  • Unique tips on how to reduce your appetite

    Absolutely all diets are aimed at burning off excess weight as quickly as possible. Of course, the creators of diets do not think about the state of health of a person, they pursue only one goal - to reduce the calorie intake by adding new products and abandoning the usual food products. After completing the diet, people again start using their favorite foods: smoked products, sweets and salty foods that hold water in the body. We will not talk about the intricacies in all sorts of diets, which only worsen health. We will talk about how to reduce the appetite and improve the diet, because not everyone knows what products negatively affect the overall health, and which of them irritate the stomach and accelerate the production of gastric juice.
    The article is divided into the following items:
    Effective ways how to reduce appetite

  • Herbs that reduce appetite

  • Drugs and pills that reduce appetite

  • Appetite-reducing products

  • Exercise that reduces appetite
  • instagram viewer

  • How to reduce evening appetite

  • Effective ways how to reduce appetite

    First , drink more clean water. Do not drink water with gases, as it irritates the walls of the stomach. Also juice is very effective, of course, squeezed out. Do not forget that clean water restores the work of the digestive tract, and also dilutes the gastric juice and reduces its acidity. It is especially effective to drink water early in the morning to start the digestive processes and "wake up" the body. If you drink a glass of clean water every hour an hour before a meal, you can forget about heartburn and other troubles that appear after eating. Most healthy food advocates recommend drinking more water in each of their books, so the method really enjoys high popularity and effectiveness.
    Secondly, , it is undesirable to use spicy condiments, as they irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke a secretion of juice that irritates the gastrointestinal tract and forces you to eat anything. Of course, a person begins to eat more, but on a diet this is unacceptable, on the contrary - you need to reduce the amount of food and eat in small portions. Give up your favorite spices if you want to reduce your appetite.
    Third, use bitter chocolate, but in moderate amounts. The fact is that bitter chocolate discourages the desire to consume food, on the contrary - one wants to drink more water and not think about food. You can not eat delicious milk chocolate, no matter how attractive it is. Because of it, there will be a desire to eat even more chocolate, which will lead to an increase in your weight. It is advisable to consume two pieces of bitter chocolate if a strong desire to eat appears. You can not eat it, but dissolve it, it is much more effective. Do not worry about the fact that chocolate promotes weight gain, in bitter chocolate low in sugar, unlike milk.
    Fourthly, , eat more fresh fruits because they contain natural water, they also "knit" the oral cavity and discourage the desire to eat. It is worth considering that the fruits are acting at the physical level, and not on the psychological level. The stomach quickly fills up, and the desire to eat disappears, if and after that the appetite remains - a problem in something else, for example, seizing a stressful state of food. The same property is enjoyed by vegetables, so put a plate at home with your favorite fruits and vegetables, and eat them if you are hungry and can not eat without food. In contrast to sandwiches with smoked sausage, fruits have minerals and vitamins, which improve health and speed up the metabolism.

    Herbs that reduce appetite

    The most effective: linseed oil and flaxseeds. They contain a lot of mucus, which binds to the stomach and provokes an even greater secretion of mucus. That's why nutritionists recommend flaxseed as a laxative and cleanser. They discourage the appetite, but over time they can adversely affect your health, because laxative drugs take minerals and vitamins out of the body.
    Siberian buzulnik can accelerate the metabolism, which strongly affects the appetite. Do not forget that at the moment the plant belongs to endangered species, so you need to use it competently.
    Medicinal Angelica (root) - from the Latin "archangel", this plant is considered angelic. He is very much appreciated in alternative medicine, because he helps with pain in the digestive tract, indigestion, heartburn and so on. Very good cleanses the body of toxins, so it is used for poisoning.
    The bubbly ficus is an algae that has many positive effects. They quickly restore the balance of polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Ways to speed up the metabolism because of the fat content of "Omega", which is also a conductor of nutrients.
    Althae is used for covering the walls of the stomach. He is prescribed for ulcerative diseases, as he regenerates the tissues of the stomach and intestines, which helps reduce inflammation. Also, it reduces the ability to absorb food, so it is used on a diet - but extremely cautiously.
    Milk thistle - used to treat the liver, resolves stagnant phenomena in the liver tissues. Usually, the powder of this plant is diluted in a glass of water, add 5 grams of milk thistle. It helps to cope with excess weight because of the reduction in fat in liver tissues and the restoration of metabolism, it also has a laxative effect.

    Spirituous tincture of propolis is very popular due to the fact that it has enveloping and cleansing properties. You can prepare it yourself, take a little propolis and fill it with alcohol, and then leave it for 14 days in a dark place. Use it for half an hour before a meal, drink 5 milliliters several times a day. But sometimes there are side effects, for example, a laxative effect, is very common. If you experience this symptom, stop taking it.
    Herbs have a diuretic effect and help to remove excess water, but they need to be used carefully, otherwise dehydration will occur.

