  • How to eat right?

    Whatever you are - a man or a woman, fat or thin - the basic principles of proper nutrition for all are one. If you decide to approach the issue of healthy and healthy food with all responsibility, then you should remember the following unshakable rules:

    - you need 4-5 times a day, preferably always at the same time;
    - pay special attention to breakfast, dinner should be light and not too late;
    - oily, spicy, salty, pickled, smoked food should be excluded from the menu or minimized;
    - cereals, fruits and vegetables should become an indispensable attribute of the daily diet;
    - meat is also recommended to eat daily, however it should be low-fat( beef, chicken, rabbit, low-fat fish) and eat only in limited quantities( not more than 80 g per day);
    - at least 3 times a week you need to drink dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cheese;
    - do not forget about nuts, beans, seafood - 2-3 times a week is to include them in your diet;
    - liquid in the form of ordinary or mineral water, juices, compotes, kissels should be consumed in sufficient quantities - at least one and a half liters per day;

    - carbonated and alcoholic beverages should be reduced to a possible minimum, ideally - completely eliminate them from the diet;
    - eternal taboos, not suffering any indulgence, should be various semi-finished products, fast food, stale food, foods containing harmful food additives( dyes, flavor enhancers, sweeteners).

    How to eat properly to lose weight?

    Those who want to lose weight, of course, should first of all be guided by the principles of proper nutrition listed by us. Then you do not have to resort to "services" harmful to the body diets, the weight is normalized and you will remain in the right shape for many years.

    To lose weight, you must also pay special attention to the caloric value of the foods you eat. To do this, absolutely all the slimming need to purchase a calorie table of products and make up your daily menu, relying on its data. Typically, for a slimming woman, enough to consume 1500-2000 calories, for a slimming man - 2500-3000 per day. To starve in any case it is impossible - such stress will not bring to your organism of advantage.

    Eat at least 5 times a day in small portions. To have a snack at desire it is possible and useful low-calorie products: an apple, carrots, low-fat cheese, tangerines, tomatoes. Sweet and flour products from a ration exclude.

    Drink more mineral still water - first, it will help to normalize the metabolism, and secondly, it will create a feeling of fullness of the stomach. That's why half an hour before a meal you need to drink a glass of water.

    How to eat right to get better?

    Those wishing to recover should also focus on the general rules of healthy eating. But the skinny should have other priorities in the menu, different from the diet of fat people.

    Many people with leanness think wrongly that they will be saved by uncontrolled eating of buns and cakes, fatty meat varieties, various sweets. This food in any case is considered harmful - it can not only not lead to fatness, but also cause various diseases, for example, diabetes.

    So how to eat right to get better? Lean on protein foods: low-fat varieties of meat and fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, brown rice. Carbohydrates will also help, but not heavy buns with fried potatoes, but cereals, grapes, beets, peaches, melons, bananas, dairy products. Fats eat vegetable - add olive or sunflower oil to salads.

    Do not try to eat much, eat up sandwiches, butter, sour cream. You will overeat, thereby poisoning the body, contributing to the formation of toxins and burning of fats, which you are already lacking. In addition, with the help of such a "diet" you will make yourself a bouquet of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system. And with age, you may even begin obesity.

    Often the cause of leanness is the presence of worms and other parasites in the body."Feeding" them, a thin person promotes their further reproduction and, accordingly, their further thinness. Therefore, people who can not get better with the help of proper nutrition, are recommended to undergo examination for the presence of parasites in the body. And then in order to recover, you need to cleanse your body with starvation in conjunction with medicines and cleansing enemas.

    How to eat properly when you swing?

    It's no secret that the basis of nutrition of bodybuilders is protein. You can get it with meat and eggs. How much protein should I consume for rapid muscle growth? For every kilogram of your weight should be 2 grams of protein. The resulting figure divide by 30( just as many grams of meat are digested by the body at a time) - in the end, the number will be equal to the number of protein intake per day.

    Example. Your weight is 60 kg. The daily norm of protein for you is 120 g. When dividing, we get the figure 4 - just for as many receptions you need to use these 120 g of protein.

    Before training, you need to eat tightly, giving preference to complex carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, oatmeal, pasta. It is these products that are most conducive to the recruitment of mass and the good inflow of energy, also necessary for muscle growth. Complex carbohydrates are split for a long time - their effect is enough for the whole workout.

