  • Treatment with baths of various diseases

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    Baths are common, sedentary( semi-) and local. When half-water is taken, the water should reach about the navel, and it can be combined with pouring and rubbing.

    Local baths are designed for individual parts of the body, most often for the limbs. Depending on the water temperature, the baths are divided into cold( 20-33 ° С), warm( 34-39 ° С) and hot( from 40 ° С).

    Cold baths have a toning effect on the whole body. They stimulate the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and normalize metabolic processes. Warm baths relax the muscles, reduce pain and improve sleep by calming effect on the nervous system. Hot baths stimulate sweating, improve metabolism, while relaxing muscles. However, a good sedative effect is observed only after taking baths with a water temperature of not more than 37 ° C, and all other baths, irrespective of the temperature of the water, have a stimulating effect, and they should not be taken before bedtime.

    In the process of taking a bath it is recommended to rub the skin with a sponge, brush or special mitten. As for the composition of the water, the bath can be fresh, mineral and medicinal.

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    Common baths

    A common bath is taken by completely immersing the body in water. In this case, only the neck, head and part of the chest in the region of the heart( up to the nipples) can remain open. This procedure can not be taken immediately after a meal or on an empty stomach: the best time is 1,5-2 hours after a meal.

    The time for taking a hot and cold bath should be 3-5 minutes, warm - 10-15 minutes.

    Cold common baths

    Cold common baths are commonly used as a preventative. They can be taken throughout the year. They purify the skin, strengthen the body and improve the work of the heart and blood vessels. In winter, it is enough to take a bath 1 time per 7-14 days, in the summer - 1-2 times a week.

    Do not take a cold common bath if you get wet under the rain or freeze in the wind. In this case, before the procedure, you need to warm up with the help of physical exercises, and after the bath, put on dry clothes and again warm the body, moving intensively.

    The cold bath should be taken for approximately 1 minute. However, for the first procedures, 7-10 seconds will suffice. It should be noted that the duration of the procedure does not affect its effect in any way, especially at the beginning of the treatment. But too long to be in a cold bath is not recommended, just like in an open reservoir: this "preventive maintenance" will not bring you health, it will only weaken the body or even provoke a cold disease.

    It's hard for a person who is not accustomed to cold water to force himself to take such a bath for the first time. Therefore, it is better to begin hardening and improving procedures with rubbing, then go to dousing and cold baths for the feet. After this, you can take sedentary cold baths, before which you should warm up the body in a warm bath or with the help of physical exercises. The time of reception of the half-cook in this case will be 0.5-3 minutes.

    Common cold baths can also be used for medicinal purposes. This method was widely used by our ancestors, who were well aware of the properties of cold water. With her help, the fever was suppressed and the heat that literally burned the patient was knocked off. In such cases, cold water causes the body to fully incorporate its protective forces, which improves breathing and increases blood circulation.