18 practical tips on how to become rich from scratch + books and videos
- Earn money( any number) for everyone. Remember this! Absolutely any person can become a billionaire, it all depends on what you are ready to go for money and wealth.
- Learn to sacrifice. An item arising from the previous one. To achieve wealth in this life, you will have to sacrifice something( free time, good relationships, rest, etc.).
- Define for yourself the criteria of wealth. Money will always be small, no matter how much you get, whatever savings you have, but you still need to determine the exact numbers of wealth. They will help you understand how much you have approached your goal, and what attempts are worth taking.
- "I want to become rich!" - a phrase that should be forgotten once and for all. The fact is that this is not a goal, it is a dream that will forever remain a dream if it is not formulated correctly. An example of the correct goal: "I need to earn $ 20,000 by June 1 of next year!".Then create a plan of your actions, answering the question: "What can I do to earn this money?".If you do not find a reasonable and real answer - change the desired amount of money or terms. The goal should have time boundaries, clear requirements, and real ways of implementation.
- Your goals are your secrets! Stop telling everyone about their goals in life or business. Understand the simple essence: to rich and successful people your goals are indifferent and completely uninteresting, and for the poor - this is an extra reason to put you "a stick in the wheels", because of a feeling of envy and your own lack of education, to try to dissuade you in the correctness of taking certain actionson the way to the goal, and, in the end, prevent them from reaching them, etc. The less others know about your plans, the better it will be for you.
- Poor people do not exist, there are LAZY!Despite the fact that laziness is the engine of progress, it also acts as the engine of poverty. Rich people can not be lazy, they always have an active position: they work hard, have a lot of fun, they do a lot of things, read a lot, experiment a lot, etc.
- Find a mentor. Most rich people had mentors in their lives who always pushed them in the right direction in the business sphere. And the mentor could be like a real acquaintance and a successful businessman, and an idol from history, about which hundreds of books with a biography and his principles have been written. The essence of this principle is to find an idol, to study it and to act in life the way he would act. The fact is that life in all though different in essence, but the situation in it is often identical, and if we take into account the success of the idol, then it is easier to walk along the path that is traversed, than to move to wealth blindly.
- Rich people develop in all directions. You do not have to think only about money, you must have a life from all sides: health, love, rest, emotional positive, etc.
- Learn not to avoid problems, but to solve them. Note that wealth will not erase the problem from your life, it will only change their format. In addition, having set yourself a goal, become rich, get ready for a huge number of tasks that need to be solved. To problems it is necessary to concern not as to failures, and as to opportunities to improve or to approximate itself to riches.
- You can earn money honestly, though longer and more difficult, but life does not shorten it. We will not hide the fact that many rich people in our country have earned their capital in a dishonest way, but even they do not recommend to repeat their journey, since the life of most of the wealthy scammers ends in imprisonment, or with sudden death or an unhappy and troubled life.
- Use your envy for good. Every normal person has a feeling of envy, but he can be used as a motivator for achieving goals. That is, other people's successes will stimulate to work even better and better.
- Surround yourself with people with a lot of money. If you change your social circle, you yourself will start to change: talk more about lucrative business, news in the business world, adopt the habits of your successful friends and acquaintances, understand their position and the course of thinking. More often you will see real examples of success, and as a result you will less tempted to relax and slow down on the way to your own solvency. And, of course, you can receive real help from well-off friends and acquaintances.
- Risk is noble business! Without risk, almost no operation of businessmen, this is their destiny. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks, but the risk must be justified and calculated.
- Properly manage your earnings. The earned money should never go in one direction. Try to save part of them, part - to spend for needs, part of returning to the business, developing it. Only in this case you will protect yourself from all sides.
- Try to work for yourself, not for someone. Remember that your boss always gets the most money. Try to open at least a small, but your business. Even growing mushrooms in your garage for sale is already a business.
- Dream less - do more. The majority problem - they think, dream and plan a lot, but they do not act very much. You need right now to pull yourself together, stop being lazy and postpone everything for later, and start acting and not wait for the right moment.
- Always look for alternative ways of earning. Even if you already have a stable source of income, do not miss the chance to start earning another way. Discover new niches, try to find new partners and at the same time develop today's source of income.
- It's not possible to become rich quickly! Smile with this axiom. Fast and a lot - it can only be unpromising, illegal and short-lived. Good business is built for years!
Wealth is a loose and strictly subjective concept. For someone, it is measured by the number of items purchased per month, and for someone - by the number of apartments and cars or by the amount of the deposit. In any case, wealth is the fulfillment of all your desires and the formation of the image of a successful person. Today we will tell you secrets about how to become rich, and you will understand why the rich are getting richer, and the poor continue to suffer from lack of money.
Further content of the article:
- 18 principles of success
- Best books for those wishing to become rich
- Video on how to become rich and successful
18 principles of success or how to become a rich person
If you think and act like a rich man, then early orlate, but you will wake up like that. The principles described below will prompt which side should be changed and how to achieve wealth gradually and confidently.
The best books for those wishing to become rich
If you are striving to get rich, we advise you to read several important books that will help you enrich yourself. First of all, we recommend to study the literature of Robert Kiyosaki. The best book of this author will be:
Rich dad, poor dad
This book will be of interest to the younger generation, as it tells that there are rules followed by rich people. But there are other rules that about 95% of the entire population know, and which the poor parents of their children learn. In the book you will find a lot of advice that may be very unusual for you, but very useful.
To hell with it! Take it and do it!
Author: Richard Branson( one of the richest people in the world).This book can be called a real manifesto about risk, action and even inaction. Based idea of the book - you need to do what you love and what you like. Do not be afraid of risk and succumb to your fears, even if you do not have the education, experience and general knowledge in the chosen field. The author literally pushes to take on a favorite thing right now. After reading his book to the end, the reader gets a powerful charge of optimism and self-confidence, which is very necessary for a person who wants to become rich.
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill, an American psychologist and author of Think and Grow Rich, describes in detail the steps to wealth. This book gives a clear understanding of what is wealth, and also, to whom and why it is needed. The philosophical book of Hill was included in 10 books of business bestsellers, which helped people to succeed.
The subconscious can do anything!
The famous business coach of John Kehoe, teaches you how to create a full-fledged business with the help of thought power. He himself became rich from scratch. The book looks at a lot of examples of ordinary people who were able to get rich.
Science on how to become rich
Author: Уолес Уотлеза.After reading it, the approach to wealth changes drastically, and despite the fact that the book was written in 1910, it still remains an actual instruction to create your own business.
Video on how to become rich and successful
As a video, we have prepared for you interesting tips from Donald Trump - an American businessman and generally famous person. He is the owner and founder of many companies, such as Trump Entertainment Resorts( a company that manages many hotels and casinos all over the world).
On this we have everything. Sincerely we wish good luck and patience on a way to riches!