  • The use of onions for health and immunity

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    Read in article:
    • Healing properties of onions
    • Onions: health benefits
    • Onion treatment in traditional medicine
    • Onion treatment for cancer
    Healing properties of onions are widely used in traditional medicine recipes

    Scientists have long proven that vitamins play a huge role in the human body andthe lack of any of them will necessarily affect the state of health and well-being.

    If there is an acute shortage of any of the currently known 13 vitamins, avitaminosis occurs, a dangerous condition leading to a decrease in immunity and various diseases.

    Healing properties of onions ^

    Unfortunately, most vitamins are not synthesized by the body, but come exclusively from the outside with food. In addition, they are not postponed to the reserve, so it is useless to lean heavily on seasonal fruits and vegetables to provide them themselves throughout the winter.

    In the winter-spring period it is quite difficult to provide your body with all vitamins regularly and in sufficient quantities, therefore, it is at this time of year that people suffer from vitamin deficiency. Common symptoms of winter-spring avitaminosis are drowsiness, lethargy, absent-mindedness, irritability, a constant sense of fatigue.

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    Often people lightly refer to vitamins and run to the nearest pharmacy for polyvitamins, suspecting signs of beriberi, which is unacceptable, because an overdose of synthetic vitamins can be dangerous and lead to the development of serious diseases.

    Even the most innocuous substance taken more than the necessary daily allowance can cause serious damage to health. When the same vitamins enter the body in a natural way, with food, it is impossible to get hypervitaminosis( except for vitamin A).

    Most often, people lack vitamin C, one of the most necessary substances that regulate all metabolic processes. It is a historical fact that in the era of the Great geographical discoveries of scurvy, a severe disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C( ascorbic acid), more than two million seafarers died.

    This disease increases the permeability of the walls of the vessels, bleeds the gums, loosens teeth, hemorrhages and bruises all over the body, cartilages are destroyed. And only when Captain James Cook in his famous world tour for the first time introduced into the diet of sailors fresh vegetables and greens, no member of the crew from scurvy died.

    The lack of ascorbic acid in the body leads not only to scurvy, but also to anemia, cardiovascular diseases and reduces resistance to infections. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the daily and systematic intake of vitamin C along with food. The most accessible source is the common onion.

    Onions: health benefits ^

    The use of onions for humans was well known to ancient doctors. They widely used it in medical practice, using the properties of phytoncides contained in it, capable of instantly killing microbes and mold, cleaning wounds and promoting their fastest healing.

    • Doctors say that it takes only a few minutes to chew the bulb for complete disinfection of the mouth.
    • Regularly taking it as food, you will protect yourself also from dysbiosis, as you will destroy most of the pathogens in the intestines, for which the essential oils and bitterness contained in onions are destructive.
    • For the same reason, during seasonal flu epidemics, doctors advise eating more onions, protecting themselves from the invasion of viruses and bacteria.
    • In addition to ascorbic acid, onions also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, carotene, nicotinic acid, and a whole storehouse of useful trace elements.
    • The unique combination of three elements in onions, such as iron, zinc and copper, leads to increased protective functions and increased hemoglobin, which is especially important during pregnancy and lactation.
    • Thanks to its iodine content, the onion prevents the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes.
    • Onions are also useful for diabetics, as it cleans the blood of excessive glucose.
    • In addition, it contains the most important trace element - selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant and stimulant of immunity.

    Scientists have established that the deficit of selenium in foodstuffs stimulates the growth of oncological and infectious diseases. American scientists, after 10 years of research on the properties of this microelement, said that selenium, by its unique properties, is worthy of being listed in the Red Book and its use reduces the risk of cancer by 50%.

    Onion treatment in folk medicine ^

    Leek lean: benefit and harm

    Bow healing in folk medicine is extremely popular - there are a lot of folk recipes in which the bulb we are accustomed to occupies an honorary place of dominance.

    Treatment of onion atherosclerosis

    • Rub on a grater large onion( about 100 grams).
    • Press the juice, mix with a glass of honey and mix thoroughly.
    • Take 1 tbsp.3 times a day for 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after.

    Treatment for onions of migraine

    • With a migraine attack, make a compress of onion gruel and put on the forehead.

    Treatment of onion hypertonic disease

    • Finely chop 5 medium bulbs, 20 cloves of garlic and 5 lemons( separate from peel and seeds).
    • Add 1 kg of sugar to the mixture, pour 2 liters of boiled water to room temperature, stir and persist for 7 days in a cool dark place.
    • Take 1 tbsp.3 times a day before meals( for 25 minutes).
    • The course of treatment for about 3 weeks, if necessary, you can repeat after a week-long break.

    Treatment with onion of helminthiosis

    • Simple ancient medical prescription for the removal of pinworms and ascaris onions for 3-4 days.
    • Grind the medium bulb, pour in 1.5 tbsp.chilled boiled water and infuse for 12 hours.
    • Strain and take 1/2 cup before meals.

    Treatment of onion edema

    • Grind 2 medium bulbs, add sugar and leave overnight.
    • In the morning, wring out the resulting onion juice and take 2 tbsp.before eating.

    Treatment with onion hair loss

    • Mix 1 tbsp.onion gruel, 1 tbsp.honey, 1 tbsp.castor oil and 1 yolk.
    • Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and rub into the scalp.
    • Then wrap it well and hold for 1-2 hours.

    Treatment with onion of strong cough

    • Cut finely 10 onions and 1 head of garlic, boil in unpasteurized milk until completely soft.
    • Cool, add a little honey and take every hour during the day for 1 tablespoon.
    We also recommend that you read the article Use of porridge for health.

    Bow cancer treatment ^

    Successful cases of onion treatment in folk medicine of cancer became known thanks to the Austrian healer Rudolf Brois, who himself cured of cancer and helped to heal a huge number of patients. To treat cancer, it was enough to eat exclusively onion soup( and nothing else), prepared according to his prescription.

    Recipe for onion soup Brojasa:

    • Take a bulb( the size of a lemon) and finely chop along with the peel.
    • Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, pour 1/2 liter.cold water and cook until the bow is completely boiled.
    • Then add any vegetable broth, mix and strain.
    • Use only a strained soup, without onions.

    In his book The Complete Course of Treatment for Cancer, Broyce also describes the miraculous healing of his wife from osteoporosis, which was considered incurable. For 17 days, she ate with her husband onion soup( in contrast to it, eating also onions along with peel), which helped her to fully restore her working capacity - in 86 years she could fully work.

    Thanks to the combination of selenium with vitamins C and E, scientists call onions a product of youth, as it slows the process of cell destruction and premature aging of the body. Ancient Egyptians even 4000 years ago, praised a simple bulb - the most valuable medication given to us by nature.

    Therefore, do not rush to spend money on the purchase of expensive creams and tablets, it is better to pay attention to the amazing and unique healing properties of onions, the regular use of which will help maintain beauty and health for many years.