Diet in cholecystitis
Diet for cholecystitis stimulates excretion of bile
Diet for cholecystitis is a special therapeuticnutrition, aimed at stimulating the excretion of bile from the body.
This result is achieved by replacing heavy animal fats with easily digestible( for example, vegetable) fats in the diet, as well as consuming foods rich in magnesium salts.
Features of nutrition in cholecystitis ^
Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which affects up to 20% of adults in the entire population of the Earth. Among the main symptoms of the disease are the following:
- Pain on the right, under the ribs, which can move to the left side of the upper abdomen.
- Sometimes the symptoms are manifested by a feeling of heaviness and burning on the right.
- With acute cholecystitis, the pain becomes paroxysmal, with nausea and vomiting, yellowing of the eye sclera and skin.
- Body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, there is a stool delay, a buildup of gases. In this case, you need to see a doctor immediately.
Among the causes of the disease physicians are called:
- stones that block the bile ducts,
- infection,
- sedentary rhythm of life,
- endocrine disruption,
- improper diet.
The diet for cholecystitis is an obligatory part of the treatment, and in combination with the drugs prescribed by the doctor, it helps to normalize the gallbladder and speed up the recovery. The special menu has practically no contraindications, since dietary nutrition is fairly balanced and sparing for the body.
Advantages of therapeutic nutrition in cholecystitis is a varied diet, which includes vegetables, greens, lean meat and fish, soups - vegetable and dairy. In addition, the treatment method for cholecystitis can get rid of excess weight.
The drawbacks of the program are only in strict compliance with all requirements. In particular, the food you eat should not be colder than 15 degrees and hotter than 60. In the acute form, at first you can eat only liquid, and then - ground foods.
Prohibited food:
- Fatty foods - animal fats: pork, lamb, duck, eggs, butter, chocolate. It is necessary to exclude fried. These foods make digestion difficult for patients with cholecystitis, since bile in the intestine is poor.
- Alcohol( especially beer and champagne) - it promotes the appearance of stones in the gallbladder.
- Salty, sour, spicy and smoked - they help in the production of bile, which can cause the inflamed organ to stretch.
- You also have to forget about carbonated drinks and coffee.
It is allowed to eat:
- Vegetable oil - it is well absorbed and promotes normalization of digestion;
- Beet juice - 2 times a day for 100 ml of juice reduce the risk of an attack of cholecystitis;
- Chicken, rabbit( boiled or stewed), low-fat broth;
- Fresh and steamed vegetables, except white cabbage and cauliflower;
- Fruit - especially recommended avocado, which contain natural oils and lots of vitamins;
- Sea fish - boiled and stewed;Sour milk products and non-fat milk;
- Potatoes, pasta, whole wheat and wheat bread;
- Porridges, which contain microelements and fiber;
- Vitamin complexes, rich in vitamins C and B, as well as probiotics and enzymes that heal digestion.
Doctors advise patients with cholecystitis to take food often and in small amounts. Hunger has a bad effect on the liver, overeating is also a load on the digestive tract. You need to eat every 3 or 4 hours in small portions.
There must be at least 5 to 6 meals a day. Breakfast is necessary only when you wake up. This regimen prevents the risk of attacks and promotes weight loss. You can have a snack with vegetables and fruits.
Diet for cholecystitis: approximate menu and food features ^
Diet for acute cholecystitis
In case of an acute attack of the disease, when the patient begins vomiting and there are severe pain, therapeutic nutrition should begin with a 3-day fasting. At this time you can drink only a warm liquid - up to 2 liters a day. It is advisable to use herbal decoctions, you can have weak tea, mineral water.
Then slowly introduced ground food, vegetable broth, jelly. Milk dishes are prepared from milk, diluted 1: 1 with water. With the improvement of the menu, the menu gradually expands - low-fat cottage cheese, meat, fish are introduced.
Diet for chronic cholecystitis
In the chronic course of the disease, the patient's diet can be made depending on the taste preferences within the permitted products. Here is an approximate menu:
- oatmeal porridge, sausage( 1 piece), broth of rose hips or tea;
- 1 banana, low-fat cottage cheese( 100 g);
- soup from vegetables and wheat cereals;stuffed with rice and low-fat meat pepper, compote or dogrose;
- salad of cucumber and tomato( 1 pc), a slice of rye bread;
- milk rice soup, dry biscuits( 2-3 pcs).
- cottage cheese casserole with raisins( 150 g), coffee on milk;
- pear and apple salad with honey and walnuts;
- buckwheat porridge, steamed cutlet, sea kale( 100 g), compote;
- baked apple, kissel;
- vinaigrette and egg-white omelette sprinkled with herbs.
