  • Genital Herpes Symptoms

    Herpes genitalia - is a ulcerative lesion of the genital organs;its causative agent is the herpes simplex virus( one of its species causes the appearance of the symptoms of "colds" on the lips and nose).

    E is a viral infection characterized by the formation of painful lesions on the genitals. Most often it is spread by sexual contact. Once a person has been infected, he becomes a constant carrier of the virus in a latent form in nerve cells;there are no drugs against the virus. The first attack and relapse usually last from one to three weeks, after which the infection can retreat for several months or years. Subsequent attacks are usually less serious, and approximately in the third part of the cases the initial outbreak follows recovery.

    Most people with genital herpes have no symptoms. Recent studies have shown that this virus has infected about 40 million adult Americans. Herpes genitalia is easily transmitted, and one partner can infect them with another, even when there are no visible injuries or damage. The disease is more easily transmitted from men to women than vice versa;it can also be transmitted to newborns from infected mothers during childbirth and can cause blindness, retardation or even death. Genital herpes is also common in HIV-infected people.

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    Causes of

    Infection with the virus occurs through a fluid that is contained in vesicles and ulcers at the site of inflammation. Kissing or sexual intercourse are the most common ways of transmission of infection. The sexual partner as a source of infection is dangerous only during periods of exacerbations, that is, when there are herpetic ulcers on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

    Symptoms of

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    A few days after infection, itching or burning sensation in the inguinal region occurs. After this, numerous small vesicles( 1 -3 mm in diameter) are formed, which quickly turn into painful sores covering the external and internal genital organs, as well as the area of ​​the anus and the adjacent skin areas.

    Sometimes such foci are found in women on the cervix, and in men in the genitourinary canal. Every third patient, besides those described above, has symptoms of general malaise: weakness, fatigue, chills or fever, headaches and muscle pains;in 75% of patients, inguinal lymph nodes increase.

    In most cases, the symptoms of genital herpes disappear by themselves in 2-3 weeks, although the virus in the body remains for life.

    If the protective forces of the patient's body are sufficiently high, the clinical manifestations of herpes can no longer be observed. In a lesser part of infected individuals throughout life, genitalia on the part of the skin from time to time appear herpetic eruptions, which, as a rule, is caused by a decrease in the body's defenses( weakening of immunity).Relapses( repeated exacerbations) of the disease are usually less severe than the primary infection, and are not related to sexual intercourse.

    Sometimes a herpetic infection is transmitted from the woman to the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth, which can lead to fetal death or severe manifestations in the child of congenital herpes. If there are blisters of herpes on the genitals of a pregnant woman, she will have a caesarean section during labor to avoid infection of the baby.

    Lesion of the genitals with herpes

    Within 2-20 days after infection, a burning sensation occurs in the genital area. A few days later, several painful vesicles appear in this place, filled with a clear liquid. Bursting bubbles then turn into superficial painful sores. When urinating, pain may appear, watery discharge with an unpleasant odor may appear, and inguinal lymph nodes may increase.




    Herpetic infection, including genital herpes, can not be cured completely, although there are special drugs that delay the development or death of viruses( for example, acyclovir).In the treatment of herpes, these drugs reduce the number of possible exacerbations, and if taken at the onset of an exacerbation, then the severity, duration of relapses and pain sensations decrease significantly.

    Prevention of

    Symptoms of Herpes Symptoms

    In order to prevent repeated exacerbations, one must take care of one's health. Strong stresses, long periods of mood decline( depression), irregular and irregular nutrition, disturbance of sleep and rest, weakening of the organism by chronic or severe diseases, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun lead to weakening of immunity. Too violent sexual intercourse can cause mechanical irritation of those places on which there were previously viral rashes( this can also provoke an exacerbation).To avoid this, it is better to use additional lubricant.

    During an exacerbation:

    1. You can not comb and rip off the blisters. Wear loose clothing.

    2. After touching the sore spot or after handling it with medicines, you should thoroughly wash your hands, because getting the virus on the mucous membrane of the eyes can cause damage to the eye.

    3. Drink plenty of fluids( to reduce the toxic effect of the virus on the body).

    4. Refrain from frequent use of nuts and chocolate, because these products can enhance the manifestations of the disease.

    5. Keep the infected area as clean and dry as possible. To absorb moisture, you can use baby powder.

    6. Taking a bath causes considerable relief. Take a bath should be 5-10 minutes, then carefully dry the sores with a clean cotton towel.

    7. With severe pain, you can take an anesthetic.

    8. During an exacerbation, abstain from any sexual contact.