
Candles from hemorrhoids with bleeding: types, methods of application

  • Candles from hemorrhoids with bleeding: types, methods of application

    Everyone has a risk to earn hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids translated from Greek means "bleeding".This diagnosis ranks first among diseases of the rectum. The appearance of the disease is associated, first of all, with the lifestyle, nutrition, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, heavy sports, heavy physical work, obesity, propensity to constipation.

    Hemorrhoids are divided into inner and outer. Treatment for hemorrhoids can be both operational and conservative. With conservative treatment, the best remedy for hemorrhoids is candles. Candles have found wide application in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

    The main advantage of candles is efficiency, speed of action, ease of use. Candles from hemorrhoids with bleeding are used only with internal hemorrhoids. Candles are multicomponent and multidirectional action, so they have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic and soothing properties. Blood-curative candles for hemorrhoids are an ambulance for stopping bleeding, relieving itching, pain and discomfort.

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    Bleeding - the main symptom of hemorrhoids

    The main symptoms of hemorrhoids are bleeding, pain syndrome, especially with the act of defecation, itching, burning, protrusion of the nodes from the rectum. Bleeding usually occurs with trauma to hemorrhoids, when stool stones damage the mucosa of the anus. Often, bleeding is abundant, but in most cases there is spotting.

    Bleeding is possible with various diseases. Special caution should be with bleeding from the rectum after 40 years. In these cases, a consultation of the proctologist is necessary. The problem of stopping hemorrhage with hemorrhoids is relevant, but the candles from hemorrhoids with bleeding are the most effective ones.

    Kinds of candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids

    To stop bleeding and to heal cracks and wounds, use rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids that contain thrombin and adrenaline. Adrenaline is added to the candles with bleeding hemorrhoids. Such candles have a good hemostatic effect, perfectly relieve pain in the anus.

    But candles with adrenaline are recommended mostly to young patients, since in a more solid age, hypertension is possible( adrenaline narrows the blood vessels and increases blood pressure).The best candles from hemorrhoids are candles with a thrombin content, which is an active component involved in blood clotting. Such candles quickly and effectively stop bleeding.

    Another type of candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids are methyluracil, which have good healing properties. That is why the use of such candles with bleeding hemorrhoids leads to a rapid recovery of damaged tissues and the cessation of bleeding. Rectal suppositories with propolis extract are also used in the treatment of the problem. They increase blood clotting, relieve pain, itching, burning and discomfort in the anus.

    There are homeopathic candles from hemorrhoids with bleeding that contain sea buckthorn or fir oil, extracts of St. John's wort, yarrow and wormwood. Such candles accelerate the healing of wounds, cracks, thereby stopping bleeding. To stop bleeding at home, you can prepare ice candles. They well tighten the vessels, stop bleeding and relieve pain.

    How to put candles in hemorrhoids

    When buying candles, many people have the right and relevant question - how to put candles from hemorrhoids? Candles from hemorrhoids are put in the evening before going to bed, after bowel movement and treatment of the anus. To do this, the candle is released from the cellophane shell and quickly, so that it does not melt in the hand, is inserted into the anal opening.

    It is not recommended after this to get up and walk about 30 min. During this time the candle has time to melt and dissolve. Rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids are solid in consistency, but when injected inward they quickly melt, rendering local therapeutic effect on the affected tissue.

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