    Drugs and pills that reduce appetite

    It is very undesirable to take medications in order to get rid of your appetite. Each drug has its pluses and minuses, side effects, causes allergic reactions and so on. Despite the low cost, you need to be extremely careful and do not neglect such drugs. Before taking the course, consult with the therapist so that you do not have to be treated for the negative consequences of the admission.
    Microcrystalline cellulose is used both in the form of tablets and in the form of biologically active additives. For several days she is drunk on 5 tablets per day, followed by a weekly course of 10 tablets per day. Then the dosage is increased to 15 tablets. To drink them it is necessary for half an hour before meal reception, to wash down - kefir, water or fresh juice. If there are pains in the digestive tract - the reception stops. As a rule, there are no contraindications, but if you have personal intolerance - do not take the drug.

    Svetloy plus plus twice a day, one tablet with food. The drug is not washed down with water, and is not consumed during pregnancy. It is not recommended for children nursing mothers and allergy sufferers.
    Appetinol - drink twice a day for half an hour before eating. Drink one glass of water. You can not use pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as people prone to manifest allergies.
    Meridia - drink a pill a day 15 minutes before meals, you can not drink if you have an acute feeling of hunger. You can not drink to the elderly, pregnant and nursing mothers, people with psychological illnesses( epilepsy and schizophrenia).
    The preparation XLS duo slim and shape is taken once a day for one tablet, plenty of it is washed down with a glass of clean water. You can not use pregnant women, people under 15 and allergic people.
    Garcinia forte - drink twice a day with food, but it is more effective to wash it with water. It is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and allergy sufferers.
    Preparations from the Turboslim group are in high demand. For example, the drug "Control of appetite" is consumed once a day at any convenient time, it greatly reduces the appetite. Also, the drug "Calorie Blocker" is consumed once a day at any time, copiously with water. The main contraindications: allergic reactions, age up to 15 years and individual intolerance.
    Redoxin - drink one tablet a day at any time, washed down with a glass of water, although this is not necessary. Major contraindications: heart disease, mental disorders, IHD, hypertension and hypertension.

    Aminophilin - drink on a pill a day, dosage - 250 grams of the drug. Eat two grams a couple of times a day after eating. The drug is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers, hypertriosis, epilepsy, tachyarrhythmia, and children under the age of 6.

    Foods that reduce appetite

    Everyone knows that there is a group of foods that affect appetite. Usually, these are low-calorie foods that fill the stomach, but do not increase the body weight. These include fruits and vegetables that purify the body of toxins and chemicals, and normalize metabolism.
    Pineapples - contain a lot of enzymes and vitamins. The pineapple contains more than 50 aromatic substances, which make it really tasty and appetizing. It contains a lot of vitamin C, potassium, calcium and iron. Also, it contains a rare substance - bromelin, capable of dissolving complex proteins into simple ones, forming amino acids. This contributes to a better absorption of proteins. In addition, bromelin absorbs blood clots and improves blood pressure, so it is recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis.
    Oranges - often found in popular diets, like other citrus. They contain a substance that removes excess water from the body - potassium. Oranges, although they have a rich composition of vitamins, are not recommended to all people because of allergic reactions. To get enough vitamin C, you need to eat 180 grams of oranges. In addition, they burn complex animal fats, which also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
    Grapes - used in cosmetology for cleaning the skin and getting rid of toxins. The peel contains ballast substances that heal intestinal atony, and remove excess fluids from the body, and with it, chemicals that bind saturated fats. The basic rules of the grape diet: to consume 1000 calories per day and together with them a pound of grapes. If you follow a diet, you can lose 2 pounds in 7 days.

