  • Baths for hands

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    Hot hand baths

    Hot baths for hands are used for local inflammations, chronic hand skin diseases, as a remedy after fractures of bones and other hand injuries, with panaritium( inflammation of the nail bed), asthma, wrist dislocation, emphysema, finger cramps. Hot hand baths are also recommended as preparation for other water procedures such as cold half-water, cold showers, etc.

    The water for these baths should be 40 ° C or higher, that is, as much as possibleto endure. Pour water into the basin, immerse the hands in it for a few seconds or minutes( as far as patience is enough).During the procedure, try to move your fingers - this improves blood circulation and enhances the effect of the bath. Then rinse your hands with cold water and wipe them with a towel. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day for 12-14 days.

    With the help of such baths it is possible to alleviate the condition with chronic asthma. Suffering this disease is recommended to immerse your hands in hot water for a few seconds 3-4 times a day. Each procedure should be completed with cold dousing of hands or cold wiping "after which the hands must be wiped dry with a towel.

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    Using hot baths, you can quickly get rid of the panic, without leading to suppuration. Dip into the hot water not only the finger, but also the entire arm to the elbow for 10 seconds 3-4 times a day. This procedure will reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

    Hot baths are used in the treatment of the common cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, influenza. Undress to the waist and put your hands on the elbow in a bucket or pelvis with water at a temperature of 37-38 ° C. Cover your back and chest with a blanket or a wide towel so that the pelvis is also closed, then the water will not quickly cool down. Keep your head open. When the water starts to cool, raise the edge of the towel and add hot water. Pouring water into the pelvis, gradually bring the temperature of the water to 41-42 ° C.

    The procedure should be completed when the forehead becomes wet from sweat. After that, take a warm shower without soap, rub with a towel, put on warm underwear, go to bed and drink a diaphoretic tea with lemon or honey. Such baths need to be done the day before bedtime.

    Cold hand baths

    Application of cold hand baths hardens and tones, improves blood circulation, helps to get rid of cold hands syndrome. With the help of a cold hand bath, nosebleeds can be stopped. Such procedures are also recommended for use with a strong palpitation. Put your hands on the elbow in cold water for 5 minutes. Move the brushes to water the tissues. Regular cold hands baths strengthen the heart well. The procedure is recommended in the afternoon.

    Contrasting hand baths

    A beneficial effect on the body is provided by contrasting hands. Alternation of hot and cold baths is used to stimulate circulation in the hand and wrist, as a remedy to relieve the cold hands syndrome. Using contrast baths, you can take off the chills, stop a small bleeding in other parts of the body. In the hands there is a large number of reflex points responsible for many organs, and therefore carpal baths, like point massage, are able to influence the entire body. Since contrast baths quickly restore blood circulation in the injured area of ​​the hand, they are prescribed as a restorative therapy after injuries, fractures and sprains.

    For filling the procedure, fill two containers of hot( 40-42 ° C) and cold( 10-12 ° C) water and immerse the hands first for 3 minutes in hot and then for 30 seconds in a cold bath. Repeat the cycle 3 times. It is necessary to finish the procedure with a cold bath, this will help restore muscle activity. With such a problem as constantly cold and wet hands, the procedure of contrast baths should preferably be preceded by cold wet grinding.