  • Products that increase testosterone in men

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    Read the article:
    • Testosterone products: the effect of
    • Which foods increase testosterone in men and women
    • What foods increase testosterone: the opinion of doctors

    Which foods increase testosterone in men

    Among all the hormones, testosterone is the most important for men,he is responsible for sexual activity and appearance in general.

    Products that increase testosterone: the action ^

    For the normal development of sexual characteristics, the role of testosterone plays a big role, and it is produced in the sex glands, testicles and the adrenal cortex. The lowering of the norm of this hormone can be caused by a number of factors:

    • Improper nutrition: if the body lacks minerals and vitamins, it certainly affects the male health. In this case, it is very important to include in the diet products that increase the level of testosterone, because they have a positive effect on its production;
    • Excess weight: in this case, the content of testosterone drops, and female sex hormones - estrogens - on the contrary begin to be intensively produced;
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    • Age: due to the physiological characteristics of each man after 40 years, the amount of this hormone decreases, but it can be increased by using products that increase the production of testosterone;
    • Psychological problems: as is known, most diseases occur on the nerves;
    • Harmful habits;
    • Head trauma.

    In addition to taking blood tests, indirectly to determine the low level of testosterone can be on the following grounds:

    • Loss of interest in the female sex, weak erection or lack of it;
    • Decline in strength, severe fatigue;Excessive irritability, depression;
    • Absence of results from training in the gym, muscle reduction;
    • Unreasonable weight gain;
    • Absence, insomnia;
    • Suspension of hair growth or thinning of hair on different parts of the body;
    • Fragile bones, osteoporosis;
    • Thinning of the voice, rapid aging of the skin.

    To women, the excess of testosterone is very harmful: the active growth of hair on the whole body starts, the voice becomes gross, the problems with conception of the child appear. If it is lowered, a set of kilograms is noted, the skin dries up, the hair becomes thinner and thinner, and the sexual desire decreases.

    It is for these symptoms that you can first learn about the problem, but after taking the tests, you need not only take medication prescribed by your doctor, but also include natural foods that raise testosterone, because they play an important role in health.

    What products increase testosterone in men and women ^

    Can testosterone levels be increased with food

    Men's testosterone products:

    List The products that increase the testosterone hormone for men, regularly engaged in the gym, are of greatest importance.the rate of development of muscles depends to a large extent on it. In addition, with a lack of this hormone, endurance is reduced, so athletes and simple men should eat the following:

    • Meat: it contains a lot of protein that strengthens muscle tissue;
    • Seafood: they are rich in Omega acids, which activate testosterone production;
    • Fruits of yellow, green or orange color: the vitamins present in them positively influence the content of testosterone in the body;
    • Fresh vegetables: for example, avocados, celery, cabbage and tomatoes increase hormone levels, and also prevent sexual problems;
    • Green;
    • Nuts: they have a positive effect on potency, because.stabilize the number of male sex hormones;
    • Cereal cereals: the fiber present in the cereals cleanses the intestines and activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, thereby improving potency;
    • Red wine in moderation: it blocks an enzyme that promotes the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

    Testosterone products for women

    Faced with hormonal problems, it is important to know which foods increase the production of testosterone:

    • Bird meat, seafood, oysters, seeds, nuts and liver;
    • Olives, avocados, tuna, salmon, peanut butter;
    • Radish, turnips, cabbage;
    • Cereals and legumes;
    • Broccoli, kohlrabi, asparagus, yellow pepper, aubergines, celery.

    Products that raise and lower testosterone

    After learning all about food products that raise testosterone levels, it is worth to get information about what food contributes to its decrease:

    • Carbonated drinks;
    • Fast food;
    • Smoked sausages;Vegetable oils, except olive and nut;
    • Mayonnaise;
    • Fatty milk drinks;
    • Beer;
    • Sugar;
    • Coffee;
    • Buns and confectionery.
    We also recommend that you read the article Products that reduce cholesterol and cleanse vessels.

    What foods increase testosterone: the opinion of doctors ^

    According to doctors, most often a decrease in testosterone is observed in those who lead a low-activity lifestyle and abuse harmful food. As for athletes engaged in power training, they have repeatedly noted that it is this hormone that helps them to gain strength, in addition, during training, its amount is significantly increased.

    What should be done to ensure that testosterone is normal:

    • Regularly use products that increase testosterone in the body: they affect not only hormones but also are generally beneficial to health;
    • To increase physical activity: it prevents some diseases and positively affects both the structure of the body and the work of internal organs;
    • Refuse from smoking and alcohol: they negatively affect the body of any person;
    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Compliance with these simple rules allows you to normalize the level of hormones, as well as ensure a full sexual life and good health, because all this has the same value for both men and women.