scuffing of the skin, narrow foreskin, coital trauma, frequent masturbation, dryness of the partner's vagina, poor personal hygiene.

    5) Autoimmune factors - the relationship of balanoposthitis with diseases of the immune system: the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, pernicious anemia, vitiligo, cicatricial pemphigoid, alopecia, psoriasis, rheumatic polymyalgia, primary biliary cirrhosis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

    6) Hormonal factors. If the tissues cease to absorb male sex hormones, a xerotic balanitis develops.

    7) Genetic factors. The family can develop a xerotic balanitis.

    8) Skin diseases:

    • of red flat lichen with presence on the head of flat polygonal papules merging into rings;
    • psoriasis with the presence of scaly papules and plaques located in the areas of skin trauma;
    • Erythroplasia Keira in men over 40 years old with the presence of single or multiple erythematous bright red plaques. The surface of the plaques is smooth or velvet;
    • Paget's disease with the presence of a single eczematic-like non-healing plaque, which causes severe itching and pain;
    • obliterating xerotic balanitis with manifestation on the penis of lichen sclerotrophic, which is a complication of balanoposthitis;
    • atrophy of the receptor apparatus. The sensitivity of the penis head decreases, which worsens the quality of sex;
    • cicatrical changes in the genital organ: phimosis( narrowing of the foreskin), metastenosis( narrowing of the urethral opening from the outside and fossa of the scaphoid), paraphimosis.
    With Bowen's disease and Keira's erythroplasia, there is a risk of cancer. Erosive-ulcerative balanoposthitis with syphilis primary, Stevens-Johnson syndrome contribute to the development of necrosis of the penis head.

    Symptoms of balanoposthitis in men

    Balanoposthitis, and its first symptoms are easy to detect, the clinical picture in men is caused by such moments:

    • discomfort in the head and foreskin of the penis: pain, itching, cutting and burning, especially when urinating.
    • hypersensitivity to the head of the penis, which affects premature ejaculation or a decrease in the duration of sexual contact.
    • appearance of redness on the head and foreskin, irritations, red spots, dots, cracks, tubercles and ulcers, including maceration( thinning) of the mucosa and its similarity to the kind of parchment.
    • intensive discharge from the urethra, which forces many times a day to wash the head of the penis with the foreskin.
    According to the etiology the balanoposthitis is divided:

    1) On the primary balanoposthitis - due to non-observance of personal hygiene rules, the presence of phimosis and accumulation in the preference of smegma, which causes mechanical irritation of the mucosa, flesh and skin of the head of the penis and chemical. Medicines, chemicals that are part of hygiene products contribute to the development of balanoposthitis.

    2) On secondary balanoposthitis - due to infectious diseases and the above reasons.

    Balanoposthits primary:

    • erosive circular;
    • gangrenous;
    • is ulcerative-pustular;
    • is a medicament.
    Balanoposthits secondary:

    • horny ulcerous;
    • is a diabetic;
    • gonococcal;
    • obliterating xerotic;
    • candida;
    • Trichomonas;
    • chlamydial and mycoplasmic;
    • herpetic
    • gardnerella-associated( anaerobic).

    Treatment of balanoposthitis in men

    All stages of the development of the disease require increased hygiene of the genital organs.

    For to treat balanoposthitis in men was effective - wet and swollen elements are washed 2-3 times a day with cool water with the addition of potassium permanganate( 1: 8000) or make a bath for 20 minutes, then lubricate the skin and mucous with zinc oxide(10-15%).

    To wash the mucosa and skin of the prepuce bag, use antiseptic solutions: rivanol, silver nitrate in 0.5% solution, chlorhexidine, furacilin 3-4 times a day. After rinsing, it is important to direct the head of the penis to prevent paraphimosis and change the clothes daily.

    Assign drugs against inflammation, from fungi and bacteria. Treatment is carried out: Floracid, Metronidazole, Tinidazole with Ciprofloxacin inside and locally - Triderm( anti-inflammatory corticosteroid drug).

    Therapy includes vitamin E, unitiol and bucarbanol. Using potassium iodide phonophoresis, a high therapeutic effect is achieved.

    With the yeast etiology of the disease, treatment of both partners is carried out with the help of preparations from fungi - Itraconazole and Fluconazole, creams - Nizoral, Clotrimazole, Lamizil.

    Therapy for different forms of balanoposthitis in men may differ:

    1. 1) Candidiasis balanoposthitis is treated in a complex way: a laser is used for venous blood, then it is treated with laser phoresis simultaneously with the use of preparations from fungi and others.
    2. 2) In cicatricial phimosis, treatment is performed promptly: the foreskin is cut or cut around the foreskin. Effective ointments with the presence of healing properties based on Panthenol with vitamins, hormones( synestrol, testosterone, progesterone).
    3. 3) Ulcerative pustular balanoposthitis is treated with lotions or cauterizing with carbolic acid( 1:10) and lubricating rivanol in a solution( 1: 1000).
    4. 4) Balanitis gangrenous is treated with antibiotics and sulfonamides, topically acidic antiseptics: oxygen water, manganese, silver nitrate in a solution of 1-2%.
    5. 5) Erosive-circular balanoposthitis in acute and severe form is treated with antibiotics, combining with sulfonamides. Local - washing and lotion with antiseptics. Cover the affected areas with powders of bismuth, use candles ME No. 10 with Genferon. Treatment is carried out with capsules, suspension or injections of Flucostat with Fluconzole from fungi. And also gel 5% on the basis of Hexicon, antifungal cream Candide( 1%).

    Consequences of the disease

    In case of inadequate treatment or absence of treatment of balanoposthitis:

    1. 1) Ulcerative form of balanoposthitis or lymphangitis( inflammation of the lymph vessels on the genital) develops with inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes, that is, the appearance of inguinal lymphangitis;
    2. 2) Pain syndromes appear during walking, urination and during sex;
    3. 3) Inflammation spreads to the urethra, and infections in the urinary tract progress;
    4. 4) Cicatricial phimosis is formed;
    With prolonged inflammatory process - the overall sensitivity of the mucosa and skin of the head of the penis decreases, the receptor apparatus is atrophied, which negatively affects the potency.

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