  • Multi-colored rings

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    Features of the game and its educational value. In this game, kids learn to establish a strong connection between color tones and their names. The game is constructed in such a way that the naming of the color becomes actual for the child, since it is possible to recover lost, but attractive objects( pyramid details).In addition, in the game, children are introduced to the pyramid device.

    The game contributes to the development of focused attention, because in order to return your subject, you need to call it a color in time.

    In the game, children use the same toys, exchange them and gradually get used to the fact that the toys are common. All this leads to the end of conflicts between children because of toys and the establishment of good relations of benevolent partnership.

    Game material. The material for the game is a toy of the pyramid type, but with the same thick and thick rings that are freely worn on a stick. You need two pyramids of each of the primary colors.

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    The game also requires a large box with low sides, replacing the cart for carrying caps and rings from the pyramids( you can use the cover from the board game).

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. The game involved six or eight children. Everyone chooses a pyramid and calls it a color. One pyramid remains with the teacher. All participants in the game and the teacher sit down at one common table. The adult takes off his cap from his pyramid and explains its device: "It's a cap, and these are rings, it's a stick, and this is a stand by the pyramid. It is the same color as all the rings and the cap( puts its cap in the cart).My green cap will go behind your cap( names the name of the child sitting next to it, and moves the cart to him).What color is your cap? "The child calls the color of his pyramid, removes the cap and puts it in the trolley. Then he moves it to his neighbor and asks: "What color is your cap?" The child calls the color of his pyramid and moves the cart further.

    The trolley with all the caps returns to the tutor. He removes all the rings from his pyramid and places them in a cart. Now the cart goes to the children behind the rings. It collects all the details of the pyramids. If someone finds it difficult to name a color, peers and a teacher come to help him.

    Gradually, while exercising in distinguishing and naming flowers, children collect all caps and rings in the cart. The cart is removed from the table to its knees to the tutor. Now the guys have only sticks and attached to them colored circles-holders."All the caps and ringlets left. There were only sticks and podstavochki, - says the tutor.- I'm tired of pa-bales without my rings to stand. Let's call them. ""Ringlets, go home!" The boys say in unison and repeat the words two or three times."Now they will come!" - says the tutor and warns the children that the ringlets will not return all at once, but in turn. We need to carefully listen to what color will be named to tell in time, whose is the ring( ie, whoever has the same color with a stick with a stick), otherwise the ring may not return to its place. Continuing to hold the cart on his knees, the teacher mixes all the rings and caps and starts to call every detail, as in a lotto game, for example: "Who needs a yellow ring?" But the ring itself does not show, but only calls it a color. One of the children will say:

    "I need!" So gradually all the details of the toy are returned to the guys. Now you can invite the kids to swap pyramids and start the game again. Rules of the game.

    1. The one to whom the trolley has arrived, should remove the named detail and name its color, then put it in a cart, move it to its neighbor and ask him for the color of his ringlet( or cap).

    2. Carefully listen to the teacher who calls the colors so as not to miss his ring or cap.

    3. Play together, do not quarrel. . At the end of the game exchange pyramids.

    Tips for the educator. If you do not have pyramids with rings of the same size, you can replace them with homemade toys made of thick, multi-ply cardboard. Rings, cut from cardboard, glued together with colored paper and attached to a stick. This makes it possible to diversify the colors of homemade pyramids and introduce children to the additional colors of the spectrum.

    Try to conduct this game more often with those children who are slower than others absorb new material and need additional attention. Later, when the pupils master the rules of the game, they can play independently( under your supervision),