
Disk health: exercises for weight loss, thin waist and grace, exercises with an expander, contra-indications for training

  • Disk health: exercises for weight loss, thin waist and grace, exercises with an expander, contra-indications for training

    Disk health: exercises for weight loss, thin waist and grace that can be easily done at home

    Disc for exercise - the invention is far from new, even our parents and grandmothers had such a home. Initially, it was created in order to find a thin waist. However, over time, invented and other exercises that allow you to lose weight with the disc of health.

    Everyone knows what it looks like - two round metal plates that connect with each other, which rotate, if you stand on the top of them. Now the manufacturers have modernized the look of this simulator, equipping it with convenient handles, for which you can hold on( everyone remembers how they grabbed the walls and fell from it in childhood).And on some there are additional functions like the built-in player. But this is mainly for gyms.

    There are no contraindications to the "health disc", it is a universal and simple simulator, indispensable for the waist. Even a hula-hoop will not give such results as this disc. Very much speaks in his favor, especially low price and availability - although it is not quite easy, but even a child can deliver it to his house. And it improves the work of the vestibular apparatus.

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    Now that it becomes obvious what a rotating disk is useful, let's talk about exercises that you can do with it.

    Exercises for weight loss on the "health drive"

    1. Stand on the disc, with your backs facing you turn a couple of chairs. Put your palms on different backs of chairs, bend your legs slightly. Expand the body and legs in opposite directions.

    2. The starting position is the same, hands rest against the wall in front of you. Rotations, as in 1 exercise.

    3. Now spread your arms out to the sides, continuing the rotation.

    4. Further hands turn in the same direction as the legs, and the body, as before - in the opposite direction.

    5. Now put the disc on a chair and sit down. We "go" around the chair with our feet in one direction or another.

    6. Sitting on a chair, we do everything the same as in exercise 5, but we unfold the arms opposite to the body.

    7. And now try to move only the lower part of the body, starting from the waist. Hands raise up.

    8. Exercise, like # 5, only the disk is not on the chair, but on the floor.

    9. Similar to Exercise 7, only on the floor.

    10. Let's return to the standing position, that's just to get on the disk with just one foot. Hands on the belt. Rotate.

    11. One leg on the chair, the hand on this side is on the belt, the second leg is on the disk, the corresponding hand rests against the wall. The legs are rotated in such a way that the elbow of the bent hand touches the opposite bent knee. Then change legs and arms.

    12. The next exercise: take the disk in your hands, tighten it and begin rotating it with your hands on both sides in different directions.

    The complex of exercises on a disk with expanders differs in that instead of holding on to foreign objects, you will hold on to convenient handles of the expander. Another such improved version can be used for practicing yoga, for stretching.

    You can create new exercises for yourself or upgrade existing ones, in any case, after them you will surely gain harmony and grace. Constant vigorous pursuits on the "health drive" are very useful for blood circulation, strengthening the muscles of the legs and the press. Do not forget the rules for using the disc:

    1) install on a flat, non-sliding surface,

    2) there must necessarily be something nearby, for which you can grab if you feel dizzy,

    3) you only need to rotate the legs, starting from the waist,must remain in place. Or turn in the other( opposite) side.

    Before any workout, use the warm-up disk to warm up and tune in to the right way! For best effect, drink a glass of clean water 15 minutes before classes, but do not eat one hour before and one hour after any physical exercise. Lose weight by using a disc!

    Videos about the health drive with exercises for weight loss will help you to find a thin waist and throw off the extra pounds: