  • Transverse platypodia: symptoms, treatment, photo, prevention

    Flattening is a predominantly acquired disease of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by a violation of walking mechanics, a change in the shape of the foot, which normally distinguishes between the transverse and longitudinal arches.

    Flattening promotes pathological changes occurring in the spine, knee and hip joints and other organs.

    Among several species distinguish transverse flatfoot, accompanied by a flattening of the transverse arch of the foot, a characteristic feature of which is the formation of the so-called "bumps" in the region of the thumb.

    The disease occurs mainly in women in the age range of 30 to 50 years. The appearance of flat feet directly depends on the excess excess weight, under the influence of which the foot becomes a little shorter and thicker.

    Reasons for

    An important structural element of the foot is its arch. Thanks to it, the foot distributes the load of the body during the movement. The code contributes to depreciation, establishes balance, etc.
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    The main cause of transverse flatfoot is the disruption of the functioning of the ligament apparatus of the lower limbs, which is inherited.

    To predisposing factors of flatfoot are:

    1. 1) Extra kilograms of weight, which increase the load on the ligament apparatus of the legs and especially the feet;
    2. 2) Paresis or paralysis of the muscles of the lower limbs;
    3. 3) Prolonged wearing of unsuitable close-fitting shoes with high heels;
    4. 4) Flat feet are often the result of professional activity( seller, hairdresser, etc.), when it takes a long time to stay standing.

    Symptoms of transverse flatfoot

    In many cases, transverse flatfoot begins with subtle symptoms. At first, there are no visible changes in the foot area. By the end of the working day, a slight discomfort in the leg area worries. After a while, the symptomatology increases, including a change in the shape of the feet.

    For each degree of transverse flatfoot, the following symptoms are typical:

    1. 1) At the first degree of flatfoot there is fatigue of the feet, pain in the area of ​​the fingers. The skin on them becomes thicker. The angle of deviation of the thumb is 20 degrees( at a rate not exceeding 10 degrees);
    2. 2) With the second degree of flatfoot, the angle of deviation of the thumb reaches no more than 40 degrees. Physical exercise increases the feeling of pain and burning, which are noted not only in the fingers, but in the entire foot. Characteristics of the choice of shoes;
    3. 3) At the third stage of flatfoot symptoms of the disease are pronounced. The angle of deviation of the thumb is more than 40 degrees, which is outwardly manifested by the formation of a "cone".The shape of the foot changes noticeably. It becomes shorter and wider. Pain is noted even in rest. Corns and corns are formed. Against the background of flat feet develop joints of the legs and spine.
    Patients with flat feet wear out shoes faster, especially the inner side of the heel, which is quickly worn off. There is a heavy gait, the posture is broken.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    The orthopedist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of transverse flatfoot. At the initial visit, an examination is carried out, complaints of the patient are taken into account.

    Additional methods of research, specifying the degree of flatfoot, include:

    1. 1) Plantography - a method that allows you to obtain a footprint on paper. A similar method of determining flat feet can be carried out at home. For this, it is necessary to lubricate the sole with any coloring material and stand on the sheet of paper, assuming the usual position of the body. From the obtained fingerprint it is indirectly possible to judge the presence and stage of flatfoot;
    2. 2) X-ray examination is one of the reliable methods, allowing to evaluate the nature of the changes, the degree of the disease, to follow the dynamics of the pathological process. The X-ray is done in two projections in the patient's standing position;
    3. 3) The method of electromyography determines the condition of the calf and foot muscles due to the registration of the impulses sent from the surface by a special device;
    4. 4) Modern computer diagnostics methods include computer-hardware systems that allow you to determine with the greatest accuracy the shape, width, length, foot index, etc.

    Treatment of transverse flatfoot

    Conservative treatment methods include:

    1. 1) Use in wearing special shoes andorthopedic insoles;
    2. 2) Performing special physical exercises that strengthen the ligamentous apparatus of the foot;
    3. 3) Therapeutic massage will improve blood circulation, eliminate swelling in the area of ​​the feet;
    4. 4) Physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, electrophoresis with novocaine - will temporarily reduce the senses of pain.
    5. 5) The medications related to the NSAID group( diclofenac, indomethacin, voltaren, etc.) help to relieve pain. They are used in the form of tablets, ointments, creams.
    In case of ineffectiveness of therapeutic agents, as well as in advanced cases with complications resort to surgical( surgical) treatment of transverse flatfoot. Operative techniques by which flat feet are treated are divided into the following groups:

    • operations on soft tissues;
    • operations on hard tissues;
    • combined operations.
    Possible complications include:

    • of leg joint disease;
    • curvature and disease( sciatica, intervertebral hernia, etc.) of the spine;
    • varicose veins;
    • is a tumor of the nerves of the feet of a benign character.

    Prevention of transverse flatfoot

    To prevent the development of any type of flatfoot, prevention should be observed from an early age:

    1. 1) From the childhood to form the correct gait: do not dilute strongly to the sides of the socks during movement, as this increases the load on the ligament apparatus and the inner edge of the foot;
    2. 2) Wear comfortable shoes with a heel height of not more than 5 cm;
    3. 3) Persons with predisposition to flat feet to choose a place of work not associated with prolonged static loads on their legs;
    4. 4) Take advantage of free time to let your feet rest. After a rest, it is useful to walk for a few minutes on the outside and inside of the feet;
    5. 5) Use insoles - arch supports;
    6. 6) In summer it is more often to walk barefoot on uneven surfaces. At home from time to time to walk on the toes, heels, the outer and inner surface of the feet;
    7. 7) Follow the warning of gaining excess weight.

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