
Treatment of impotence in men: symptoms, prevention and treatment of folk remedies

  • Treatment of impotence in men: symptoms, prevention and treatment of folk remedies

    Before explaining the principles of treatment of the disease you need to understand what it is. Therefore, hereafter we will construct the article in this way:

    • What is impotence

    • The causes of impotence

    • The symptoms of impotence

    • The treatment of impotence with folk remedies

    • Drugs for the treatment of impotence

    • The prevention of impotence

    What is impotence

    The word impotence is translated from Latin as weakness, and in medicine denotes disease, in which a person can not maintain an erection in the norm, which contributes to discomfort and lack of sexual life. Initially, this disease was called an erection dysfunction, this name appeared in 1992, but then the appearance of the disease with impotence appeared. This word can often be heard in our lives, for example, in advertising on TV and the Ministry of Health stories that alcohol and smoking negatively affect sexual function.

    Doctors say that in the elderly every second man suffers from impotence, but this is far from the case, because much depends on lifestyle and general health. Even young people can have problems with erection due to unhealthy lifestyle and urological diseases. But still the statistics says that the problems with potency begin only at the age of 35 and up to 70 years the chances of getting dysfunction are extremely high. In our country, every 3 men aged 40 years suffer from impotence or its manifestation in some cases.
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    Causes of impotence

    There are more than 10,000,000 men in Russia who have problems with potency. Also, 5,000,000 men have impotent impotence, which appears in some cases. Dysfunction increases with age, so by the age of 40 many are no longer able to commit sexual intercourse. Statistics may be wrong, because not every man turns to a doctor because of shyness. If men consulted a doctor on time and treated for urological diseases, the disease would not be so common.

    Of the main causes of impotence Vse-Sekrety.ru recommends the following:

    1. Neurogenic: spinal cord diseases, Parkinson's disease, cerebral blood supply, peripheral toxic neuropathies and multiple sclerosis.

    2. Psychogenic: alcoholism, depression, fear of intercourse, drug use.

    3. Organic: cavernous fibrosis and Peyronie's disease.

    4. Endocrine: prolactinoma, hypogonadism, sarcoidosis of the hypothalamus region, diabetes mellitus.

    5. Vascular: venous drainage in cavernous bodies, disruption of the arterial system of the male penis due to smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia. Also here include penile angiospasm and serious disorders in the vascular system.

    6. Traumatic: trauma and fractures of the soft tissue of the penis, as well as post-traumatic occlusions of all small pelvic arteries.

    7. Other endocrine disorders: hyperprolactinaemia, hypogandrophic hypogonadism, and hypergonadropic hypogonadism.

    8. Drugs: tranquilizers and antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs and psychotropic substances.

    Symptoms of impotence

    You can notice the first symptoms of such an unpleasant disease at the age of 18-50 years, as a rule, at this age 30% of men observe these or other symptoms. Of course, the main symptom of the disease is a weakening of the erection or its absence. Also worth paying attention to adequate and inadequate manifestations of erection, for example, if an erection is absent in the morning or at night - this can serve as a sign of impotence. If a person does not have an adequate erection that appears directly when excited, but in the morning he wakes up with an erection, the problem is related to psychological overload or illness. The organic form of impotence is established in the event that a person does not have any erection at all.

      Onions - helps strengthen the reproductive system, so it is advisable to eat it fresh without heat treatment. But you can grind a few bulbs and pour 500 milliliters of water, and then use half the glass three times a day. You can not drink infusion in the presence of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    1. Green coriander and parsley - use a tablespoon every day. You can mix them in equal proportions in fresh or dried form, preferably with food.

    2. Walnut - take the kernels of the walnut and chop, add the buckwheat honey in the required amount. Eat 10 grams of the mixture three times a day after 20 minutes after eating, you can drink it with warm milk. Treated in this way can be 30 days.

    3. Lady-bed - used as a decoction, drink it an hour before sexual intercourse to enhance excitement.

    4. Chinese Schisandra - used for cooking hot infusions. Add the dried fruits in a glass of hot water and insist half an hour, then you can drink 3 tablespoons a day to strengthen the body.

    5. Motherwort - pour 400 milliliters of boiling water into a small saucepan and put 10 grams of motherwort there. Leave to soak for the night, then use 150 milliliters three times daily before meals.

    6. Eleutherococcus - the roots are taken in the amount of 200 grams and are crushed, after which they are poured with a liter of vodka. Shake the mixture and insist one month. Use 2 milliliters three times a day to strengthen the body.

    7. Aralia Manchurian - buy alcohol at the pharmacy 70 degrees and fill the tincture based on the ratio of 1 to 5, then use it in the amount of 10-15 drops twice a day to tone up the body and improve the potency.

    8. High lure - prepared on the same principle, you need to fill it with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 5, and then use 30 drops per day. Take the divide into 3-4 parts, since the remedy works strongly on the psyche.

    9. Radiola rosea( extract of the golden root) - you need to use during the day 15 drops of extract for half an hour before meals. The biological activity of the extract does not allow increasing the dosage, otherwise the person will deteriorate mood down to severe depression, there will be pain in the heart and insomnia. To be treated it is necessary two weeks, it is desirable to coordinate treatment with the doctor.

    10. Flowering plants( pollen) - ideally enhances sexual activity, so many drink it for general improvement in mood and activity. It is necessary to collect pollen in the spring. Do not overdo with the dosage, drink 2 grams for 14 days and dilute with water.

    11. Royal jelly - produces its queen bee, so the concentration is extremely high. Drink two grams three times a day to improve your erection.

    12. Cones of hops - brew 20 grams of cones with 200 milliliters of boiling water, after which they boil for several minutes on low heat. Then cool and strain the broth and use 100 milliliters twice a day before eating. Duration of treatment is one week.

