  • Advantages of your garden nursery

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    The first question;who cares the gardener before planting the garden: and where to get the seedlings? You can, of course, buy. But the prices for planting material are high, and to get a standard set of crops and varieties, you have to shell out a few thousand rubles. Yes, and that is a sin to conceal, there are still deceptions: we buy some varieties, but grow quite different. How to be?

    There is a way out: create a nursery and grow seedlings yourself. Yes, not only for yourself, but for your family and friends, and maybe for sale. This is a very profitable business, otherwise they would not sell bushes-additives near roads.

    The own garden nursery has many advantages

    First;you will grow the crops and varieties that you like.

    Secondly, grown saplings will be perfectly adapted to local conditions, and therefore have high frost resistance, unlike imported ones.

    Thirdly, the quality of your seedlings with proper care for them will be much higher, unlike the purchased ones. After all, you will dig up the seedlings when they are needed. So, the roots and the above-ground part of them will be fresh and alive, the seedlings will easily take root and grow.

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    Fourthly, in today's hard times you can make good money selling the grown planting material.

    Growing seedlings is very interesting.

    All varieties of fruit, berry and ornamental plants multiply only by vegetative means: by grafting, by layering, by cutting, by dividing the bush. Only in this case all varietal characteristics will be preserved. But it is necessary to know which crops are best reproduced and how to do it competently. And then, when you learn not only to cut and share berry bushes, but also to plant in various ways, you will be able to produce any seedlings, including very fashionable forms of cultures such as currants, gooseberries or roses.

    Being able to plant, you can create a tree-garden, when on one tree, for example, apple trees, several dozen different varieties are grafted. And imagine how the lilac bush, blooming in various colors, will look extraordinarily spectacular - such a huge growing multicolored bouquet in the garden!

    The low-resistant varieties of apple, pear, cherry, and plum are grafted into the crown( skeleton-forming) and become more resistant to frost. This method allows you to promote the most delicious southern varieties farther north. Therefore, such multi-storey seedlings will be in demand and they will be expensive. In a word, the possibilities open to you are boundless.

    A lot of land for a personal nursery will not be required. If you want to grow 1-2 thousand seedlings a year, half a hundred square meters of land( plot 5 per 10 m) will be enough, after all, one-year-olds are mostly sold.

    It is advisable to use a well-lit place with fertile soil, on which water does not stagnate in the spring. You can sacrifice, for example, part of the garden. Soil for the nursery is suitable for almost any.

    It is undesirable, of course, to create a nursery on peat( it dries out faster and heats up more heat in the heat) or on too denser soil( compaction makes breathing difficult and root growth).It is best if the soil is sandy loam or light loamy. And remember that even partial shading leads to a decrease in the growth of young plants, and as a result, growing seedlings will take you more time.