How to successfully pass an interview for work? Tips from professionals
All of us sometime in our life faced the question: "How do I pass an interview, what would be a positive result?".Many do not even suspect that they begin to interview at the moment they called the future employer or sent a resume.
Resume and telephone conversation is the first stage of selection of a candidate for a vacant position. The so-called screening interview. From the stream of calls and resumes, the employer, the screening method, asking a few questions about work experience, qualifications, the age of the applicant and other issues - selects a candidate for a vacant position. If you have correctly drawn up your resume, and confidently, tactfully answered all questions by phone, the second stage of selection of the candidate begins: you are invited for an interview. Interviews can be built on several scenarios. Everything depends on the position you are applying for.
Further plan of the article:
- Preparation for the interview
- Specific recommendations for the interview
- What can not be done at the interview( common mistakes)?
Preparing for the interview
In fact, when you started looking for work and looking for open vacancies for employers - you have already begun to prepare for the interview! You decided which post you would like to work for, you already appreciated yourself and weighed your professionalism.
So, call. A polite voice informs you that you can, come for an interview tomorrow at 12:00.The first thing that the applicant feels is fear. But you need to get rid of fear. To reduce fear, you should understand that first of all you are not chosen, but you choose your working conditions. You should be aware that you are not invited to an interview in order to lower your self-esteem. The person who will talk with you, wants only one thing: to close the staff unit more profitable, that is, to find a person who will cope with the tasks.
So, after the call, we do not run in panic. And the first thing we do is:
- Finding information about the activities of the organization you are going to interview for. General information: type of activity, number of staff, how many years in the market, etc.
- Be sure to review the general job descriptions of the job you are applying for. Independently evaluate ourselves. If there are duties that you have not encountered before, or you are not sure that you will not cope with them - engage in their in-depth study.
- We prepare several questions in order to show our interest to the employer. Questions should not go beyond the scope of future job responsibilities.
- Prepare documents about your qualifications( diploma, certificates), passport, work record book and do not forget your resume.
Specific recommendations for the interview
Always remember the saying "Meet on clothes - escorted by the mind."So the first thing you should pay attention to is the appearance. You must be neatly dressed, the style of dress must match the dress code of the company you are going to interview for.
Just do not forget about the positive mood, smile, be sociable, energetic and attentive. The future employer should see in your eyes the desire to work in his company. The main thing is that he should see that you want to give 100% of your time not to get a job, but to work in this position.
During the interview you will be asked questions about your qualifications and job descriptions of an open job. Here you are already revealing yourself completely. Talk about your experiences and achievements.
If you have little experience or some aspect of your responsibilities, do not be afraid to admit that you are not competent in any matter. Always remember the saying: "It's impossible to know everything, you need to know where to look."The employer in the selection of personnel knows that it is impossible to find a candidate who will immediately join the team and on the first day will be able to fulfill his duties by one hundred percent. For this, there is an internship and a probationary period.
Questions relating to your past work, such as, your past job."Tell us about your last job?" "Tell us about the former boss?" Etc. They are asked to test your communication skills. They need to be answered in such a manner as if you are now responding to them with your boss from a past job.
Often in large companies, stress interviews are used. They are built in different ways, but the purpose of these interviews is the same: to test your stress resistance. Most often it happens like this. Against the backdrop of a polite conversation, a sharp turn of events ask you a question that can lead you out of yourself or with you at once conduct a conversation in a more aggressive manner, that you would have a feeling that you are not competent on a particular issue. At such interviews, the main thing is not to show your fear and confidently answer questions, even if you answered incorrectly. The goal in such an interview is to test you not for competence, but for stress resistance. Why does the employer check for stress resistance? Many positions, most often management, require quick decisions and the main right. If a person is stress-resistant, he can at any time make the right decision.
What can not be done in an interview( common mistakes)?
Many people make mistakes in the choice of tactics of behavior during the interview. If people behave incorrectly, a negative attitude of the employer towards oneself is caused by the person. The employer's opinion of you begins to build at the moment when you opened the door and entered the office, on a number of your answers to questions, and in the manner of your behavior, he draws conclusions about your character traits.
Here are some examples of common mistakes in the interview:
- Overestimated self-esteem when communicating. In any case, do not praise yourself much. Along with this, too low self-esteem does not give a positive result either.
- To come for an interview with a "support group".The interview is individual and you should behave correctly, show that you are a confident person.
- Conversation on souls. Remember that you do not need a lot of revelations at the interview. If you are asked the question: what are you passionate about? This does not mean that you need to tell in detail about your hobby.
- Money, that is wages. It is a mistake to say at the interview that you are attracted by wages in work. Since wages are not motivation for work.
- Do not blame your work experience and professionalism. Since your lie will be visible either immediately or after some time.
So, how to pass the interview so that there is a positive result? To do this, you need to use only a few rules:
- Create a resume. The resume should fully reflect your work experience and education, your professional achievements and personal characteristics.
- Confident communication over the phone. You must be prepared for an interview by phone. Be able to briefly talk about yourself and your experience.
- Always be sociable and courteous at the interview.
- After the interview, be sure to remain polite. Thank for the time allotted to you.
Your goal is to leave a pleasant impression about yourself: that you are a professional, but not a "batman";that you know your business, but in which case you are ready for training;that you are a communicative and responsible employee;that you are ready to work in this company, since you like it for certain characteristics.
And remember, there is an interesting pattern: if you were invited for an interview after screening by phone: you have 50 percent to the goal. Show your best qualities in an interview and familiarization with the organization - this is plus 40 percent. The remaining 10 percent is an acquaintance with the main boss, and communication with him will be the easiest.