  • Back pain: causes and treatment of folk remedies

    The human spine has 33 vertebrae, each of which is separated by intervertebral discs. Also around the vertebrae are the nerve endings, ligaments and muscles that are responsible for his movements. If you lift weights or sit in an uncomfortable position, the back is very tired and loaded, and then there are severe pains. Most often, pain can be prevented if it is a consequence of a high load, rather than a serious injury. Another thing, if the pain speaks of diseases of internal organs or osteochondrosis, in this case it will be necessary to carry out serious and long-term treatment.

    Article content:

    • Causes of back pain

    • How to identify the disease correctly?

    • What to do if the back aches( treatment)

    • Back pain medications

    • Folk remedies for back pain

    Causes of back pain

    One must realize that severe pain is a consequence of a serious illness, not a local problem. In medicine, there are several diseases that provoke back pain, for example, mechanical injuries. They appear because of the inconvenient location of the back or low mobility, as well as mobility in an uncomfortable position. Dystrophy of the intervertebral disc is one of the most serious diseases. The disease is characterized by decreased mobility of the vertebrae, depreciation, flexibility, and so on, this occurs with age. And any load on the muscles of the back will cause pain, so physical exercises are contraindicated. Of the other problems, it should be noted muscle stiffness, spasms and traumas of vertebral discs, which have the official name - a herniated intervertebral disc.
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    Any back injury, including fractures and sprains, causes chronic or acute pain in the spine. Torn ligaments and sprains provoke instability of the vertebrae, which keep it in a level position. They appear, as a rule, because of lifting weights or twisting your back. Broken vertebrae provoke osteoporosis, which makes bones weaker and thinner. Sometimes the pain occurs because of very severe injuries that appear after falls on the back or accidents, for example, accidents.

    Often the pain appears due to acquired diseases, many chronic diseases provoke the appearance of severe pain. For example, scoliosis - the curvature of the spine, which is not felt until 30-40 years, but then makes itself felt. Spondylolitis and osteoarthritis, ankylosing arthritis and so on, diseases narrowing the spinal canal cause severe back pain due to pressure on the nerves. Although osteoporosis is not directly related to pain, it severely damages the bone tissue and can provoke a fracture of the back.

    Pain can be associated with pregnancy, kidney stones or internal infection, fibromyalgia, endometriosis and other diseases. Any disease that causes weakness in the back - leads to pain in the spine. Because of malignant and benign tumors, there are also pains in the back, metastasizing tumors of the gastrointestinal tract affect the spine very much. We must not forget that even emotional shocks and psychological traumas can provoke pain syndrome, there are a lot of such cases.

    How to identify the disease?

    To clarify whether there is a disease, you need to negotiate with a doctor about the tests. The doctor will take an anamnesis, and ask about all the symptoms, find out at what stage the disease is and so on. Perhaps there are neurological factors, conduction of tendon and nerve endings that are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses is worsened. Of course, we can not state the disease after a simple communication with the patient, we need to conduct a survey, for example:

    • X-ray - allows in all details to study the bones of the spine and find out whether there are displacements of the vertebrae, lesions( cracks) or any tumors;

    • MRI - in all the smallest details displays spinal discs and nerve endings, but appoint an MRI only before the operation to determine the severity of the problem;

    • CT - helps to identify spinal stenosis and herniated intervertebral discs, in simple terms - local diseases of the spine;

    • There are other research methods that are not required in most cases. For example, before an MRI can make an injection that better demonstrates the state of the muscle and nervous tissue. But as the technologies are highly developed, there is no need.

    What to do if the back hurts( treatment)

    Doctors often say that back pain is incurable, but you can reduce the strength of pain and get rid of exacerbations. This requires not only tablets, but also a positive mood and desire to lead a healthy lifestyle - to eat healthy food and perform gymnastics. Treatment begins only after a detailed study of the disease, first identify the cause, and then select a course of treatment. Do not prescribe yourself a treatment yourself, only a professional can do it.

    Do not be discouraged if you do not see the effect in a few days. For a start, you will feel relief and temporary loss of pain, and then when the medications work, you will get rid of constant exacerbations, but this takes time.
    The first thing you need to do is to make bed rest so that the acute pain becomes chronic and its intensity decreases. Of course, if the pain is tolerable, you can lead a normal lifestyle without stress on the back, but if the pain is very acute, you need to lie in bed for several days. During exacerbations, you should behave calmly, do not strain your back, do not walk too fast and do not run. Do not hold your back in one position for too long, this causes pain. Move, but do not overload, to increase safety, you can buy a corset at the pharmacy, but the degree of rigidity is chosen only by the attending physician.

