Diet in angina( tonsillitis)
Diet angina( tonsillitis): reviews and results
patientsDiet in angina, or tonsillitis - a full-fledged diet, contributing to the fastest cure of the disease, because its products contain a lot of vitamins and other nutrients.
Features of nutrition in tonsillitis ^
Before you go directly to the topic of nutrition, you need to find out what is the difference between angina and tonsillitis.
Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, which has two forms: acute and chronic. Acute inflammatory processes are called angina. It is characterized by infectious formations in the pharyngeal tonsils.
Thus, these two diseases are one and the same, however the chronic form of tonsillitis is a consequence of untreated angina and practically does not give in to treatment.
Do I need a diet with angina
Most physicians prescribe only drugs, forgetting that there are many products that help considerably to bring healing and getting rid of symptoms such as fever, pain when swallowing, swollen lymph nodes, white patches on the tonsils, weakness, rarely - nasal congestion.
In the absence of proper treatment, complications such as pharyngitis, bronchitis, cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, ulcers, vision loss, stomatitis can appear. This is due to the fact that bacteria that are not eliminated in time fall into various organs, and are adversely affected by them.
Features of the diet for patients with tonsillitis
The essence of the therapeutic diet for angina or chronic tonsillitis is the use of only useful products:
- Apple or grape juice;
- Fruits;Sour milk products and milk;
- Soups;
- Desserts;
- Chicken broth;
- Teas;
- Meat and fish;
- Boiled eggs;
- Vegetables in soft form;
- Chocolate;Melted Ice Cream.
What products exclude therapeutic diet food with angina and tonsillitis:
- Any citrus - they irritate the throat;
- Fried and hard food;
- Chips;
- Fast food.
Diet angina menu, and especially therapeutic feeding ^
Diet angina( tonsillitis): therapeutic menus, recipes
diet rules with angina:
- Any food should be consumed in a cool or at room temperature. This is due to the fact that the cold reduces the blood vessels, thereby reducing the area of inflammation;
- You should also drink plenty of water - up to 2 liters per day;
- Do not eat hot dishes, as they can irritate the throat.
diet in the treatment of sore throats and tonsillitis:
menu to speed up the process of recovery from the acute form, it is necessary to complete recovery, including in the treatment of angina folk remedies, use this sample menu:
- morning, eat an omelet steam, drink herbal tea;
- Snack peeled apples;
- We have dinner with mashed potatoes, salad from cauliflower and a piece of fish;
- We snack cottage cheese;
- We dine with oatmeal and yoghurt.
Diet for sore throat in adults
To treat acute inflammatory processes apply the following menu option:
- For breakfast we eat oatmeal with milk and with the addition of fruit, drink tea with honey;
- At lunch we eat a baked pear;
- We have lunch with vegetable stew and 1500 boiled chicken;
- We snack a banana;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables and fish.
Diet for angina in children
The main rule in treating a child in this case is not to force him to eat more than he can. It is necessary to limit the use of dairy products, and as an example use this menu:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal with honey, we drink tea on grasses;
- At lunch we eat a serving of fruit salad;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup and yoghurt;
- We snack any fruit;
- For dinner we eat vegetable puree and steam cutlets.
Diet for tonsillitis in pregnant women
During pregnancy, a sparing diet is used that is equally saturated with both proteins and carbohydrates:
- We have breakfast cereal with berries, we drink a cup of tea with the addition of honey;
- Snack baked apple-free baked;
- For lunch we eat mashed potatoes, soft boiled meat;
- We snack with drinking yogurt;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables, drink plum juice;
- At night we drink kefir.
Diet for Purulent Sore Throat
To get rid of the abscesses quickly, antibiotics are prescribed, and the menu uses the following:
- In the morning we are eating cottage cheese with berries and low-fat sour cream, we wash down everything with tea;
- For lunch we use a cocktail of banana and kefir;
- Lunch vegetable mashed potatoes, drink juice;
- We snack a fruit salad;
- We ate porridge for dinner.
Diet for candidiasis angina
With this form of disease only liquid or wiped dishes are allowed:
- We have breakfast with mashed milk porridge, yogurt and tea;
- At lunch we eat a handful of soft ripe berries;
- We have a dinner of meat broth with knelami, we wash down with juice
- We have a soft curd;
- We dine boiled soft-boiled eggs and rice broth.
Diet for chronic tonsillitis
With this form of illness the dietary table №13 according to Pevzner is used.
Sample menu:
- We have breakfast cereal and tea;
- For lunch, eat fruit jelly;
- Lunch vermicelli soup, vegetable puree and steam cutlets;
- We snack fruit juice and galettes;
- We dine with jellied mashed meat, boiled vegetables and broth of rose hips.
Gentle diet for angina
It is recommended to pay attention to this sample menu for elimination of toxins and recuperation:
- In the morning we eat curd pudding, drink green tea;
- Snacking fruit jam;
- We dine with pouring meat and boiled rice;
- For a mid-morning snack we eat steam cheese cakes, we drink a cup of tea;
- We have dinner with mashed boiled fish and stewed vegetables.
Diet for angina and acute respiratory viral infections
To quickly get rid of the symptoms and go for a correction, this menu option is best suited:
- In the morning we drink tea with honey, eat oat mashed potatoes;
- We have a bite of berries;
- We have dinner with meat soup-mashed potatoes;
- For a mid-morning snack we eat yoghurt;
- We have dinner with mashed potatoes and mashed boiled fish.
Results, testimonials and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition in tonsillitis and tonsillitis ^
As a result of adherence to the diet in tonsillitis it is possible to quickly cure its aggravation, and if the disease has passed long into a chronic form - significantly increase the duration of remission.
Prevention of tonsillitis is also very important: it is necessary to finish the treatment of any disease, and also to adhere to proper nutrition in order to strengthen its immunity.
Tips for avoiding chronic tonsillitis:
- Get rid of bad habits;
- Take vitamin complexes;
- Include in your diet more vitamin products;
- After curing of sore throat to do hardening.
Reviews of doctors about a diet with angina
Valentina, 30, otolaryngologist:
"Basically, I appoint a diet only in severe cases, but I give general recommendations in terms of nutrition. Most often with the help of useful dishes and effective medicines it is possible to achieve the fastest result, but in case of chronic form, the therapeutic diet helps to avoid relapse. "
Olga, 35, otolaryngologist:
" The diet is necessary for any viral disease, as it promotes immunity andthe speedy recovery of the patient. From myself, I can say that citrus can still be consumed, but not during a period of exacerbation. "
Tatyana, 39, otolaryngologist:
" It is very useful in case of angina not only to use diet and medicines, but also to simply drip a peach oil into your nose: itsoftens the inflammation and eliminates the puffiness of the tonsils »