
How correctly to cook buckwheat on water and milk? How much and in what is cooked buckwheat?

  • How correctly to cook buckwheat on water and milk? How much and in what is cooked buckwheat?

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    Buckwheat - this is a nutritious breakfast, and an excellent side dish for dinner. It is combined with many products, while it has a unique taste and helps to lose weight. To make the buckwheat delicious, you need to know some secrets that will allow you to cook this porridge correctly.

    Secrets of cooking a delicious buckwheat porridge

    1. To make cooked buckwheat was crumbly, one should resort to one of two methods. Firstly, the rump can be fried in a heated frying pan without adding oil for 5 minutes, while making sure that the grains are not overcooked. In the same case, the buckwheat will become golden in color, and the taste of the finished porridge will eventually be more fragrant. Secondly, it can be heated directly in a saucepan before cooking( also 5 minutes), including a powerful fire under the dishes.
    2. It is necessary to correctly calculate the proportions of water and buckwheat. From this depends the taste, and the appearance of the dish. For crumbly buckwheat: a glass of cereals and 2-2.5 glasses of water. For viscous: a glass of buckwheat and 3-3.5 glasses of water. For a completely liquid cereal: 1 cup of cereals and 4.5 glasses of cold water. Important: during cooking, buckwheat swells, it becomes larger. One glass of cereals is enough for standard servings for three people.
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    3. To taste the dish was soft, it is worth choosing the right water. It should not be rigid, it is better to give preference to cold tap water, but filtered. For quick preparation of porridge it is acceptable to use already boiled water in the kettle.
    4. For a greater flavor and a new taste, this muffin can be cooked not only on water or milk, but also on meat or chicken broth.
    5. They say that you can not spoil the porridge with oil, and it really is. To add a creamy oil it is necessary not only in a ready-made dish and already spread out on plates, a teaspoon of oil will be required in the final cooking of buckwheat in a saucepan, moreover, adding this ingredient, the porridge itself should not be stirred.
    6. In order not to get buckwheat too boiled, with lumps, you need to carefully monitor the time of its preparation. How much to cook buckwheat porridge to make it tasty? The traditional way of cooking in a saucepan does not take more than 20 minutes, if a dish is prepared on water or broth and you want to get crumbly buckwheat. But buckwheat on milk is prepared a little longer - up to 35 minutes.
    7. After evaporating all the water and after the cooking time, the ready porridge is left for some time "to languish" under the lid( usually for 30-45 minutes).For a larger "steam" effect, the pan can be covered with a thick towel or wrapped in a blanket, blanket, putting it in a warm place.
    8. The right choice of dishes is the guarantee of a successful dish. Pans that have enamel coating, as well as made of aluminum, are not suitable for making this cereal. Such dishes will not be able to maintain a uniform heat inside yourself, and this is extremely important while cooking buckwheat. Also, you should choose a saucepan that has thick enough, thick walls, then the necessary temperature inside will last longer.
    9. In addition to the dishes itself, it is important to choose the right lid. It should also be sufficiently tight, without holes, to hold the steam inside the container.
    10. During preparation, buckwheat is never mixed. And, having covered the lid, it is better not to open the pan any more until the end of cooking. This will allow the seeds to swell and reach the required degree of readiness. Only you need to try not to over-maintain the porridge under the lid on a slow fire, so that it does not boil.
    11. It is important to remember: in the process of cooking porridge is not salted. Salt and spices to taste should be added to still cold water before the rash is poured into it. If the porridge is not cooked in a saucepan, but, for example, in a microwave oven, then it is immediately salted with water.

    These general tips will not only make buckwheat correctly, but also make it very tasty.

    Recipe for cooking buckwheat on water

    Boil buckwheat on the water in a saucepan is quite simple. Given the instructions given, even the first time you can get a truly delicious dish for the whole family.

    • Before the beginning of cooking, grains in a number of cases need to be sorted out so that there are no pebbles and debris left inside. This is not necessary to do when making porridge in bags, at the moment this can only be relevant for cereals sold by weight.
    • The required amount of buckwheat should be rinsed under cold water. You can do this as in a saucepan, after pouring water, and in a strainer or colander, substituting under the tap.
    • In the chosen dishes with thick walls, the necessary amount of water is poured in the proportion of 1: 2( buckwheat: water).The capacity is put on the hotplate on the maximum power, spices and salt( half teaspoon) are added.
    • After the rinsed croup is poured into the pan, the porridge is not mixed, the water is brought to a boil.
    • After reducing the fire to almost the minimum, the container with buckwheat is covered with a lid. By the time to cook this mess, it will take another 10 minutes or 15 minutes.
    • When the right time for cooking is over, butter is added to the buckwheat, the pan is covered with a lid and removed from the fire.
    • After buckwheat "languishing" in the dishes for a while.

    Buckwheat groats are very unusual. And its main unusuality is that this porridge can not be cooked at all. Such a recipe for cooking buckwheat is relevant for breakfast, during a diet or as a shortage of time to cook buckwheat in a saucepan, without moving away from the stove.