    Cherry - is a source of substances that remove chemicals from the body. They bind toxins and remove them in a few hours, so cherry is recommended for weight loss and body cleansing from harmful substances. It also cleaves harmful fats and blocks their intake into the body through the digestive tract.
    Grapefruit - contains an incredible amount of minerals and vitamins. It is called a grape fruit for the reason that it grows with bunches. It contains a large amount of vitamin C in its free form, vitamins of group B, affecting metabolism and normalizing the work of the central nervous system. Vitamin B improves the supply of cells with oxygen, normalizes the general state of the body. It is not recommended to consume canned grapefruits and juices that have been processed. Eat fresh grapefruits if you want to reduce weight and strengthen the body's health.
    Figs - an excellent replacement for all kinds of chocolates, donuts, gingerbread, sweets and cakes. With its help, you can forget about simple carbohydrates, which are immediately absorbed by the body and provoke the appearance of excess weight. The fig is very sweet because it is covered with white powder - glucose crystals. Since glucose is quickly absorbed and cleaved in the body, it does not provoke the appearance of excess weight.
    Lemon - burns harmful fats, so it occurs in many popular diets. It also contains substances that improve the exchange of proteins in the body. The same action has all the citrus, but the acid content in the lemon is higher, so it is more effective.
    Blueberry - has a huge amount of vitamins, and is a record holder for carotene, so it is used to improve vision. It contains very few calories, about 60 calories per 100 grams of berries, so it is referred to as dietary products. Do not eat blueberries between lunch and dinner, as it too greatly reduces appetite.
    Vegetables are no less useful, but they need to be cooked for a couple, although it is preferable to eat them without any treatment. Do not fry vegetables, because they lose all their useful properties.
    In the first place in terms of usefulness is cabbage of all kinds, both Brussels and white. Cabbage has very few calories, so it quickly burns fat in the body and reduces appetite. Very often it is used in folk medicine for getting rid of diseases, it is also included in the diet for rapid saturation of the body with trace elements and appetite suppression. Cabbage contains a rare substance called tatronic acid, it blocks the deposition of fat in the body. Also, the benefit of cabbage is that it is digested for a long time and fills the stomach, which helps reduce hunger for a long time. In cabbage there is a substance called selenium, it reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and fights cancer cells.

    The second place is zucchini. They contain a lot of magnesium and carotenoids, capable of retaining beneficial substances in the body and reducing weight.
    In the last place - potatoes, despite the fact that starch can provoke the appearance of excess weight, the latest study confirmed that this is not so. Potatoes help to decompose harmful fats in the body, contains a large amount of potassium, which removes excess water from the body. Of course, the use of potato "fries" and any chips, cooked in butter or fat - is not recommended because of the high number of calories.

    Exercises that reduce appetite

    Now we will talk about the basic exercises that can instantly reduce your appetite.

    • Wave - sit on a chair with a back, legs bring to each other, relax the body. Do inhalation and draw in your stomach as much as you can. Hold the air for three seconds and exhale slowly. When you inhale, try to strain the abdominal muscles so that the stomach is inflated. To get rid of your appetite, do the exercise 50 times.

    • Lotus is an exercise that improves breathing. Again, sit on a chair and lean slightly forward, the body needs to be completely relaxed. Pull your arms out in front of you, and turn your palms upward with the inside. Put your hand on your arm, and sit in this position for about 5 minutes. Control your breathing, as a rule, it depends on your mood and thoughts - think about something positive, imagine that you meditate and concentrate on your desires.

    • Frog - the same pose, but elbows should lie on your knees. The palms are fastened together and stretched forward, then start making the head incline left and right. Do 30 such cycles, one cycle - tilt in both directions.

    These exercises are primarily on the psyche. They relax you and divert attention from food to something else, during exercises think about your plans, dreams, positive life moments and so on. Also, quiet breathing improves metabolism and helps to relax the nervous system.

    How to reduce the appetite in the evening

    Remember that during the day our digestion is most active, so you need to eat the biggest portion. If you do not eat in the afternoon - in the evening you will eat too much food, and this will only provoke the appearance of excess weight. Dilute the dinner with vegetables and fruits to reduce appetite before dinner.

    Walk more often before going to bed, just walk along the street and get some fresh air. As a rule, it will reduce your anxiety and all sorts of thoughts about food. Remember that too fast walking demonstrates the nervousness and haste of a person to feel relaxed, you need to walk slowly and enjoy the surrounding nature.

    If you can not think of anything other than eating in the evenings, make yourself a bath with sea salt and essential oils of plants. For example, type a hot bath and add sea salt with chamomile, and then turn on your favorite music and think about something positive. So you forget about food and have a great time.
    Engage in the development of your suggestibility regarding food, for example, you can program your subconscious mind that the food in the evenings does not interest you. You can say the phrase: "I do not want to eat, and then again complain about excess weight and look for miracle drugs, because all the responsibility lies only on me. I'll eat in the morning, and now I'll do something more productive. "The development of the installation will take time, as a rule, any habit gets vaccinated for 21 days.
    In the evenings, eat only fruits and vegetables, try not to consume a lot of animal food. If you eat a lot of fried potatoes and pork - the desire to eat will appear faster. Eat a portion of fruits and vegetables, they quickly satisfy hunger. To break your appetite, eat fruit half an hour before a meal, you can also drink a glass of yogurt or eat a small portion of fat-free cottage cheese.
    It is possible to distract from food in other ways: by telephone, by walking, by going to the movies, by computer games and so on. You can buy yourself a series of books on dietetics and fitness and read in the evenings, taking notes on building an ideal body.
    Never eat sweet, it only strengthens your appetite. As mentioned above, you can eat bitter chocolate, but in small quantities. Also, the use of bananas and grapes is not recommended after 20 pm, as they contain a lot of glucose.

    Be healthy, friends! !