  • Signs of dacryocystitis and massage for dacryocystitis in children

    Dacryocystitis is a pathology characterized by the presence of an inflammation process in the lacrimal sac and tear ducts. For this disease characterized by the following manifestations: permanent discharge of purulent or mucopurulent consistency of the conjunctiva located near the lacrimal sac. Massage with dacryocystitis is considered the most effective method of therapeutic therapy.

    Symptoms of dacryocystitis are often taken as conjunctivitis. In addition, later, the swelling of the lacrimal saccus can join the disease.

    Symptoms of dacryocystitis are similar in many respects to manifestations of conjunctivitis, therefore only an experienced specialist can diagnose. The meaning of the disease lies in the formation of the obstruction of the nasolacrimal path, and without tears, the normal functioning of the human visual organs is impossible. Tears moisturize the surface of the eyeball, remove mote and pathogenic microorganisms from it, and also perform other useful functions.

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    When the disease develops in newborns, the canal stops passing tears that accumulate in pouches, which is why pus is formed, the eye swells and becomes inflamed.

    Symptoms of pathology

    The main manifestations of dacryocystitis include: chronic lachrymation and swelling of the lacrimal sac, which is located next to the inner corner of the eye. When applying pressure on the area affected by dacryocystitis, pus and mucus are secreted. The conjunctiva of the eyelids also noticeably swells.

    Dacryocystitis can be acute, with severe redness in the area of ​​the lacrimal sac and closing of the eye. For several days in the inner corner of the eye formed fistula, which can be opened independently, accompanied by the release of pus.

    With a prolonged course of chronic disease, a large stretch of the lacrimal sac may occur in the child or adult. At the same time, the skin begins to thin out and becomes bluish.

    Dacryocystitis is a danger to the health of the eyes, because it can provoke infection, injury and vision impairment in the cornea.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    The detection of dacryocystitis is based on the complaints of patients and the characteristic signs of the disease. The doctor confirms the plugging of the canalization channel by conducting a Vest test. For this, a cotton swab is inserted into the nasal cavity of the patient, and a solution of collargoll is injected into the eyes. A few minutes later, in the absence of pathology, the cotton swab stained. To determine the site of obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal, radiography is helpful.

    The process of treating a disease in newborns

    The massage of newborns with dacryocystitis is considered a standard treatment in this situation. It is carried out for two weeks ten times a day. With the correct and regular organization of manipulation, the disease most often recedes and does not require the organization of surgical intervention. The main purpose of the massage is to break the gelatin film in the eyes of the baby.

    Preparing for a massage

    Before you figure out how to do massage in dacryocystitis, you need to understand how to prepare for the procedure.

    Initially, it will be necessary to study the structure of the pathways of lachrymation. Nasolacrimal canals consist of the upper and lower lacrimal canals, which are connected to each other and open into a lacrimal sac. The duct from the lacrimal sac passes into the nasal passage.

    Before the beginning of the massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands, shorten your nails to prevent injury to the baby's skin. During the massage, you can put on your hands sterile gloves, but only on condition that they do not interfere with the action.

    Initially, the contents of the lacrimal sac is squeezed out - to do this, carefully press the index finger on it - roughly at the place of the inner corner of the eyelid. Then pus begins to flow out of the lacrimal point. Now you need to prepare a warm solution of furatsilina and drip it into the inner corner of the eye.

    Furacilin is sold in pharmacies, but it can be prepared at home. To do this, the furacilin tablet is dissolved in warm boiled water, then dipped in the resulting solution with a cotton swab and the pus from the eye is removed. For each eye, you should take a clean swab and wipe it in the direction from the temple to the nose.

    Then you can start to massage the area of ​​the lacrimal sac.


    At an early stage of the disease development, timely diagnosis can be cured by dacryocystitis without the implementation of surgical intervention. Eye massage with dacryocystitis becomes an important and effective treatment, but only for young children due to the tenderness and elasticity of their lacrimal sac and channels of lachrymation.

    An important feature of the massage is the possibility of influencing the cause of the development of pathology - that is, it helps to get rid of the pathological accumulation of fluid in the lacrimal sac.

    The first massage session should be conducted by a specialist ophthalmologist and thereby show the parents how to do massage in dacryocystitis.

    Technique for the implementation of the procedure

    The technique of massage for dacryocystitis is quite simple. Before proceeding to the procedure, it is necessary to understand that the delicate skin of a child is easily damaged.

    For a start, the index finger pin is placed on the inner corner of the eye, and the finger is turned towards the bridge of the nose, then you need to lightly press on this point. The most important thing in this process is to measure forces - you should not press too hard, but without applying all the strength.

    The next stage of the massage is the continuation of such pressing movements along the bridge of the nose. It remains important to perform manipulations with sufficient force. The essence of the massage is the production of pressing movements on the nasolacrimal pathways, in which pus, spikes and mucus accumulated. Due to the mechanical action of the nasolacrimal canal, pathological contents are expelled. After the completion of this stage of massage, the index finger must be returned to its original position and again four to five times to repeat the procedure. This is how the massage scheme for dacryocystitis looks.

    After the massage is completed, disinfectant drops are injected into the eyes, prescribed by a pediatric ophthalmologist. The procedure should be conducted five to ten times a day, and the full course should be at least two weeks. With the proper organization of massage, the gelatinous plug in the eyes of the child is resorbed or spontaneously breaks.

    Massage rules

    Parents of a child with dacryocystitis must necessarily learn how to carry out a massage. In general, such a procedure is required. At least for two weeks or more. If you follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and correctly do the massage, then the gelatinous film in the eyes of the baby will gradually resolve and soon break through. All actions must be done carefully to prevent damage to the skin.

    Do not engage in self-medication, it is better to find the first signs of the disease immediately visit a doctor. The ophthalmologist will give useful advice, appoint a regular massage, show the technique of his conduct. In difficult situations that arise during the treatment, you need to seek help from a doctor.

    After two weeks of washing and massage, recovery is complete, the tear duct opens and tears start to go in the right direction.

    If after a month from the beginning of treatment the symptoms of pathology do not pass, it is necessary to visit a doctor again. In extreme cases, the specialist prescribes the use of antibiotic drugs, and there may also be a need for piercing undisclosed channels. Treatment of dacryocystitis in newborns can not be delayed for a minute, as the process of inflammation alone will not be completed, and there is a risk of serious complications.

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