  • Frequent sluggish stools

    Frequent liquid and copious stools or, in other words, diarrhea, diarrhea, is a rapid and fluid excretion of feces, dangerous by rapid dehydration of the body - a violation of the balance of water and electrolytes in the body( sodium, potassium) necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

    Possible causes of

    Digestive tract infections, , which can be caused by bacteria( salmonella, dysentery, pseudotuberculosis, escherichiosis, etc.), and viruses( rotaviruses, enterovi rus, etc.).

    ( ASKARIDES, SCREWS, etc.) - if present in the child's body, there may be an unstable stool along with other complaints - a decrease in appetite, nausea and vomiting in the morning, pain in the navel, etc.

    Amybiasis is a fairly common disease. It is caused by unicellular organisms - Giardia. The acute form is common in young children. Diarrhea is a frequent manifestation of it.

    Psychoemotional stress of may be cause of liquid stool( usually occurs after stress).

    Celiac disease

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    or gluten disease is a hereditary disease characterized by intolerance to gluten, due to which the shell of the small intestine is affected, and its complete recovery when eliminating gluten from food.

    Non-infectious diseases of the colon( ulcerative colitis) is one of the most severe intestinal diseases in children, characterized by mucosal lesions with the formation of ulcers and the presence of blood in the stool. Occur in isolated form rarely. Treatment is long.

    Dysbacteriosis - imbalance of microflora in the intestine. Can lead to both diarrhea and constipation. The causes that lead to a dysbacteriosis: a decrease in immunity,

    administration of antibiotics, a change in diet.

    Irritable bowel syndrome is common among children. It is combined with bloating, rumbling in the intestines and other complaints. It is often combined with atopic dermatitis.

    Intolerance to certain medications can cause rapid fluid stools( most often with antibiotics and iron preparations).

    Food poisoning. Acute food poisoning can be accompanied by both vomiting and diarrhea.

    Intolerance of certain foods( intolerance to cow's milk proteins, etc.) may be due to allergies to its protein, as well as the result of intestinal infection and the resulting deficiency of enzymes.

    Disturbance of lactose digestion( lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency). Causes of secondary lactase deficiency: infections( rotavirus), food allergy, celiac disease, giardiasis.

    The inadequacy of various enzymes of - sucrose, isomaltase, etc., responsible for the cleavage of its "own" food component( fructose, etc.).They are much less common than insufficiency of lactase.

    Bowel anomalies. Congenital diseases.

    For surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity. May be a symptom of appendicitis.

    In all cases of a loose stool, attention should be paid to the frequency of the stool, its color, its odor, and also to the presence of impurities( blood, mucus).

    Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before use.

    Some products must undergo appropriate heat treatment - meat, chicken eggs, milk, fish, etc.

    Use only clean or boiled water for drinking.

    Observe the conditions and temperature conditions for perishable products.

    Do not eat foods that have expired.

    Intestinal infections are quite frequent in infants because of insufficient "maturity" of bowel functioning.

    In the acute period of intestinal infections it is not recommended to give to the child foods containing a large number of dietary fibers, leading to increased intestinal activity, as well as products that enhance fermentation processes in the intestine. Among such products are whole milk, whole milk porridges, rye bread, yogurts, fermented baked milk, vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber, legumes, nuts, confectionery, buns, pickles, smoking, marinades, carbonated beverages, fatty meats, poultryand fish, strong broths.

    Do not exclude food for more than 48 hours. A child needs food to recover!

    With a loose stool not caused by an infectious disease, a sparing diet is required( frequent and divided meals, restriction of some products).

    For food poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach( see the section "Nausea and vomiting") and put a cleansing enema( see section "Constipation").In this case, it is necessary to give the child an enterosorbent( activated charcoal or enterosgel).

    In liquid stools, as well as in vomiting, fluid loss occurs, so immediately it is necessary to start recovering it. This applies to cases of diarrhea caused by an infection. If you give a baby a glucose-saline solution( rehydron, glucosalan, etc.), remember that the ratio of glucose-salt solutions to salt-free solutions( water or tea) when ingested should be 1: 1 - with a liquid watery stool and 1: 2 when combined with liquid watery stools and increased body temperature. You can prepare a salt solution to recover the liquid at home. For 1 liter of boiled water take 20.0-40.0 g of sugar, 3.5 g of table salt and 2.5 g of baking soda, and to add 1 / 3-1 / 2 of potassium water, replace the boiled water with a raisin or carrot broth. A raisin broth is prepared with raisins of white varieties 100-150 g, carefully washed, 1 liter of water is added to it. All this is brought to a boil, cook for 20 minutes, then filter and cool.

    Traditionally, as a fixing agent, children are given a rice decoction.1 teaspoon washed should be poured 6-7 cups of water, put on a weak fire and boil. Decoction cool, drain and give the baby 1/3 cup every 2 hours.

    As usual, the doctor will listen carefully, examine the child and put a preliminary diagnosis with recommendations for therapeutic nutrition. In the future, examination and treatment will depend on the cause that caused the liquid stool.

    The examination includes various analyzes of feces - general analysis, stool culture for microflora, occult blood feces analysis, analysis of feces for

    egg worm. With diarrhea caused by bacterial infection, the appointment of antibiotics, the removal of dehydration - intake of liquid.

    After recovery, drugs that restore the activity of the stomach and intestines will be recommended. Treatment of viral diarrhea includes the appointment of enterosorbents, an abundant drinking regimen, the appointment of antipyretic agents with concomitant high temperature.

    Additional examination is indicated for suspected akiyu, ulcerative colitis, intolerance to certain foods and other non-infectious diseases. The doctor can send for consultation to a gastroenterologist, an allergist, who, in turn, will conduct a targeted examination.

    there are signs and signs of severe dehydration - sunken eyes, dry mouth, lack of tears, springing fontanelle( in infants up to a year), rare urination, dark yellow urine;

    liquid stool is accompanied by high fever;

    loose stools accompany vomiting or abdominal pain.