  • Kidney phonation, its benefits and benefits

    When specialists explain what kidney phonation is, they first of all mean that this is a simple procedure for influencing microvibrations of sound frequencies by applying vibrophones to the body. Sound microvibrations are natural for the human body and have a positive effect on the functioning of systems and individual organs.

    Renovation of the kidneys makes it possible to restore their work and a number of medical experiments prove that this procedure increases the amount of uric acid excreted by the kidneys. The main advantage of the method is the possibility of organizing regular exposure, that is, independent phonation of the kidneys at home.

    This is important!

    The effectiveness of each subsequent procedure lasts several hours. And to achieve a better result, the organization of a course of treatment will be required, but even holding one background per day makes it possible to see noticeable results.

    The procedure is carried out using a vibroacoustic apparatus and does not require special skills.

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    The use of the

    technique When it comes to the disease, most often no one thinks about the cellular nature of this condition. The essence of most pathologies is the increase in the number of dead cells in a particular zone or organ in comparison with their normal concentration. Depending on the type of tissue causes cell death in it, the classification of diseases is arranged. Utilization is carried out by cells of immunity. If the dead cells are not recycled, there will be no regeneration or pathological regeneration. Biological microvibration may be required in a situation.when the cells of the immune system are not able to seep between other cells and perform recycling.

    Biological microvibration is a kind of mechanical vibration that allows you to move cells and substances through capillaries and tissues, that is, they provide microcirculation. In the human body, microvibration is controllably formed due to the variable contraction of muscle cells. The resources of the muscle tissue are considered to be limited, in this connection, even in a healthy organism, there is a small deficit of microvibration, and therefore the aging of the organism takes place. With the development of the disease, the need for biological microvibration increases, and with it the deficit also increases.

    Renovation of kidneys in hypertension and other pathologies makes it possible to fill the deficit of microvibration, which provides good results of the technique. It is only necessary to determine the primary lesion zone correctly and on time.

    Only those frequencies and energies that are considered natural for the human body and correspond to the microvibration of the tissues that occurs when the muscles are strained and vibrations of the vocal cords are used to perform the phonation.

    Areas of exposure to the

    method Almost all tissues in the body need additional microvibrations, some more, some less. Because. That the source of internal microvibration is the muscle cells, then the organs in which such cells, namely the lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen are not contained, require large doses of biological microvibrations.

    This is important!

    Sound microvibrations have a great depth of penetration, so vibraphones are placed in such a way that a specific organ and nearby muscle tissue, responsible for feeding the organ with internal microvibrations, enter the area of ​​their influence. For the liver - this is the muscular wall in the gallbladder, for the kidneys - the muscular wall of the kidney pelvis, for the prostate gland - the muscular wall of the bladder, etc.

    Advantages of conducting the background

    The phonation has advantages and advantages, namely:

    1. Availability of implementation, that is, the possibility of using at home.
    2. Possibility of application for a person of any age.
    3. Complete recovery of microvibration deficiency in the affected area.
    4. Safety procedure, as it does not damage the cells and can be used for any kidney damage.
    5. Possibility of everyday use without interruptions.
    6. Cost-effective - the devices used for backgrounding are very inexpensive and reliable in use.

    When explaining the essence of the procedure and answering patients' question about what is the phonation of the kidney area and for what it is intended, the doctor pays attention to the fact that this method allows to significantly improve the work of the organ. Studies carried out in the field of medicine have proved that phonation helps to eliminate uric acid and normalize blood pressure values.

    The resulting sensations are similar to a light touch of vibration to the body, and after a while there is a feeling of heat. At a low threshold of sensitivity, a person does not experience any sensations.

    Renovation of the kidneys significantly improves their performance, increases efficiency. But to achieve a stable effect, one should not increase the burden on the human body during the first months of the procedure.

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