  • Causes of development and treatment of farsightedness at home

    Hyperopia is a violation of visual acuity, when the deterioration in the sharpness of the boundaries of perceived objects, located at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the eyes, develops. With a high degree of development of pathology, vision is distorted both near and far. In patients with hyperopia, the accommodative muscle of the affected eye is in constant tension, so complaints of headaches and rapid eye fatigue appear. Treatment of long-sightedness at home becomes possible only at early stages of development of this pathology.

    Causes of the disease

    The cause of the appearance of hyperopia is the irregular shape of the eyeball, which is why the image is focused behind the retina. Often the pathology develops when two etiological factors combine, namely: the irregular shape of the eyeball and the weak optical power of the cornea.

    People with farsightedness see poorly at close range, in addition, in some cases and when looking at distant objects, vision remains vague. Many patients with a weak or moderate degree of pathology do not complain of visual impairment, because the natural lens of the eye is able to adapt to the conditions created. But with age, the accommodation process is weakening and people are increasingly interested in the question of how to correct hyperopia.

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    Treatment of the disease

    The process of treating hyperopia must begin with the correct correction. Under such condition, the doctors give a positive answer to the patients' question about whether it is possible to cure hyperopia. The ophthalmologist deals with the selection of suitable glasses or contact lenses and sets the mode of wearing them. In addition, the process of correction of hyperopia includes: training of the eye muscles, performing massage of the collar zone, swimming, contrast shower.

    Also, treatment consists in observing the correct general regimen, in reading under suitable lighting, and in a properly selected diet. Work should always be alternated with active rest, and every 30 minutes of work with the eyes it is necessary to conduct special exercises for them.

    At an early stage of the pathology, a good effect can be obtained by organizing the treatment of hyperopia by folk remedies. Here are some effective recipes and tips:

    1. Wash 10 tablespoons of dried rose hips, knead them and pour one liter of boiling water, and then boil for 15 minutes. Take the infusion you need four times a day for 200 ml.
    2. Wash 1kg of fresh rose hips and pour them with three liters of water, then cook until completely softened. Finished fruits are wiped through a sieve, they add 2 cups of honey and 2 liters of hot water. The mixture should be cooked on low heat, for three to five minutes. Take the solution four times a day for 100 ml before meals.
    3. 5 tablespoons of pre-chopped pine needles are brewed in half a liter of boiling water. The broth is left overnight in a dark place. In the morning, the tincture is filtered and taken four times a day, one tablespoon after eating.
    4. In summer, it is recommended that patients consume fresh blueberries and fresh greens in large quantities.

    In order to understand how to treat hyperopia with folk remedies, it is first necessary to consult a doctor.

    Surgical treatment of hyperopia

    Laser correction of pathology is considered the most effective method at present. Correction of vision is carried out by changing the shape of the cornea. In this case, the laser beams do not provoke any changes in the internal structures of the eye, since the effect is only on the cornea.

    Refractive lens replacement is performed with correction of hyperopia of a high degree. The essence of this method consists in removing the natural lens provided that it has lost its optical power, and its subsequent replacement with an artificial lens is an intraocular lens of a suitable optical power. The lens changes because without its normal functioning the eyes are not able to focus the resulting image on the retina.

    The operation for refractive lens replacement is often done to correct the age-related form of hyperopia, which develops in almost all people after 40 to 50 years. When age-related farsightedness, the elasticity of the lens becomes worse, it becomes flattened, a disruption of natural accommodation processes occurs, that is, the ability of the affected eye to clearly see objects that are at different distances. All manipulations during the surgical intervention are carried out through a self-sealing small incision length of about 2.5 mm. The operation itself does not take more than 15-20 minutes, nor does it require subsequent suturing and patient stay in a hospital.

    Implantation of phakic lenses is recommended for carrying out, provided that the processes of natural accommodation have not been lost. In the process of treatment, the natural lens of a person is not removed, and a special lens is placed on the posterior or anterior chamber of the eye. The operation is also performed one day through a small incision and no subsequent suturing is required. In general, lenses for the posterior chamber are used to carry it, which are installed in the area behind the iris, in front of the lens and do not require additional fixation.

    Radical keratotomy - this operation makes it possible to correct the weak and medium degree of farsightedness. In carrying out the operation for the diameter of the cornea, blind incisions are applied. After adhesion, such incisions change the shape of the cornea and its optical properties, thus improving visual acuity. Recently, this method was considered a real breakthrough in ophthalmology, but it has many shortcomings, for example: too long postoperative recovery, impossibility of simultaneous operation for two eyes, poor prognosis, high risk of complications in case of strong physical exertion, and narrowrange of implementation. In this regard, doctors in modern medical clinics do not conduct radical keratotomy.

    Corneal or keratoplasty surgery involves correcting the vision by changing the shape of the cornea. The end result is achieved through transplant transplantation, which is pre-programmed with the necessary shape. The transplant can replace the front layers of the cornea, can be located on them or transplanted directly into the thickness of the cornea.

    How to treat age-long farsightedness and which method to use in this case can be solved only by a highly qualified ophthalmologist.

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