- lazy dumplings with curd, broth of rose hips;
- sandwiches with caviar from courgette( 2 pieces);
- vegetable soup with greens, dressed with olive oil, chicken leg boiled( without skin), compote;
- apple and carrot salad( 1 each) with honey;
- pasta with grated cheese, tea.
- porridge semolina with jam, tea with milk;
- omelette from egg white 1 egg, sprinkled with herbs, cereal bread;
- mashed potatoes, boiled fish( 150 g), 1 tomato with herbs and vegetable oil;
- fruit pilaf and rosehip broth.
- millet porridge, doctor's sausage, coffee on milk;
- baked pumpkin( 150 g), rosehip broth;
- braised cabbage( 200 g), beef stroganoff( 100 g), a slice of bread with bran;
- cheese( 2 slices), tea with milk;
- vegetable stew( 200 g), a slice of cereal bread.
- milk vermicelli soup, bagels( 2 pcs), tea;
- vegetable casserole( 150 g), dog rose;
- lean borsch, boiled beef( 100 g), compote;
- 1 tomato with greens, Adyghe cheese( 50 g);
- boiled fish and baked with vegetables( 200 g), rose hips.
- puff pastry with meat( 150 g), coffee on milk;
- dried fruits( 2 handfuls), tea;
- pilaf with low-fat boiled meat( 200 g), salad of cucumber and cabbage with greens( 100 g);
- whole wheat bread with curd cheese and herbs;Porridge of pumpkin, milk.
Diet for exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis
In cases of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, diet should also begin with a 3-day abstinence from eating. After that, a light milk and vegetable menu is recommended. In addition, you need to consume a sufficient amount of liquid. With positive changes in the state, you can enter other light foods.
Diet in chronic calculous cholecystitis
Dietary nutrition in chronic calculous cholecystitis, which begins to manifest with aging of the liver, should dramatically reduce carbohydrates and fats consumed. Preference is given to fruit and vegetable dishes. It is necessary to diversify the diet and arrange unloading days on milk, apples, grapes, fruits and berries, cottage cheese, watermelons.
Diet for cholecystitis in children
The diet of cholecystitis patients is made, given the state of their stomach and liver. The children's day menu should consist mainly of low-fat boiled meat, fresh vegetables, acidified drinks and fermented milk products. Each child is selected individually.
Diet after cholecystitis
The patient's diet after a recent attack of the disease may look the same as in the chronic form of the disease. If there is no desire to continue the medical diet, it should be remembered that some products from the list of banned in case of illness should still be consumed in very small quantities.
Useful recipes for patients with cholecystitis ^
Vegetable soup puree
- Ingredients: zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onion, sweet pepper( total 2), potatoes( 5 pcs.), Olive oil( 2 tablespoons), greens.
- Put the pepper in boiling water, then - into the cold and peel.
- Cut the vegetables into cubes. Boil 3 liters of water, put potatoes in a pot, pour a little.
- After 10 minutes add the remaining vegetables, except zucchini.5 minutes before turning off, pour in zucchini.
- Cool, grind on a blender and add greens and olive oil.
Stuffed pepper
- Ingredients: 0.5 kg chicken fillet, 6 pcs of large bell pepper, boiled rice( 3 tablespoons), carrots and onions( 2 pcs), tomato juice( glass), garlic( 2 cloves), paprika, Bay leaf.
- Pepper, puncture with a fork.
- Mix the boiled rice, minced meat from chicken, add chopped garlic, paprika and pepper.
- Grind the onions and carrots, simmer in a pan until soft, then add the tomato.
- Farshem fill the pepper, lay it on a baking sheet, top with tomato from the frying pan and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.
Baked apples
- Ingredients: 4 large apples, 1 egg, cottage cheese( 100 g), walnuts( handful), sugar( 2 tablespoons), cinnamon.
- Of apples cut the middle.
- Whip the yolk with cinnamon and sugar, mix this mixture with a blender and cottage cheese, add nuts.
- Slightly pour the water into a baking tray, put the apples and oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
Results, recommendations and references of doctors ^
Reviews of the diet for cholecystitis indicate that it helped many who suffered from the disease. Doctors recommend not stop eating as soon as unpleasant symptoms go away - you should wait until the digestion is fully adjusted. If the regime has been violated, the diet must begin again.
Ideally, it is better to eat this food for life. Dieticians advise to take vitamin-mineral complexes during treatment. The results of the diet with cholecystitis are manifested in the normalization of digestion, improving the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. In addition, thanks to the availability of a large number of fruits and vegetables in the treatment menu, the body is effectively cleared of toxins and toxins and actively takes off excess weight.
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