  • Radiculitis: symptoms, treatment, prevention, gymnastics

    Radiculitis belongs to the most common diseases affecting the peripheral nervous system. The disease affects the bundles of nerve fibers that begin in the spinal cord. Basically, radiculitis develops in patients suffering from osteochondrosis.

    At the junction of the vertebrae, salts are deposited, which leads to the growth of bones. During exercise, displacement of the growths and discs is observed, leading to compression of the nerve roots and the appearance of pain.

    Also, radiculitis can develop as a result of the development of herniated intervertebral discs, hypothermia, spine trauma, sudden movements, weight lifting, stress, metabolic disorders, intoxication after an infectious disease. Most often the disease is acute. For a chronic form, periodic exacerbations are characteristic.

    Classification of

    There are 3 types of radiculitis:

    1. 1) Thoracic;
    2. 2) Cervico-brachial;
    3. 3) Lumbosacral.
    For chest radiculitis is characterized by the appearance of pain in the intercostal area, but it is very rare.
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    The neck and shoulder radiculitis is indicated by pain that spreads to the nape, neck, shoulder and shoulder blade. Movement of the head and arm, cough lead to increased pain. The sensitivity of the upper limb may be impaired, muscle weakness may appear. Sometimes the arm becomes numb, there is burning and tingling.

    In lumbosacral sciatica, called sciatica, pain is felt in the buttocks, the back surfaces of the lower legs and thighs, and the heels. Pain, which appears suddenly after awkward movements and inclinations, does not allow walking, standing, sleeping or aggravated from every movement. Sometimes there is loss of sensation, numbness and coldness of the foot, "crawling crawling."

    Symptoms of radiculitis

    Usually any back pain is called radiculitis, which is wrong. We will try to look more closely at the clinical symptoms that are specific to radiculitis.

    First of all, you should pay attention to such signs:

    1. 1) Pain in the area of ​​the affected joints, which increases during movements, coughing and sneezing( pain may occur periodically, but may be present all the time, it may be blunt or acute);
    2. 2) Restriction of the mobility of the spine;
    3. 3) Disturbance of sensitivity due to loss of muscle ability to carry out impulses;
    4. 4) Muscular weakness - impulses come on, which makes it impossible for the muscles to function normally and leads to their atrophy;
    5. 5) Numbness of limbs;
    6. 6) Tingling and burning.
    There are several more specific radiculitis symptoms of that help the physician diagnose the disease:

    1. 1) The symptom of Lages - the patient lies on his back and raises his straight leg, feeling a sharp pain in the lower back, but as soon as he bends the raised leg, the pain goes away;
    2. 2) Symptom Bonnet - pain in the thigh occurs when the patient pulls a straight leg out of the way;
    3. 3) Bechterew's symptom - the pain in the sciatic nerve area is manifested when the patient strongly presses the straight legs to the rigid bed;
    4. 4) Symptom of planting - pain develops when the patient passes from a lying position to a sitting position, without bending legs.
    Also with radiculitis, pain occurs if you press down below the navel. The presence of the above symptoms indicates the possibility of developing radiculitis. But accurately diagnose the disease can only the doctor after the radiography, blood test and neurological examination for sensitivity.

    Treatment of radiculitis

    Treatment of radiculitis should be carried out in a complex manner. It is necessary not only to relieve pain, but also to restore mobility and normal functioning of the vertebrae.

    The choice of treatment methods is affected by the severity of the symptoms.

    In an acute period, the patient is assigned a strict bed rest( bed must be rigid) and medical treatment. At this time, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory( orthophene, diclofenac) and analgesic drugs, to make Novocaine blockades in order to relieve inflammation, reduce edema and pain syndrome.

    A good result is given by Nimesulid and Movalis. They relieve the pain and promote the development of joint mobility. But they also have a side effect: drugs have a negative effect on the digestive system.

    Please note that widely advertised ointments for the treatment of radiculitis or other diseases of the ODD, which provide analgesic and warming effect, do not give an effective result, since they are unable to penetrate deeply into the joints and reach the nerve endings.

    In the period of remission, physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended that will improve blood circulation, reduce pain, improve impulse performance.

    For radiculitis it is recommended to use:

    1. 1) Massage and manual therapy - help to get rid of blocks and spasms that arise in the muscles;
    2. 2) Acupressure;
    3. 3) Acupuncture - restoration of impulses as a result of action on biologically active points;
    4. 4) Physiotherapy - helps to resume the normal stereotype of movements, stops degenerative processes in the spine, improves the elasticity of ligaments and muscles, increases the amplitude of movements, prevents the development of relapse;
    And also:

    • dry spinal traction;
    • vacuum therapy;
    • laser therapy;
    • pharmacopuncture;
    • magnetopuncture;
    • electrostimulation;
    • balneotherapy;
    • mud treatment;
    • ultrasound therapy;
    • electrophoresis;
    • dynamic current;
    • herbal medicine.
    Quickly remove the pain can be with the help of baths, warming and massage. But you can use these procedures only when the pain is a result of muscle spasm. If it is the result of inflammatory processes, the heating will only intensify the pain. Therefore, you should first consult with your doctor.

    If you decide to use the services of a masseur, then look for a professional. An inexperienced masseur can do a great harm to your health.

    To obtain a lasting result it is necessary not only to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that led to the development of radiculitis. To prevent an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to sleep on a hard bed, daily to do hygienic gymnastics, massage the neck, shoulder, lumbar and sacral areas, wear a special belt and corset, and avoid infectious diseases.

    Prophylaxis of radiculitis

    To prevent the development of radiculitis, it is necessary: ​​

    • to comply with the rules for the prevention of scoliosis;
    • create optimal working conditions;
    • strengthen the muscular corset;
    • quench the body;
    • prevent spinal injury;
    • avoid supercooling and drafts;
    • timely treat infectious diseases;
    • to go in for sports.

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