  • What did you like, take it, bring it and name it

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    Features of the game and its educational value. The teaching task of this game is the same as in the previous ones: you have to choose an object yourself and correctly name its color. However, the conditions for solving this already familiar problem are complicated by the game rules, which prohibit the choice of an object of a certain color. The circle hanging on the lace of the child reminds us that this color can not be taken. The introduction of this prohibition forces the child to realize and control his actions. The baby carefully compares the color tones, checks again, so as not to be mistaken. The inclusion of self-monitoring elements in the process of perception raises it to a higher level.

    New in this game is also this rule: to have time to bring and name the color of the chosen object( while the rhymed text sounds).All this mobilizes the child to the correct solution of the problem and improves its organization.

    The game is the nature of the performance of instructions, which are given on behalf of the whole group to three or four children. Thanks to this form, the responsibility of the child for his actions is increased. The child's desire for peer recognition of personal achievements also helps to successfully fulfill gaming assignments.

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    Game material. Mugs of basic and additional colors familiar to children from previous games. It is necessary to have two sets of such circles: in one set the laces are threaded so that they can be worn over the coat( they will serve as a visual sample of color that is forbidden to choose);another set of circles is laid out on the benches in such a way that the circles of the same color do not lie next to each other.

    Description of the game and its techniques. The game is played on the site with the entire group of children. Kids are lined up in a line opposite the veranda or benches, on which are located multi-colored mugs. The educator puts each child around his neck with a lace with a circle of familiar color and calls to himself three or four children. They are invited to become at the line drawn on the ground, facing the children and back to the veranda. On behalf of all the players, the educator gives them instructions: at the signal "What you like, take, bring and call"( these words are spoken by all the children with him), choose any of them from the disguised circles, what they like, but not the colora mug hanging over a coat. At the same time, the tutor emphasizes that everyone should have time to return to the place before the end of the poem, which all other participants of the game say:

    Blue sky, red flower, Yellow chicken, green leaf. Many flowers are in the world, They are known by all our children.

    The text should be pronounced clearly, measuredly, slowly. Everyone who carries out the assignment, must show everyone what circle he brought, and call his color. The remaining children assess whether he completed the assignment correctly.

    Children who completed the assignment;give mugs to the educator and return to their places. So in turn, all participants of the game carry out assignments. To avoid imitating children and activate their cognitive activity, it is better that the colors of the circles do not repeat( for example, one can not take a blue circle, another - a blue one, the third - a brown one).

    Rules of the game.

    1. You can choose a circle of any color, but not like yours.

    2. Go beyond the line and turn to face the circles are not allowed until the last word of the signal phrase is told: "What you like, take it, bring it and name it."

    3. It is necessary to carry out the assignment and return to the place until the children finish the poem.

    4. First you need to show the circle and only then call it a color.

    Tips for the educator. As in any moving game, in this case, it is important to clearly organize the actions of its participants. Spend a straight line on the ground and explain to the children that on one side there will be spectators and judges, and on the other side those who perform assignments. Such an organization will help to avoid unnecessary crowding.

    The text of the poem is pronounced impressively, leisurely, amicably all, children( except those who perform the assignment).It is important that the kids have time to choose the right mugs and return to the place.

    It is necessary to ensure that the requirement not to begin executing instructions until the end of the signal phrase is strictly observed. If one of the children does not survive and starts acting prematurely, return them all to the devil and repeat the phrase first.