
Fungus of scalp: treatment with folk remedies, shampoos, symptoms

  • Fungus of scalp: treatment with folk remedies, shampoos, symptoms

    Itching, peeling, and often hair loss - all these are consequences of such problems as fungal disease of the scalp. The most unpleasant thing is that it's impossible to determine whether you are sick or not, but an experienced trichologist will very quickly identify the cause of your inconvenience. Fortunately, head skin fungus, treatment, its prevention is not such a strong problem, which is cured in the shortest possible time.

    Symptoms of the fungus

    The fungus of the scalp( mycosis) has many varieties, but they all share some symptoms:

    1. The general condition of the hair has sharply deteriorated: lack of color, loss of shine, dryness, loss;
    2. Severe peeling of the scalp with redness, pink or red spots of peeling in places of hair loss;
    3. New hair does not grow on the bald areas;
    4. Hair not only falls out, but also breaks at the very base of the follicle;
    5. There may be foci of purulent lesions( a more complex form of fungus).

    Most often fungal diseases develop in a latent form, and to reveal them for the first time is very difficult. The only thing that can be noted for this period is the sharp appearance of dandruff.

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    Types of diseases

    The most common fungal diseases are ringworm, microsporia and yeast fungus. Another dangerous type of fungus is favus, but it is common only in the Far East.


    Ringworm( trichophytosis) is the most dangerous fungal disease of the scalp. Well, if the struck in time began to sound the alarm. However, most often the problem is not overtaken by adults, but by children between the ages of 3 and 12.Infectious disease, transmitted mainly through direct contact with a sick person. But also the problem can be picked up from animals, for example, from wild cats, but this variant happens extremely rarely.

    Usually, when a ringworm is infected, the incubation period lasts for a month, with a deep form - two. Until then, the disease can show itself maximum dandruff, but even then it is not always.


    As with ringworm, microsporia is most common in children who already transmit the disease themselves to adults. The object of infection can be other infected people, their personal hygiene items, less often - animals. However, microsporia, when compared with trichophytosis, spreads with record speed, so much so that it can easily be considered an epidemic. This disease in its symptoms is very similar to trichophytosis, so you need to conduct a laboratory study.

    Yeast fungus

    This kind of fungus is more dangerous because it spreads with great speed. Distinguish from others it can be white on the peeling of affected areas. But that is not all. Fungus can spread to the entire body, and if you also start treatment, there are redness, a rash, itching over the entire surface of the skin. However, it should be noted that the yeast fungus is not so common, and often does not appear on the hairline. Places of damage are hands, nails and legs.

    Methods of treatment

    First, for successful treatment you need to consult with a specialist trichologist, identify the exact disease and find out what to treat the problem best.

    Secondly, before using antifungal drugs of systemic action, you need to remember that these drugs are highly toxic.

    Third, treatment with folk remedies is welcome, but do not forget about professional drugs. With a mild or initial form of fungal disease, eucalyptus oil will help you. A few drops of it spread over the comb or brush and comb your hair, without touching the scalp, two to three times a day.

    Mix in equal proportions juice of garlic, almond oil and lemon juice. In this mixture, moisten the sponge or cotton pad and carefully rub into the scalp. Wrap the head with a film and a towel, leave for an hour, then rinse with shampoo and rinse with acetic water( mix two tablespoons of vinegar and a liter of water).I must say that during the waiting period ticks can arise, but do not worry. Repeat this procedure every time before washing your head.

    Fourth, use shampoos to fight against fungal diseases. The most preferable are: Nizoral, Mycosoril, Dermazol, Tsinovit and Sulsen. Apply these shampoos should be the same as the usual means - 2-3 times a week and with the use of balm.

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