  • How to replace the salt

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    Read in the article:
    • Why you can not eat too much salt
    • How to replace salt in food: lists of alternative products
    • How to replace table salt and whether it should be done: opinion of

    physicians How can salt be replaced with proper nutrition: products, spices, herbs

    No wonder many doctors call salt "white death" and advise it to be replaced with other alternative products, because it really has a negative impact on health.

    Why you can not eat too much salt ^

    Of course, nobody uses salt in its pure form, but it contains many products - for example, sausage, bread, etc. Thus, a complete rejection of white powder is possible only ifa person replaces food cooked with its addition.

    The biggest danger of salt is that it can hold water in the body, resulting in swelling, increased heart and kidney burden, and headaches.

    In addition, salt raises blood pressure, thereby increasing the risk of a stroke or heart attack. In some cases, due to irritation of the gastric mucosa, ulcers or gastritis may occur, and cataracts also develop.

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    Separate question - the replacement of salt on a diet: this must be done, becausedue to the fact that this mineral delays fluid retention, getting rid of excess weight will be very problematic. Sometimes everything happens exactly the opposite: a person limits his diet to 1000 Kcal per day, but he eats salty foods, as a result of which he does not lose weight, but gaining kilograms.

    How to replace sea or food salt:

    • Add spices to the dishes, giving them a brackish taste;
    • Refill food with oils that make it more salty;
    • Use certain foods and seasonings in foods: for example, sea kale, garlic, onion or soy sauce.

    How to replace salt in food: lists of alternative products ^

    Products replacing salt in food

    How to replace salt in food: medical advice

    There are several reasons why you should reduce or completely abandon salt:

    • This helps improve vision, thereforethose who have problems with it should eat unsalted food;
    • The low-salinity diet helps to reduce the number of seizures in bronchial asthma, and also to remove excess fluid in the body;
    • You need to start small: do not immediately abandon the white mineral, and gradually reduce its dose - this will help to avoid a breakdown in the form of a return to the old food.

    What to replace salt with salt-free diet

    For those who have chosen a salt-free diet, it is important to know what to replace salt with losing weight, because such products are able to give dishes a very pleasant taste and make them more useful:

    • You can add herbs in porridges and salads:rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley, curry, oregano, mint, ginger. Also here comes garlic and onions;
    • When preparing poultry and meat, you should make marinades with the addition of lemon, garlic, orange peel, olive oil or orange juice.

    Is it possible to replace the salt with soy sauce

    Of course, soy sauce can not be called a complete alternative to salt, becausein it it is in any case present, however its quantity there is very small. It should be borne in mind that when consumed during a diet, it increases the caloric content of the diet, so you need to closely monitor it, otherwise it will not lose weight.

    Spices replacing salt

    Any dish can be made tasty and useful if you know what can replace salt. These include spices such as hot pepper, garlic, onion, coriander, basil, sage, bay leaf, thyme, dill, parsley and even apple cider vinegar.

    Alternative salt replacement when preparing food

    Having decided to switch to salt-free food, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with what can replace salt:

    • Sesame oil;
    • Walnut oil;
    • Pomegranate or lemon juice;
    • Raw or dried garlic: it can be added to salads, soups or to meat - from this dish will be more pleasant to taste;
    • Sea kale: it is brackish in itself, but it is not recommended to buy jars with a product that already contains a large amount of salt - laminaria should only be natural;
    • Dried herbs;
    • Sea salt: unlike cookery, it is useful for health, becausecontains iodine and many other microelements;
    • Spices;
    • Soy sauce( during the diet, its amount should be limited).

    How to replace sea salt

    Despite the fact that, in comparison with cooked, sea salt remains in the favorite, many prefer to abandon it. A good substitute for it is garlic, spicy herbs and lemon juice: all these products have a unique composition that makes it possible to completely fill the lack of essential micronutrients and vitamins.

    How to replace salt on raw food

    Raw rations also often do not know what to replace salt in food, because they have to eat mainly vegetables, and unsalted dishes from them can be tasteless.

    To solve this problem it is quite simple: you can add kelp, garlic, beet soy sauce, celery or dry seasonings to food - all of them are able to improve the taste.

    We also recommend that you read the article Than replace coffee.

    How to replace table salt and whether it should be done: the opinion of doctors ^

    Almost all doctors claim that giving up salt leads to better health, while an overabundance can cause many diseases: cataracts, ulcers, gastritis, thrombosis, arteriosclerosis of vessels, obesity, joint diseases and salt deposition.

    It is for these reasons that physicians advise to limit the dosage of the mineral in dishes to 3-4 grams per day( this is the amount of salt that can be excreted together with urine), or at all to replace it with other products.

    This approach significantly reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of the above diseases and allows you to always keep yourself in shape to those who watch your figure or fight overweight.