
Why swell the legs? Causes of swelling of the legs in men and women

  • Why swell the legs? Causes of swelling of the legs in men and women

    Today, our article will be devoted solely to the reasons for the swelling of the legs. From it you can get a lot of useful information!

    15 causes of swelling of the legs:

    1. High load on the legs.

    2. The use of water in large quantities in the evening.

    3. Metabolic disorders.

    4. Seated leg on leg clamps veins.

    5. Flat feet.

    6. Seated on uncomfortable chairs that have a small height. Excess weight.

    7. Inconvenient shoes, for example, on flat soles or very high heels. Preferred shoes on a small heel. Since the shoes should be comfortable - do not buy models that squeeze the legs. The toes of the feet should be in comfort, so if the shoes rubs the calluses - buy a new one.

    8. Vein dilatation( varicose) also affects swelling and the appearance of heaviness in the legs. But puffiness accumulates slowly and imperceptibly. Due to the fact that a person walks the whole day - in the evening the legs are already very tired. As a rule, swelling temporarily disappears after sleep, but after the loads reappear. As the varicose veins become worse, progression of the disease begins. Trophic disorders directly affect swelling in the legs. In most cases, such edema is not symmetrical and may appear on the right or left leg.
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    9. Because of hydrostatic pressure on the veins and a significant deterioration in the outflow of blood develop edema on the legs. If the blood for a long time is only in one place, then firstly the pressure in large veins, and then in small vessels, will increase.

    10. Diseases of the cardiovascular system can cause swelling.

    11. Since the kidneys pass through the liquid and cleanse it - swelling may appear due to improper functioning of the kidneys. First of all, puffiness affects the lower half of the body, at first only the back part of the legs. Itching and pain do not appear at first, but in the future it can appear in severe form. Dark circles under the eyes and eyelid edema speak of kidney disease, also a decrease in the amount of urine and a change in its color indicate the presence of the disease.

    12. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also lead to a violation of urination, and then cause diarrhea or constipation. Similar symptoms resemble kidney disease, but they are associated only with the gastrointestinal tract.

    13. If a person suffers from an acute respiratory infection or has already recovered from it, the disease may also appear. This symptom indicates a kidney disease, which appeared because of the weakening of immunity after infection.

    14. Thyroid gland diseases are accompanied by the appearance of pits and edema on the legs. Most pits appear on the lower part of the shin. This disease can be noticed by puffiness of the shoulders, tongue, chilliness, drowsiness and constipation.

    Why do legs swell during pregnancy?
    Swelling during pregnancy appears very often, but they quickly pass. If they turn into a chronic form, then you need to think about prolonged treatment. The disease is called dropsy of pregnant women, and doctors agree that there is no point in treating the disease unless there are other symptoms, for example, a protein in the urine. That is why our magazine Vse-Sekrety.ru does not recommend tormenting your body with medicines and drinking bitter herbal decoctions that drain water, as swelling can appear on other parts of the body and pass on its own after a while. For this reason, pregnant women quickly grow fat and gain about 10-15 kilograms.