    Drugs for back pain

    It is impossible to prescribe a drug without a comprehensive examination, it will not bring relief, but will cause complications. Doctors prescribe safe non-steroid drugs, for example, Diclofenac, which are injections and tablets. Many pain relievers are sold in the form of gels and creams, including preparations containing Analgin and Paracetamol. Prescribe at the same time and injections and pills, but short courses, about two to five days. Also, compresses containing anesthetics such as Novocain or Ledocain may be prescribed, but they block the impulses of the nervous system, so they are prescribed exclusively by the doctor.

    If pains are associated with muscle strain, they can prescribe medications that affect muscle spasm and eliminate its appearance. To such preparations carry Tolmiperzon, course of treatment - 2 weeks. Drugs are not sold without a doctor's prescription, so self-medication is unacceptable. If the pain is associated with changes in the spinal tissues, for example, dystrophy, chondroprotectors are prescribed. These are drugs that affect the production of the main elements of cartilaginous tissue, which is why the destruction of tissue slows down. But this is very controversial, because until the end of effectiveness is not proven, about the same as the effect of dietary supplements on back disease. Many say that biologically active supplements with vitamins and plant extracts relieve pain, but, as a rule, these are useless drugs that are expensive.

    Physiotherapy and physiotherapy are very common in the treatment of back, very often prescribed warming up or gymnastics, of course, after taking into account the patient's condition. Very quickly removed acute pain, and then strengthens the back with the help of exercise therapy and massage.
    Manual therapy is prescribed only after passing an X-ray or MRI, after which the condition of the back and nerve endings near the vertebral discs is determined. For the passage of manual therapy you need to find a good specialist, with the help of massage of muscles, ligaments and joints, you can get rid of most local problems. Especially effective treatment of increased tension in the back, which affects the compression of discs. But there are limitations to manual therapy, for example, it can not be performed with deformation of vertebral discs or hernias, as it can damage the back of the brain and disrupt blood circulation. It is forbidden manual therapy after a stroke, heart attack, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, oncological diseases and so on.

    During severe exacerbations that reduce the mobility of the spine, massage can not be performed, as the pain returns. It is forbidden to massage the back with reduced blood clotting and vascular diseases. The most important thing that you need to consider is that you can only carry out similar procedures by a professional, be sure to ask the therapist for a diploma about completed higher education, otherwise the treatment will lead to serious injuries and problems.
    Achieving a positive effect can be achieved with acupuncture - acupuncture, but only if the pain is associated with psychological stress and it is not very strong. Of course, the Chinese treat all diseases with non-standard methods, including acupuncture, but it is prohibited in the following diseases: cardiovascular diseases, oncological( benign and malignant tumors), kidney and liver disorders, infections, pregnancy, decreased blood clotting. Take care of your health and do not settle for treatment if you have diseases of the internal organs.

    Folk remedies for back pain

    Assign a mixture of nut-kerosene extract with radiculitis and sciatica, but apply the mixture carefully in the form of compresses. You can apply a compress every day in the morning and in the evening. You need to lie still, and relax about an hour or two, so that the pain goes away. The duration of treatment is until the pain disappears completely.

    If you have joint inflammation( arthritis) and while it is in chronic form, you need to use simple kerosene with fir oil. It is applied directly to the affected area and rubbed in a circular motion strictly into the joint, the duration of the massage is 15 minutes. It takes a month to heal, you can do more, massage every day before going to bed.
    If the disease is associated with bruises, dislocations or sprains, you need to prepare an infusion of apricot kernels. Take a handful of nucleoli and crush it thoroughly, and then mix with kerosene. Approximate proportions - 50 grams of nucleoli per 200 milliliters of kerosene. Remove the tincture in a dark place for two weeks so that sunlight does not penetrate it. Every few days, shake the mixture. Apply the tincture to the most painful areas of the back before bed, the duration of treatment - until the pain disappears.

    With radiculitis, very good rye yeast dough helps, remove it to parchment and cover with gauze. Carefully rub 5 milliliters of pure kerosene into the small of the back, if it irritates your skin, you can add 5 milliliters of olive oil. Next, make a compress of the test and attach to the body. Tie a woolen shawl round your back. Keep the compress for 30-50 minutes, to achieve a positive result, you need five procedures.

    For rheumatism, dry mustard( 2 tablespoons) and a glass of salt should be mixed. Next, add kerosene, so that the consistency is the same as that of sour cream. Carefully rub the mixture in the back until it dries, and then tie it with a scarf. Carry out the procedure for two weeks every two days. You can do the procedure, both in the morning and in the evening.

    Acute sciatica is cured with conventional kerosene, dilute kerosene with olive oil, and then rub into the affected area for about 7-10 minutes. Then wrap the back with a woolen scarf and hold the kerosene on the body for about 20 minutes. In order not to cause irritation - put on your back a baby cream or any other containing vitamins A and E.