    And here after training it is necessary to refresh yourself with carbohydrates simple: apples and bananas, raisins, honey, confectionery. These products will help to quickly restore strength after classes, in addition, they block the release of hormones in the blood that contribute to the destruction of muscles.

    Also in your menu must certainly be present skim milk products: milk directly, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, cheese.

    With regard to special sports nutrition, it can only be an addition, but not a substitute for natural proteins and carbohydrates. On some powders and tablets, muscle growth is simply impossible.

    How to eat when pregnant?

    The nutrition of the expectant mother should be full and balanced. Again and again we send you to re-read the basic rules of healthy nutrition - they will be useful to a pregnant woman. However, there are also nuances of how to eat properly pregnant.

    The pregnant menu should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities, vitamins A, B, C, E, folic acid, calcium, iron. All this contributes to both the normal functioning of the pregnant woman's body, and the full-fledged formation of the fetus, and then the fetus.

    Many future mothers naively believe that with the onset of pregnancy you need to start eating for two. This is not true! The daily intake of calories should be about 3000-3200 kcal, which is about 30% more than the average rate of a non-pregnant woman.

    Another misconception about how to eat properly pregnant - is all that the soul desires. Like, to anything pregnant body extra stress - it is better to immediately meet his needs. Gastronomic predilections of expectant mothers sometimes amaze the imagination. But it's one thing to eat a couple of salted cucumbers or a can of canned food one by one, and it's quite another to eat semi-finished or fast-food on a regular basis. Think about yourself and your child - is it not worthy for these months to eat healthy food?

    If you suffer from swelling - the problem of many women in the situation - exclude from the menu products that retain liquid in the body. Reduce consumption of table salt, give up sharp, smoked food.

    Perhaps, in addition to the basic diet, you will need to take a complex of vitamins and minerals for pregnant women - but you should talk about this with your doctor.

    How to eat children correctly?

    All the best for children! And this rule applies almost in the first place to their food.

    Of course, baby food should be as balanced as possible, include all product groups. Special attention should be paid to the lack of so-called "harmful food" in the ration of the child: roast, smoked, spicy, canned and semi-finished, fast food. This kind of food affects the adult organism unfavorably, and what to say about a child whose body is only being formed. Such nutrition, even in small portions for an adult, will lead to childhood obesity and gastrointestinal diseases at an early age.

    It is not necessary to buy special food for children in the store - you can cook healthy and healthy food for your child. Choose only the freshest products for its preparation, follow the basic principles of healthy eating, do not spoil the child with chupa-chups, chewing gums and soda - this is the secret of how to eat children properly. Ideally, proper nutrition should become the basis of the life of the whole family - it will be easier and more useful for you and your children.

    And one more important rule of baby food - never force a child to eat! There are children, maloyezhki, which is enough to eat half of the prescribed rate - and this does not affect their health. It also often happens that the child simply did not have time to get hungry for the next meal - let him miss it, and mom next time will know that portions need to be done less and do not give the child a snack between "main" food.

    How to eat in summer?

    Summer food is a separate topic. Firstly, the summer is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and berries - and it's a sin not to take advantage of these gifts of nature, making certain adjustments to your daily menu. Secondly, the summer heat is the cause of exacerbations of various infectious diseases, which await us, including with poor-quality, spoiled food.

    That's why in summer, you should make special adjustments to your menu. Lean on fresh foods to make up for the spring lack of vitamins and stock them for the winter. And in itself fresh fruits, salads, freshly squeezed juices and smoothies, various fruit and berry desserts are a useful and tasty treat, to which few will remain indifferent. But do not forget that buying these products is by no means possible in spontaneous points, otherwise instead of good you can get absolutely the opposite result.

    Summer is not the time for "heavy" food. How to eat in summer? Minimize the use of meat, mushroom dishes, complex side dishes. Buy fish only fresh, at certified points. Do not eat in the summer heat products of street trays, various fast food - this perishable food in the summer becomes many times more dangerous for the body. Replace ketchup with tomatoes, mayonnaise with sunflower oil. Buying milk and dairy products, pay attention to the expiration date - it is preferable to buy milk, yogurt, kefir, which is today's date.

    We hope that after reading this article you do not have any questions about how to start eating right. Eat delicious and useful!

    The problem of proper nutrition is one of the most important for every person. It is not a secret that the quality of food we eat affects the state of our health, appearance, general well-being. Depending on what purpose the person pursues( wants to lose weight, get better, pump up muscles or just finally start eating right) - his daily diet will have its own characteristics.

    How to start eating properly?