
Principles of separate nutrition. Menu for the week and for 90 days

  • Principles of separate nutrition. Menu for the week and for 90 days

    Separate diet recommends the use of vegetables, meat and dairy products on different days of the week. This is due to the fact that the use of different products slows down the absorption of food, and worsens the overall health. Of course, this does not mean that everyone needs to switch to separate meals, since it is recommended to people who have health problems. The principles of separate nutrition were derived by G. Shelton and W. G. Hay, but each of them has its own approach.
    Our article will consist of the following items:

    Separate menu nutrition for the week

    Below, we will schedule the schedule for eachday of the week

    • In the morning at 7 or 8 o'clock you need to have breakfast, the menu consists of 2 kiwis, Herculean porridge cooked on water, and tea without sugar;
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    • The second breakfast will be only at 11 o'clock, you need to eat a salad dressed with olive oil( one teaspoon);

    • At 13 o'clock for lunch you need to eat broccoli, a little boiled chicken breast and two pieces of cheese;

    • At 17 o'clock eat one pear;

    • For dinner at 19 o'clock, eat vegetable soup and low-fat omelette from two eggs.


    • In the morning at 7 or 8 o'clock eat buckwheat porridge with orange, drink a mug of tea without sugar;

    • At 11 o'clock eat one apple;

    • At 13 o'clock you need to eat boiled fish with salad and stewed vegetables, serving 100 grams;

    • At 17 o'clock, eat one yogurt package;

    • For dinner, you can eat vegetable soup and a green salad.


    • In the morning at 7 or 8 o'clock drink 100 milliliters of orange juice and 100 milliliters of clean water, drink tea without sugar and eat rye porridge cooked on milk;

    • At 11 o'clock, eat one green apple;

    • For lunch at 13 o'clock you can eat boiled veal, stewed vegetables and vegetable salad, 100 grams;

    • At 5 pm you can eat 5 walnuts;

    • For dinner at 19 o'clock, eat the baked cauliflower with cheese.


    • In the morning at 7 or 8 o'clock, eat barley porridge on skim milk, two tangerines, one toast of coarse grind, drink tea without sugar;

    • At 11 o'clock you can eat a green apple;

    • For lunch at 13 o'clock, eat a portion of boiled squid, two slices of cheese, a portion of stewed eggplant with a green salad;

    • At 17 o'clock eat a little prunes, about 4 pieces;

    • For supper at 19 o'clock you can eat scrambled eggs and tomatoes and a portion of boiled vegetables.


    • In the morning at 7-8 o'clock eat a porridge with fruit and yoghurt, two kiwi, drink tea without sugar;

    • At 11 o'clock, eat a green apple;

    • For lunch at 13 o'clock cook half the chicken breast, broccoli with cauliflower and green salad;

    • At 17 o'clock snack with an orange or a banana;

    • For dinner at 19 o'clock you can eat vegetable soup and tomatoes with cheese.


    • For breakfast at 8 am, eat buckwheat porridge, toast with bread coarse grind, orange, drink tea without sugar;

    • At 11 o'clock you can eat an apple with a banana;

    • For lunch at 13 o'clock, eat a portion of boiled fish, vegetable soup, green salad and cheese;

    • At 17 o'clock eat a few almonds;

    • At 19 o'clock eat an omelette with mushrooms and stewed vegetables, and you can also add a green salad.


    • During the day you should eat 1.5 kilograms of green apples

    This menu is suitable for those who want to lose weight and normalize the work of the digestive tract.

