  • Useful products for the brain

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    Read the article:
    • Useful products for the brain: how they affect
    • Useful for the brain food: list
    • Useful for the brain products: opinion of doctors

    Useful brain products: which improves brain activity

    The whole human body needs the beneficial substances containedin products, but most of all it concerns the most important organ - a brain, since.with a lack of nutrients, its work is deteriorating.

    Useful products for the brain: how they affect ^

    If the body lacks zinc, magnesium, iodine, or other elements, this often affects the brain's work: memory deteriorates, concentration decreases, and in some cases, it may affect vision and speechrights.

    Despite the small weight of the brain - 2-3% of body weight - it consumes up to 20% of energy received from food, and its shortage is primarily reflected in its functioning.

    To completely fill the deficiency of nutrients, you need to include in your diet products useful to the brain: they contain the most important elements for his work, capable not only to speed up the perception of the necessary information, but also to improve the acuity of the mind.

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    Useful and harmful products for the brain: how they work

    In all cases, the cells feed after ingestion and processing of food into the body, however, separate elements in products useful for the brain and memory should be singled out:

    • Glucose;
    • Vitamin C;
    • Iron;
    • Iodine;
    • Calcium;
    • Vitamin B;
    • Magnesium;
    • Lecithin;
    • Omega acids.

    Regarding harmful food, the following applies:

    • Salt: helps increase blood pressure, can cause hemorrhagic stroke;
    • Alcohol: provokes vasospasm, promotes the destruction of brain cells;
    • Fatty meat: increases cholesterol, resulting in the development of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
    • Crackers, lemonade, smoked meat: they contain harmful chemicals that slow down the brain.

    Unlike the dishes described above, the products useful to the brain act quite differently: they increase attention, improve memory, and positively influence all its departments.

    Useful for Brain Food: List ^

    How Foods Affect Brain Function: Truth or Fiction

    Brain Products: List of

    Everyone should know what products are useful for brain function and why:

    • Oysters: they contain zinc and iron - elements that strengthen memory and increase concentration of attention;
    • Whole grains: thanks to folic acid, brain functions persist even in old age. Oatmeal, barley and brown rice are recommended to include in your diet to everyone, but especially to those who have crossed the 60-year boundary;
    • Tea: supplies the body with catechins that preserve freshness and sharpness of mind;
    • Eggs: they contain lecithin and vitamin B. They prevent the drying of the brain that occurs with Alzheimer's disease, and choline has a positive effect on memory;
    • Curry: the powder is rich in antioxidants, releasing free radicals and preventing the development of inflammation;
    • Berries: also enrich the body with antioxidants. For example, blueberries improve learning abilities and motor skills, and blackberries and raspberries improve performance;
    • Nuts: saturated with folic acid, vitamins and omega-acids. They help to improve thinking, increase mood, and the magnesium present here has a positive effect on memory, nutrition and cognitive functions of the brain;
    • Green leafy vegetables: enriched with vitamins B12 and B6, as well as folic acid. In complex, these substances reduce the level of enzymes, because of which Alzheimer's disease often develops;
    • Fish: saturates with Omega-3 acids, so the brain gets the necessary oxygen, and the neurons move more actively;
    • Dark chocolate: stimulates blood flow to the brain, increases mood. The least benefit comes from white chocolate.it has much less antioxidants;
    • Carrot: slows down the aging process and prevents the destruction of brain cells;
    • Sea kale: contains a large amount of iodine, the lack of which leads to insomnia, irritability and depression. If you use algae in your diet, then all this can be avoided;
    • Low-fat meat: accelerates the development of the brain, improves the assimilation of information and efficiency.

    The most useful products for the brain

    From the above list of foods that are useful for the brain, it is worth distinguishing separately two groups:

    • For cerebral activity: meat, fruits, vegetables, cereals, spices;
    • For a good mood: nuts, fruit, cottage cheese, milk, black chocolate.

    Thus, products useful for brain nutrition can prevent a variety of diseases, ranging from a stroke and ending with Alzheimer's, which, as you know, can progress for many years and cause a lot of trouble both to the patient and the people around him.

    We also recommend that you read the Useful Products for Vessels.

    Useful brain products: opinion of doctors ^

    Doctors-neurologists recommend eating useful products that improve brain function even for those who have no problems with memory and other processes directly related to its activities. Most often, it depends on nutrition that the proper functioning of the internal organs depends, and if there are a lack of important substances, health problems may arise:

    • Vision, hair, nails and skin are deteriorating;
    • The liver ceases to function normally;
    • Metabolism is disturbed;
    • The hormonal background is destabilized;
    • Dermatitis and other skin conditions may occur.

    This is only an incomplete list, so it is very important to know what products are useful for the brain: as is known, it is he who is the main organ on whose work all the body systems depend.