  • Cold full baths

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    Cold full baths are recommended mainly as a preventative for healthy people. You can take them at any time of the year. Such baths harden the body, cleanse the skin, improve the functioning of the circulatory system and strengthen the entire body. In winter, you need to take 1 bath in 1-2 weeks, in summer, this procedure can be held a little more often, but no more than 2 times a week.

    Do not resort to this procedure if the body or legs are cold, cold baths are not recommended for those who are drenched in the rain or chilled in the cold. Before taking a cold bath, you need to warm up by doing a few exercises. After taking a cold bath, you should always wear dry clothes and keep warm with walking or exercise.

    The optimal time for the procedure is about 1 minute, but you need to start from 7-10 seconds. By the way, the duration of taking a cold bath does not at all affect the strength of its effect. The shorter the residence time in the bath, the more intense its action. Too long stay in cold water, and not only in a curative or preventive bath, but also in an ordinary pond, does not benefit, but only weakens the body. Doctors do not recommend swimming in the sea or river, staying there for more than half an hour.

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    With unaccustomed use it is difficult to force yourself to enter the cold water, even if it is not a winter hole, but an ordinary bath in the apartment, so it is better to start training with rubbing, douches and cold foot baths. Beginners as a hardening agent can be offered a cold semi-prepared beforehand which is preferably heated by exercise or a warm bath. The cold half-time is from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

    Cold full baths can also be used to treat patients. This method was widely used by our ancestors, who knew that with the help of a short-term action of cold water, one can quickly knock down heat and weaken the fever burning the patient. Cold water includes the defenses of the body and makes it fight the disease: breathing is facilitated, blood flow improves. This method is especially effective at the very beginning of the disease. In the XIX century, even such a dangerous illness as typhoid fever was successfully treated with cold baths. The same properties have a cold shower and dousing. To patients who do not get out of bed, you can apply rubbing, which will also bring great benefits, but the procedure should be carried out with great care.