    Separate power recipes

    Below we will talk about the most popular recipes for separate meals.
    Breakfast from dairy products and fruits

    1. 100 grams of sweet berries, for example, raspberries or strawberries;

    2. A cup of low-fat yogurt;

    3. A glass of milk;

    4. Green big apple.

    Carefully wash the berries in cold water, beforehand, scrape them. Wash the apple, cut the peel and cut it into small cubes. Mix berries and an apple with yoghurt and wheat bran. You can drink a dish with a glass of milk.
    Breakfast of sweet pepper and a sandwich with cottage cheese

    1. A glass of buttermilk;

    2. 50 grams of fatty cottage cheese;

    3. One pod of sweet pepper;

    4. Two pieces of bread with bran.

    For twenty minutes before eating, drink 200 milliliters of buttermilk. Wash the pepper, cut it into 4 pieces, peel off the septum and seeds. Mix cottage cheese with onion, pre-cut it with rings. On the bread, put the cottage cheese, and on the curd pieces of sweet pepper.

    Salad of fruits and wheat bran

    1. Half apple;

    2. Half of a banana;

    3. Slightly buttermilk;

    4. Some honey;

    5. Orange;

    6. Some grapes.

    Cut the banana and orange into thin slices. Grate finely grate the apple, you can leave the peel. Mix the resulting mass with bran and honey. You can drink a dish with buttermilk.

    90 Day Diet of Separate Nutrition

    A diet is performed in several cycles, usually a cycle of four days. On certain days, you can eat only one type of food.

    • The first day of the cycle is protein, you can consume protein foods, for example, dairy products, meat, eggs and fish. To improve digestion, eat vegetables;

    • The second day is starchy, you can eat grain bread, legumes, potatoes, and other products that have starch in the composition;

    • The third day - carbohydrate, you can eat vegetables, cereal bread, cereals and pastries, but without yeast, eggs and milk. You also need to eat pasta and biscuits. Before going to bed, you need to eat a bit of bitter chocolate as a dessert;

    • On the fourth day you can eat fruits, including exotic ones. You can eat dried fruits, seeds and nuts, drink fresh fruit juices. Eat small portions so that there are no problems with digestion;

    • After several cycles on day 29, you can spend a day of unloading. During the day you can drink only water, after which the cycle begins again.

    Do not forget that there are certain nuances during the diet:

    • For breakfast, you can not eat anything but fruit;

    • Start dining not earlier than noon;

    • If you strongly want to eat, but have another hour before lunch - eat some fruit;

    • Wait four hours after dinner before you start dinner. This is especially true on a protein day;

    • You need to consume fruits every day for two to three hours. Do not worry that you eat too much fruit - they quickly reduce your appetite;

    • You can not eat after 8 pm;

    • Most of the food you need to eat at lunch, and in the evening you need to cut the portion three times;

    • Buy products from trusted people, because meat and fruit are often sprinkled with chemical solutions and grown with artificial ingredients;

    • Use vegetable oil if you do not like salads without refueling;

    • Use a steamer or oven for cooking, you can not eat fried food in any way;

    • Instead of salt, add oriental seasonings, as salt harms health. You can add only a little bit of salt;

    • Try to drink less coffee and tea, preferably using pure spring water;

    • Calculate the required number of calories based on the laboriousness of your work and your own weight. Do not exceed the number of calories that are recommended;

    • Go in for sports, for example, swimming or running. Since the muscles will develop, excess weight will quickly recede, in addition, you will spend more calories.

    Separate diet for the blood group

    There are significant changes in diet depending on the blood type. For example, people of the first blood group are referred to those who have the best digestion of animal proteins. Of course, they should be used to a greater extent. It is necessary to abandon dairy and flour products. The first blood group is referred to as the ancient one, so it is more common than others. Such people rarely have health problems, because they have high immunity. They use no problem any food, except flour and milk, so they often experiment with diets.
    If you belong to the first group - use lean beef and lamb, pike, salmon, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. It is necessary to abandon fatty meat and milk, even skim. You can not eat pies and everything that contains flour, as well as citrus, olives and potatoes. To lose weight, you need to consume red meat, seafood and liver because of the high iron content. To gain weight, you will need cabbage, wheat, legumes, corn and beans.
    People with a second blood group are often called farmers, because they need to eat vegetarian food. For unknown reasons, historians believe that the group emerged because of the transition of people to agriculture. They have a weak digestive tract, so it is preferable to eat vegetable food. Buy the products you need from friends who grow them in an environmentally friendly environment. It is desirable to reduce the amount of meat consumed or to refuse it altogether, as it is poorly digested and goes into subcutaneous fat. Dairy foods are also not recommended. Fruits and vegetables are most preferred, since they contain practically no fat.

