Herpes diet
Herpes diet: testimonials and patient results
Herpes diet is a balanced diet,aimed at preventing the spread of the virus and removing symptoms of exacerbation.
Nutrition characteristics for herpes ^
Herpes is a common viral disease, manifested in the defeat of mucous membranes and skin, fever, burning, irritation and deterioration of well-being.
90% of the world's population has the herpes virus, and 5% of them have symptoms. In the absence of proper treatment and diet, it can progress and cause infections, complications, and in rare cases be the cause of congenital abnormalities in children.
Do you need a diet with herpes
Therapeutic diet for herpes is the first thing you can do to help your body cope with the virus. In addition to drug treatment and treatment of herpes folk remedies, it is very important to exclude from the diet products promoting its distribution:
- Strong tea and coffee;
- Chocolate;
- Sugar;
- Alcohol;
- Flour;
- Raisins and grapes;
- Peanuts.
Compliance with the diet in the herpes virus helps to relieve the symptoms of exacerbation, improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, strengthen immunity and improve the functioning of the intestine.
What should be included in the diet for herpes:
- Fish, seafood, meat;
- Sour-milk products;
- Fruits and Vegetables;
- Wheat germ and lentil;
- Berries.
Therapeutic diet for herpes is common to everyone, but in some cases, diets may be prescribed depending on the type of illness, the age of the person, the affected parts of the body, and an individual menu for pregnant women is selected.
Using an effective diet for patients with herpes, you can remove symptoms of its manifestation in a few days, improve your well-being and prolong remission.
Herpes diet: menus and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Herpes diet: menus, recipes
Nutritional guidelines for herpes:
- You need to drink as much fluids as possible;
- Dishes cook steamed, bake or cook. Frying is not allowed;
- Use decoctions, which are natural sources of lysine: potato or hips;
- Eat often, but in small portions.
Diet for herpes on the body
To treat the virus that spread on the back, chest and other parts of the body, this example of diet is used:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal with berries, drink tea with a slice of bread;
- At lunch we eat apple of green variety, we drink a glass of mineral water;
- Dinner soup on chicken broth with noodles, steamed fish cutlets and boiled potatoes;
- For a mid-morning snack we eat banana and yogurt;
- Supper with boiled meat, vegetable stew, drink all the fruit juice;
- At night we drink a glass of kefir.
Diet for herpes on the lips
To quickly get rid of the bubbles on the lips, you need to eat according to the example of this menu:
- In the morning we eat cottage cheese with unsweetened fruit, drink green tea with a sandwich;
- We are eating banana for lunch;
- We dine with low-fat soup, vegetable salad, drink all the juice;
- We snack at any allowed fruit;
- We are having dinner with a pilaf and a glass of kefir.
Diet for herpes zoster
When rashes and vesicles appear on the abdomen and waist, it is allowed to eat nuts, citrus, legumes, cabbage and sour-milk products.
Sample menu:
- In the morning we eat a steam omelet, we drink tea;
- For lunch we eat fruit salad;
- We have dinner with soup on meat broth, mashed potatoes and cutlets;
- For a mid-morning snack, eat 2 oranges;
- We dine with seafood salad and 100 grams of fish.
Diet for genital herpes
In this case, the diet should focus on seafood, fish and dairy products:
- Breakfast with a pack of cottage cheese and tea;
- At lunch we drink milkshake with fruit;
- We have lunch with shrimp and salad with chicken meat;
- For a snack we eat grapefruit;We have dinner with baked flounder and boiled potatoes.
Antiviral diet for herpes
Prevents the spread of the virus from the broth of dogrose, which must be drunk every day after each meal, following this menu:
- In the morning we eat a couple of boiled eggs, we drink tea with bread sandwiches;
- To snack - any fruit, except for prohibited;
- We have lunch with noodle soup on chicken broth, we eat vegetable salad with cabbage;
- We snack a bio-yogurt;
- We have dinner with a salad with shrimps, vegetable puree and a couple of cutlets.
Diet for herpes of type 1
With the easiest type, expressed in the appearance of bubbles on the lips, this approximate diet is used:
- For breakfast we eat cottage cheese with fruit, wash down with the broth of rose hips;
- We bite with baked apples;
- We have lunch with mashed potatoes, boiled meat and vegetables;
- We eat a banana for a snack;Supper with baked fish and vegetable salad.
Diet for type 2 herpes
When the symptom is spreading on the genitals, a more strict diet based on protein foods and vitamins is applied:
- In the morning we eat a steamed omelet, drink the dog-rose broth;
- At lunch we eat yogurt;
- We dine with seafood soup, light vegetable salad;
- We eat citrus fruits for a snack;
- We have dinner with mashed potatoes and baked fish with vegetables.
Diet for herpes in children
When the virus is exacerbated in children, the sparing menu is used:
- We have breakfast with unsweetened semolina porridge, we drink it with a broth of wild rose;
- At lunch we eat a baked apple;
- Lunch any non-fat first course, fruit salad and vegetable juice;
- For a mid-morning snack we eat yoghurt;
- We dine with steam cutlets, boiled potatoes and vegetables.
Diet for herpes in pregnant women
During the exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy, it is very important to use in the diet as much protein food and foods containing vitamin C:
- In the morning we eat any cereal cereal, drink broth of wild rose;
- At lunch we eat an orange;
- We dine with meat soup, vegetable salad with cabbage, a couple of cutlets;
- We have a lozenge of broth and yoghurt;
- For dinner we prepare salad with seafood, we eat 150 g of boiled meat and mashed potatoes.
The results, feedback and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition for herpes ^
The main prevention of herpes is to observe the rules of hygiene, healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition: observing these three rules, you can avoid exacerbation of the virus or its entry into the body.
If the virus already exists, then as a result of a diet with herpes it is possible to suppress its symptoms and ease the patient's condition, lower the temperature, and in 2-3 weeks get rid of the vernal manifestations of the disease.
Tips on how to avoid the disease with the herpes virus:
- Refuse bad habits;
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle;
- Observe sleep mode;
- Before taking hormonal medications and antibiotics, consult a doctor;
- Keep track of your food and hygiene.
Reviews of doctors about diet with herpes
Tatiana, 39, ophthalmologist:
"In case of damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes and conjunctivitis, it is very important to follow a diet, because if you eat chocolate and take medicinal products at the same time, there will be no effect"
Olga, 43, gynecologist:
"Genital herpes is treated only with medicines and diet, andthese two methods are inextricably linked. I would advise you to consume as much as possible protein foods and vitamin C - they help to remove symptoms as soon as possible. "
Larisa, 35, immunologist:
" Once the tests confirm the exacerbation of herpes, the patient is immediately assigned a diet. Without it, even the strongest drugs will not give the desired result, so it is very important during the treatment to observe the drinking regimen and eat more vitamins ยป