    13. Small periwinkle - take 20 grams of the plant and dry, then cook over low heat in 200 milliliters of alcohol or vodka. Use in the morning and before going to sleep 8 drops, the course of treatment 5 days. Then take a break for a couple of weeks and again go through a course of treatment. Thanks to the vincer the sexual desire intensifies, but the overdose is extremely dangerous, since the plant contains a small amount of poison. In addition, reception is not recommended for people suffering from increased blood pressure.

    14. Dubrovnik - affects the nervous system and intensifies the excitement. It can be collected during flowering, it is advisable immediately to dry it in the sun. You need to take 20 grams of herbs and add 250 milliliters of boiling water, and then insist one hour. Use 2 tablespoons with food three times a day.

    15. Yellow egg - poured in the amount of 5 tablespoons of liters of boiling water, and then boiled over low heat. You can drink a decoction with a weakening of interest in sex and erection, as well as the softness of the penis during sexual intercourse. Do not increase the dosage, as you will get the opposite effect.

    16. Holly maple - take 20 grams of leaves and dry, then add a glass of boiling water and wait half an hour. Use it after it has cooled down in the amount of 2 tablespoons several times a day. With it, you can strengthen your sexual desire.

    17. Carrots - fresh carrot juice helps a lot, but it is desirable to mix it with honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. Eat five times a day for one tablespoon.

    18. Seed parsnip - helps with sexual dysfunction, so you need 4 crushed parsnip roots and 60 grams of sugar. It must be grinded, and then mixed with 300 milliliters of boiling water and put on fire for 20 minutes. After that, insist it for ten hours and use 20 milliliters five times a day for half an hour before meals.

    19. Garlic - eat it fresh in the amount of three slices per day. You can prepare tincture, for this you need 5 grams of chopped lobules and half a liter of water. Insist garlic in water for an hour and a half, and then drink half a glass several times a day. Because of it, the secretion of the sex glands and sexual activity improve. The drug is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys.

    The weakening of erection is also a symptom, but few people pay attention to it. For example, the frequency of erections may decrease or its intensity. In addition, often there is a softness of the penis, which makes it difficult for the sexual act. This indicates that a man has a neurogenic, vascular, hormonal or organic disease. Very rarely there is a psychological form of impotence, when a person is afraid of the most sexual act or is not confident in his abilities.

    Also lack of stability in the erection indicates the presence of problems. A man may have problems with the duration of sexual intercourse, when he ends a few seconds after the start or in a minute. This also suggests that impotence is to some extent, or will appear in the near future. In most cases, this appears due to problems in the operation of the vessels of the penis. If impotence is psychogenic - premature ejaculation is absent.

    Although the organic causes of this disease are very common, doctors say that in 9 cases out of 10 the problem is related to the psychological state of a man. As a rule, this is a fear of sex or a fear of being rejected by a partner. In any case, if you notice any of these symptoms, you need to undergo a urologic examination and a comprehensive examination to begin treatment as early as possible.

    Treatment of impotence with folk remedies

    It is not recommended to treat impotence only by folk methods, as it is necessary to observe the doctor and take medication. But you can consult a doctor about natural remedies, and if he approves your decision, then use the following recipes.

    Drugs for the treatment of impotence

    Absolutely all modern drugs have a strong effect on cavernous tissue, namely, on its smooth muscles. Thanks to this, a relaxing effect and expansion of cave bodies in the penis is achieved, which contributes to increased blood flow and blood supply. After that, the pressure in the penis increases, which provokes the appearance of a natural erection. Initially, the most popular tool with this action was Viagra, but then improved preparations appeared: Levitra and Cialis.

    Viagra is a very popular remedy that improves blood circulation. The tablet is consumed 50 minutes before sex, so that the drug has an effect on the body and caused an erection. But because of the strong influence of this drug is very harmful and has side effects, for example, there may be severe depression, indigestion and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of eyesight and much more. Taking Viagra on a background with other medicines is strictly forbidden, besides you should not drink alcohol and fatty foods, as the drug will lose its effectiveness. Also, do not overdose with the drug, as the erection will last more than three hours and this will negatively affect the body. It can also affect the tissues of the penis, and because of this develops impotence. Never drink Viagra in order to simply prolong the sexual intercourse for several hours, if you have already run out of energy, since this drug can be prescribed only by a doctor in the event that you can not do without it.

    Cialis - has become widespread in recent years, as its action is similar to Viagra, but it works much better. Cialis is drinking ten minutes before sex and its effect lasts much longer. The drug is able to positively influence the potency within two days, besides its effect is possible only with excitement and desire to have sex, so you do not have to wait until the erection is finally over. Side effects are few, but you need to take it with caution, as with many diseases it is contraindicated. It is also not recommended to take other drugs with Cialis.

    Levitra - has a strong effect and treats sexual dysfunction. The quality of the effect is 20% higher than that of Viagra, and the drug does not yield to Cialis in terms of the speed of the effect. You can not use remedies for cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. Alcohol intake with Levitra is not recommended, because there will be a rash on the skin and itching, as well as visual impairment, runny nose and indigestion.

    Prevention of impotence

    • Regularly measure blood pressure and consult a physician if abnormalities occur. You need to check at least twice a year.

    • If you suffer from diabetes, then constantly monitor your blood glucose.

    • Measure the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

    • Normalize body weight, since obesity leads to impotence.

    • Do sports to get rid of hypodynamia.

    • Do not drink alcohol or smoke in any way. Daily cigarette smoking has a very negative effect on sexual function and can lead to impotence even at the age of 20 years.

    • At the first symptoms, check with a doctor.

    Be Healthy, dear our readers!