    You need to consume seafood, rice, soybeans, beans, Jerusalem artichoke, buckwheat porridge, artichoke and so on. Pineapples are also recommended because of the content of useful acids. Avoid potatoes, wheat bread, ketchup, mayonnaise, apricots and cranberries. To reduce weight, you need to exclude meat, milk and wheat. To accelerate the metabolism will help vegetables, fruits, soy and vegetable oil.
    The third blood group is quite rare, such people are referred to as "nomads".This is due to the fact that the blood group appeared during the migration of people to the north, and because of the climate they had to adapt to new conditions. This distinguishes them from other groups, because their strong immunity easily resists any disease. They can not eat tomatoes, pomegranates, sunflower oil, chicken and soy. The most useful products: rabbit meat, fish, flaxseed oil, dairy products and lamb. Sesame seeds, corn, buckwheat, lentils and peanuts greatly increase the weight. To reduce weight, it is recommended that the liver, red meat, low-fat dairy products, liver, eggs and green vegetables.
    The rarest group of blood is the fourth. This is due to the fact that it appeared only a thousand years ago, because there was a mix of other groups. At that time they were called "new people".These are the most sensitive people who react to small changes in the diet, as well as in the environment. The most preferred foods are: dairy products, lamb, fruits and vegetables. To gain weight, you need to eat more beans, red meat, corn, wheat and buckwheat. To reduce weight, seafood is recommended, but without smoking, drying and other processing. Green vegetables, soy, pineapples and dairy products will also help.

    Principles and compatibility of separate power supply

    1. You can eat only lean fish, meat and poultry. These products combine well with green vegetables, so animal protein has no side effects. The amount of harmful cholesterol is lowered, and digestion is accelerated, which also causes an acceleration of metabolism;

    2. Grain legumes and legumes are recommended, for example, lentils, beans, peas and beans. They are combined with green vegetables and vegetable oils;

    3. Vegetables with starch content are also useful: green peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bread and pastas. Vegetables with an average amount of starch are also recommended: rutabaga, turnip, radish and radish. Do not use these products with animal fats. You can not eat bread with other food, for example, dumplings. But you can with herbs, garlic and olive oil;

    4. You can not eat fried or refined vegetable oil;

    5. Tomatoes and sour fruits have low compatibility, they disperse digestion and are consumed 20 minutes before meals. You can not eat watermelons, and melons before eating;

    6. Green vegetables and others, which do not have starch, are well combined with vegetable oils and animal fats, but in small quantities. These include Provencal herbs, parsley greens, salads, dill, celery, lettuce, beets, radish, eggplants, carrots, cucumbers and bell peppers;

    7. You can not drink milk with food, because it turns off due to fruit and vegetable juices. This provokes the appearance of rotting processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to diseases and indigestion;

    8. Cottage cheese is considered a separate meal, it can be consumed only with fermented milk products, but in no case with meat and fruit;

    9. Eggs are highly compatible with green vegetables, besides they contain a simple protein that is quickly digested;

    10. Nuts are advisable, but in limited quantities. They contain a lot of minerals and vitamins, besides they contain vegetable fats, which are very easy to digest;

    11. You can eat mushrooms, they are combined not only with proteins, but also with carbohydrates. Since mushrooms are heavy food, you need to reduce their consumption to a minimum. Try to consume more vegetables to facilitate digestion and assimilation of fungi.

    Be Healthy, our dear readers!