    Video on how to cook a delicious buckwheat on a plate

    Sly recipe for buckwheat without cooking

    A glass of cereal is poured into a pair of glasses of water( cold).The container with buckwheat is covered with a plate or lid and left for the whole night. If such a kasha without cooking is cooked in the day, then it will take about 5 hours to insist. After that, it will only be necessary to heat the buckwheat in a frying pan or microwave oven. This way of cooking preserves more nutrients and vitamins, because the thermal effect on the product is minimized.

    How to cook buckwheat on milk?

    Buckwheat milk can be a wonderful dish in the children's menu. To make it especially tasty, after the cooking process, some sugar should be added to it.

    There are two options for cooking buckwheat on

    milk. Option one

    1. Initially the porridge is brewed in a traditional way on the water, the instruction to which was given above.
    2. Afterwards, milk( cold, hot, fresh, boiled, diluted powdered milk) is added to the pan with the prepared buckwheat. And give the porridge to brew for 5-10 minutes. If desired, do not necessarily pour all the ready-made buckwheat with milk, it can be added to the portions of porridge directly into the plate.

    Variant of the second

    1. For 1 glass of washed buckwheat 4 glasses of pure milk are taken.
    2. The cereal is poured into the selected dishes. The right amount of milk is diluted 1: 1 with water, this is required first of all so that the dish does not burn during cooking.
    3. Fill the groats with a dilute milk mixture, the saucepan is closed with a dense lid. Buckwheat on milk is brought to a boil over high heat, and after it is cooked for a while on the minimum fire. The total cooking time is 35 minutes.
    4. After the finished milk porridge is added oil and sugar to taste. The pan is covered with a lid again, removed from the fire and insisted until ready for another 15 minutes.

    Preparation of buckwheat: modern methods

    In the past, buckwheat was always cooked in cast-iron dishes in the oven, while it was not cooked, but simply "languished" on fire andwarm, flooded with water or milk. This method of cooking at the present time is almost impossible, because traditionally boiled buckwheat is taken in pots. But now there are many modern devices, also suitable for cooking this dish.

    Buckwheat in the multivariate .The washed croup is poured into the bowl, then it is poured with the right amount of water based on the previously stated proportions. At this stage, you need to add salt, sugar, spices to taste. Then in the multivarker the desired mode is chosen: "buckwheat", "rice" or close to them( depending on the model of the device), the timer is set for 60 minutes. A small cube of butter is added to the already prepared buckwheat.

    Buckwheat in a double boiler. This porridge for a couple turns out to be especially tasty and crumbly. Prepared groats poured into the bowl, add water, add salt. Water is also added to the bottom of the steamer, but in smaller quantities. The timer on the device is set for 40 minutes. Butter, as in the case of buckwheat in a multivariate, is added to the ready-made dish.

    Buckwheat in a thermos of .The thermos must be large( not less than 2.5 liters).A glass of buckwheat takes 3 cups of boiled hot water. The washed croup is salted and mixed thoroughly, after it is poured into the thermos and poured with steep boiling water. The capacity is tightly closed and left for 6-8 hours( you can overnight), for greater effect, the thermos can be wrapped with a warm towel or an old blanket. The oil is added to taste in the ready-made dish.

    Buckwheat in the frying pan .Buckwheat can be cooked in a deep frying pan. The prepared cereal is poured into the container, filled with the necessary volume of water, is salted. The frying pan is exposed to a burner with a large fire, covered with a lid. During the evaporation of water, the fire is reduced to a minimum. The cooking time for such a porridge is 20 minutes. Buckwheat in the microwave .A suitable amount of cereal is poured into the suitable dishes. Top of the buckwheat is filled with cold water. Covering with a dense lid, the dishes go to the oven. Brew in buckwheat in a microwave oven in stages. The first 4 minutes on power up to 1000 W;then, replacing the cover with the one that has a hole for the steam, buckwheat is cooked for another 15 minutes at a power of 800 watts. After the cereal must still 5 minutes to stand. Finally, salt and oil are added.

    Buckwheat in sachets: fast and delicious

    Various porridges in sachets are now very popular. After all, they simplify the cooking process. Groats do not need to be touched and washed, being in separate bags, it is ready for cooking.

    Buckwheat in packets is brewed quickly, but does not lose its taste and aroma. Depending on the brand, the cooking time can be changed for 3-5 minutes. It is important to follow the instructions on the pack, so that the porridge eventually turned out to be successful.

    The process of this preparation includes the following steps:

    • a sufficient amount of cold water is poured into the selected container with dense walls, into which bags of croup are then dropped( the water must completely cover them);
    • adds salt and spices to taste;
    • having included the maximum fire, buckwheat is brought to a boil, only then, reducing the capacity of the burner, the container with porridge is closed with a lid;
    • total cooking time - about 15 minutes;
    • ready packets of buckwheat porridge are pulled out of the pan with a fork or knife, cut and their contents poured onto the plate;the remainders of water in the pan merge.

    Boil buckwheat in this way it is possible, throwing sachets already in boiling and salted water. The taste of this will not change.

    Prepare buckwheat is not so difficult, it is important to do it correctly, relying on the necessary proportions, refusing to prepare "by eye".When you take into account all the nuances of porridge will get delicious and fragrant. And the ability to combine it with various products will diversify the menu, which regularly includes buckwheat.